Friday, December 22, 2006


Tak..tak, bukan creepy sbb one of my cousins have stumbled upon my blog.. walaupun aku rasa lepas ni kena control bahasa sket (sekejap jek..lepas tu sure aku blog lupa dunia balik eheheh)..

Tapi creepy sbb lately kat office aku depa dok dengar mende2 pelik.. and me being the very la penakut, I hate thinking what would happen to me tomorrow coz aku kena keje sorang2 kat office since semua org dah start bercuti..tinggal la aku yg dah takde annual leave kena kerja sbb sakan dok ambik cuti this year pegi sana sini.

And u know what i did today before I left the office? Aku isikan air siap2 dlm tumbler and put on my desk so that I don't have to go all the way to the back office to get my drinks tomorrow. And oh, I have also dragged the heavy stand fan (betul ke ayat ni) as a preparation for tomorrow coz normally Saturday kadang2 takde aircond. Kipas tu kat belakang, tempat yg ada 'bunyi2' tu. So, aku beringat untuk ambik siap2 coz tomorrow, jgn harap aku nak gi belakang tu sorang2.

Lepas ni, aku nak save all my songs in my thumb drive and play it out loud tomorrow supaya kalau ada 'bunyi' pun, tenggelam dgn bunyi lagu aku ehehhe. Mama cakap "Baca ayat Kursi banyak2" la Ma, tahu tapi I'm still scared..haiyO, umur nak masuk 30 pun takut lagik. You won't see me enjoying horror movie..erk tak pernah tengok pun.. zaman2 dulu punya Freddy Kruger memang la tengok tapi zaman sekarang punya horror movie mmg terrible. Kalau dia iklankan horror movie kat TV, tangan aku mmg cepat jek either switch channel or I just click the mute button and put a pillow to cover my face.

Teruk ke? Memang teruk la. No kidding. Aku dah try tengok horror movie, end up aku tak bleh tido sbb dok terbayang2 rupa hantu tu. Sama jugak if tengok gambar accident dlm email ke, tv ke siap la malam tu..memang tak lena. Hubby dulu ingat aku ni mengada lebih jek but bila dia tengok sendiri aku macam mana, dia tak usik aku dah. Pernah sekali aku sidai baju kat dapur belakang around 12am, and he suddenly just appear behind me, pergh automatik hinggap cubitan yg teramat sakit kat lengan dia..ha, baru tahu betapa terperanjatnya aku.

Dah tentu mende yg paling aku tak suka bila kawan2 dok compare pengalaman citer hantu masing2.. I will either just leave the discussion takpun tutup telinga dgn dua belah tangan. Gelak la, tapi mmg itu la kelemahan aku. My second weakness. My first weakness is of course my fear of heights. Kalau this year aku masuk Amazing Race Asia, my team will be the first team to be eliminated sbb asyik ada upacara terjun dari tempat tinggi :P. Anyway, have any of you watch Amazing Race Asia? Best gak la, what more when two of our Malaysian teams are always on top. Rasa excited nak tengok week after week.

Ok la..I'll stop now. Got to go find my thumb drive to download songs for tomorrow..the irony me! :(


neomesuff said...

Mind over matter..hehe
chat la ym dgn sesapa sambil keje... ;-) i think thts also help..

Amy said...

Heheh neomesuff..yesterday was ok, not so bad coz ada some construction workers there,so they sort of keep me company la. Kul 1pm sharp, chow! :P
But I seriously think I need to overcome this soon, umur pun nak masuk 30 dah!

Anonymous said...

hello darling,
ni aku la sandra. sorry tak sempat nak call ko ke apa maklumlah bz berpantang.. hahha.. aku kat jb ni ha.. dok umah mak kat skudai tu yg tak de internet. sorry amy.. aku rindu kat ko ngan rosnah. gambar baby nanti aku tunjuk la.. gambor tak byk.. or maybe tak yah tunjuk nanti aku bawak jumpa ko kat ikea ok.. oh ye aku kat cybercafe.. hehheh.. gilerkan.. tu la boss mintak aku isi form apa ntah dia kata penting.. terpaksa la.. ok .. babai.. i miss u..

Amy said...

Shoot..I miss you too la Sandra.. kalau aku online tadik bleh YM dgn ko kan.. have a nice rest during this berpantang period ok..i shall call u this week..hopefully tak busy la dah end year nih.. Lambatnya nak tengok muka hakeem! Takkan nak tunggu ko balik KL beb! Suruh la Wa post kat blog dia hhihihi tak sabO nak tengok ni.