Memang bleh menang award lakonan mu ittew
Hai blog ku.. :)
So, what have I been up to? Nothing much actually, just some family events for the past 2 weekends. Started off with my cousin from Brunei, Kamil who came down to Malaysia for a 'C.ounter Strike' game. There were 2 teams from Brunei who compete with other countries. Malaysia won the first place, followed by Singapore and guess what, the Brunei team repreSpo my house that night to lepak and off we went to L.CCT at 2.30am coz his flight back to Brunei was at 6.00am. Ngantuk gila aku pegi keje pagi tu, tapi what the heck, bukan selalu dia turun KL pun.
Pic taken from Kamil's FB.
The last weekend of November was my second cousin, Luqman's wedding, side wife dia. Luqman's mother and my mother are cousins. Some pics during the wedding:
After the wedding on the wife's side, ada gak sekali aku pi tolong2 door gift dgn adik aku lepas keje. Teruk kan kitaorg ni, sibuk dgn keje sampai tak sempat nak tolong sgt. Owh, dlm sibuk2 keje tu, ada gak la sempat selit main bowling after work gak dgn office colleagues.
And weekend bebaru ni, it's the reception on Luqman's side held at the clubhouse in Bkt Mahkota. Catering was by D'Saji Felda, mmg terbaek ah lauk dia, kuih muih and teh tarik yg sgt sedap! It was a well organized wedding, everything mmg ikut flow.. nice environment kat clubhouse, ample buffet spread, cute flower girls.. sedara mara pun ikut tema - blue grey. Aku je pakai baju lama, mmg takde baju grey and nak cari and get tailored pun dah tak sempat.
Wedding pictures for both side are courtesy of my second cousin, Nabila si cantik manis. Minta permission dia sbb aku tak ambik gambar langsung. Camera dah rosk, handphone camera lak tak lawa. Hehe.
Paling happy anak2 sedara aku ni la sbb kat clubhouse tu ada playground. Ujan renyai2 pun nak gak main buai.
Si adik dah lebih besar dan berat dari si abangnya.. semangat!
motifff title my zasss baeeekkk punya? hahaha.
Hahah sbb nak say it online tapi don't want to talk about it haha. Woi kalau boring2 weekend ni call aku ajak lepak eh, aku single weekend ni hehe.
Title gempak tak hengat. Pueh aku scroll up and down carik pe benderrla si AMy nak citer nih.. Tak reti la nak read between the lines..heheh
Che Na - Takdelah, takde tulis in between lines pun. Cuma gambar tu ada la kena mengena dgn event yg lead to the title haha.
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