Oh, talking about wedding. Ayah's cousin from Perlis arrived yesterday evening to attend our relative's wedding today. Mama cooked a fiesta for dinner last night. Tiring but it was nice to have the house full of people. Intan, Adam and Akif were here too last night. Adam makin lasak and sometimes testing my patience to the limit. He wants to do everything on his own now. Nak basuh tangan sendiri, nak buka lampu sendiri. Hubby lagi penyabar dari aku (no surprises here), attending to what Adam wants, playing Fe.eding Frenzy on my laptop. Sikit2 cakap "Pak Ngah, nak main ikan"..he spoilt my 'shift' button on the laptop..urghh. At the kitchen last night, while I was washing the dishes in the wet kitchen, he was climbing the sink in the dry kitchen with a stool, wanting to wash his hands. I asked him "Sayang Angah tak?". He called me Angah while for Zul, he called him Pak Ngah. You know what he replied?
"Adam sayang Pak Ngah"
Waduh kecewa aku. Aku tahu la aku garang ehehhehe. At the wedding today, he was practically running in and out of the house. I was worried that he got lost and screamed a few times to ask him to stay put. Budak lelaki kan? Mana reti nak dok diam. Tengah duduk ramai2 tu, dia nak makan for the second time la. So, I took him out, lepas letak nasi atas meja, dia kata nak makan kat dalam la. Wahhhh, nasib baik Pak Ngah ada kat luar melayan dan pujuk suruh habiskan makan. Soon after, it was raining and we wanted to go home. B went out to take the umbrella for Intan and Akif, while Adam was playing with the sliding door. I told him to get in coz it was raining and he was screaming "Adam tak nak kawan Angah, Adam nak Pak Ngahhhhhhhh!!!". Wahlauwei, aku pun cakap "Angah pun tak nak kawan dgn Adam" to which he sulked. Adoihhh..tensi. Dgn budak2 pun aku nak bergaduh. Akif last night moody sket, gigi dah nak kuar. Melekap je kat mak dia. Today, he's much better sbb tido cukup and tak kisah pun saper dukung dia. I took this picture of B and Akif. Tengok la peha Akif yg montok tu.

wah...main cakar harimau ke?
Zetty - Kok main cakar harimau di pipi Buukkk?? :)
Uiks..aku letak nama tak kuar pesal ah? Hehhehe
Iskk... it cld be your hubby... tell him to take it ez ;-p
Itu Akiff sungguh bulat dan comel! Rayyan terlampau lasak (sampai jatuh katil ok?) so now makin kurus. Ponat den.
A.Teh - Hehhee kalau A.Teh cakap depan dia sure merah muka dia.. mmg Akif tu bulat. Dia dah pandai merangkak tapi asyik gostan je, tak pegi2 ke depan. Intan citer sekali dah gostan masuk kerusi sampai sangkut. Friday last week dah gostan sampai jatuh katil..aduih.
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