Sunday, January 09, 2011

Ok tak template baru?

Ok tak template baru ni? Saja boring, tukar2 sket..banyak gambar yg lawa2 dlm template blogspot ni, am spoiled for choices. Buat masa ni, I'll stick to this one dulu.

Yesterday was Ayah's 65th birthday. Aku doakan moga Ayah panjang umur dan murah rezeki selalu, dan juga diberikan kesihatan yg berpanjangan. Amin. Sempena birthday Ayah, my bro, sis and me sepakat nak bawa Ayah and Mama makan kat one of Ayah's favorite restaurant in TTDI, Pen.ang Village. I would normally order their Special Fried Rice tapi sbb pagi tu dah makan nasi lemak, order la meehoon curry. Tapi tah naper, lepas 2-3 suap aku jadik muak. So tak abisla makan, aku tukar dgn makanan anak sedara aku, finish up his nasi goreng and he finish up my meehoon curry. Memacam aksi anak buah aku. Akif dah start masuk kindy, first 2 days nanges sbb nak ikut abang dia gi school lain. Lepas tu ok dah.
Lepas lunch, rushed back home. Sediakan barang2 nak pegi rumah Zetty as she's hosting Fina's baby shower yesterday night. By the time I arrived, Teemah n Ya were decorating the house with pink balloons and Zetty tengah memasak. I brought caramel, fruit cocktail puddings and rice. Had a fun night, perut pun sgt kenyang. Ada gak ambik gambar using my phone tapi my lappie macam tak respond je bila cucuk cable nak transfer picture..I think my cable ni yg problem *sigh*. So ada gambar ni je la, cilok dari phone Tiyah. More pictures should be in FB la kut bila Ya/Zetty upload.

Comel kan? Cho bawak cupcakes

Was feeling unwell (tapi tetap berselera!) plus migraine towards the late night and before tido makan Actifast. Bangun pagi ni, my head was still thumping and I dragged myself to the clinic. Got myself super power Caffox and muscle relaxant pills yg supposenya akan mengantuk but I'm typing this after 2 hours and masih tak berapa mengantuk. But no more thumping la, which sgt melegakan, dahi pun dah berkoyok dan rasa sejukkk je.

But not only I got pills for my migraine, I got myself a referral letter for my tonsil sbb asyik sakit tekak and when the doc checked, he bebel2 and advised it's about time I get it removed, for my own health and wellbeing. Been avoiding/ignoring this for the past few years. Mmg normally bila aku demam/sakit tekak, and doc check my throat, sure akan advise to get it removed. Mana2 clinic pun. If you have read my blog long enough, aku pernah mention yg aku teringin nak rasa duduk hospital, kan. Ni kalau confirm kena get it removed, ada chance la dok sepital (bleh main2 lagi eh aku ni). Update status kat FB tadi, to get an idea from people yg dah pernah buat this minor surgery..most of them said it's painful after OP, but after that rasa lega dan sihat. But MC is for 1-2 weeks, guess I had to start planning and discussing with my boss. If it has to be done, then it has to be done la kan? I might as well do it this time dari time lain yg mungkin akan lebih busy. My health comes first before work, right? RIGHT..kena tanam dlm pemikiran ni!

I better stop here and try to get some sleep, malam nanti nak tengok AJL plak. Chiow!


aishah badaruddin said...

hi amy, template baru ni nampak lawa.. cool.. n damai jek..
pasal tonsil tu.. whatever the option that u'll choose.. semoga cepat baik ye..

Amy said...

Aishah - Tq, aku pun rasa damai jek bila bukak blog :P

Arena said...

Go get it remove.
Aku doctor kata tak severe enough to be remove but severe enough to reoccur..chesss so kena tadah je ker bila sakit tekak,demam,selsema dtg tuh..

-M-E- said...

remove ot not, make sure you take good care of yourself first okay! xoxo

Amy said...

Che Na - Referral letter ni membuatkan aku kena pi check dulu kat sepital, diaorg akan buat test dulu kut to measure the severity. if severe then remove la kut. 80% of me thinks I really want to remove it for my future well being.

ME - Thanks babe..doa2kan eh