Tired is an understatement.I'm exhausted. Reached office 8am, left office 8.30pm. Kepala ada rasa ting tong. My sister and me kena food poisoning..hantu sungguh itu kerang! Pukul 3am dah start visits to the loo. Lepas mandi nak pegi keje, aku bleh baring atas katil balik trying to think whether I should take MC or just go to work..
Agak2 apa pilihan aku? Pandai pun...aku tetap pegi keje. Degil kan? Sbb kerja bertimbun2.. but not before I pack the pills and dehydration salt to the office. Adik aku half day MC, by noon dia dah tak tahan and terus balik. I felt better after I took the dehydration salt.Banyak plak energy sampai ke 8.30pm...? Kejar masa.
Yesterday the SPM result was out. Our cousin Fiqah, obtained 9As 1B. Science stream plak tu! Congrats dear!
After the kopitiam session, Mama,Tiyah and me headed to Abang's house. I miss the boys so much. Akiff adalah sangat debab sekarang ni, leher pun tak nampak :P
Ini lah jadinya bila Adam dapat camera. Memang snap ke lautttt je la.
The photographer
A weekend to look forward to. Attending our friend's wedding on Saturday. The last guy in our circle of friends to get married. Sure ramai bebudak lama datang.
I had to work on Sunday in K*CC again for the exhibition. Major torture to the back and legs.
And to make it worst, I've signed up for the office's bowling tournament on Monday. What was I thinking kan? Dah la lama tak pegang bola bowling. Mati la akak!
wahai amy, apsal la ko ni rajin sgt dtg keje? apa motivation factor nko? sakit2 pun gi jugak.. aku ni tak sakit pun cari jugak alasan sakit sbb malas nak pi keje..
Amy dear,
Kawan aku pun kawen this Saturday.. jumpa masa kenduri eh ihihihihihihihihih
Ya wakil UM for bowling beb.
Apa lagik, buat la kerahan tenaga haha.
Congrats to your cousin!
no one in our family SPM this year. wen i read in the paper at all these kids... scoring subject berbelas-belas... wow! but no one in my family has ever got like 20As or sumfink like dat.
congrats to ur cousin! :)
it's amazing how rajin + committed u are to work. but take care of ur health first ok.
Konot - Tah la Konot. I think I'm too obsessed to get the work done. Rimas padahal lagi banyak aku cuba siapkan,makin bertambah plak keje.. Aku belum MC lagi tau this year nih!
Ayen - Hehhehe..kawan awak kawan kita jugak..see ya beb. Hopefully bertembung la dgn ko nanti
Zets - La ye ke? Kalau aku tahu aku ajak dia...ingat kan dia tak minat. Nanti aku tanya Monday kut2 dia nak join
Inn - She's the only one among the cousins..the only child plak tu.I pray that she will perform well in her tertiary level plak..Yeah, I know. Health comes first.. Remind me when I'm overboard ok?:P
Hi Amy, I hope you feel better now. Health comes first, ok... if anything happens to you, your employer senang jek nak cari pengganti, but your family... take care, dear...
btw, the accompanying pic, is it a cake or a slice of garlic bread? curious nih heheh
Myheartbleeds -Yeah, that's what friends told me...concerned friends :)..hik hik tu a slice of a garlic bread kat old town white coffee..at first I makan sorang, pastu teringat nak ambik gambar..then my mom and aunty plak teringin terus order lagi. Sedap gak!
Wah... pandai nyer your kezen... Congrats to her.
Wah!//say syabas to her...9As!
Takper nanti caril bowling ball size 5..sure bole baling punyer hehe
DD - Thanks..tapi the real challenge will be bila dia masuk college nanti kan?
Kak Nomee - Thanks. Eh mana bleh ambik bola ringan kalau badan berat cam Amy ni, nanti bola tu melantun dan tersasar..kaki sakit ni lepas full day exhibition..jgn crammed sudah besok time bowling :)
makcik! updet! updet!!! jgn jadi seperti saya ya (hahahahah!)
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