My long weekend
Tak le rasa panjang sangat pun weekend ni coz yours truly need to come to office on Saturday. Gila bosan ok dok sorang2 kat office, last2 I ended up cleaning and packing at my work area. This coming whole week pun that's what we're going to do, as per boss instruction walaupun dia akan cuti the whole of next week. Cant help it la, keje kitaorg memang melibatkan lots and lots of papers. So, every 2 months memang kena kemas. I went to a wedding reception in Kepong on Sunday. Mama punya kawan, Aunty Bibi's stepdaughter getting married. The theme color was pink, very cantikkk. Coincidentally, I was also clad in pink baju kurung and hubby in light pink shirt. He hates the shirt sbb dia rasa lelaki kalau macho tak elok pakai pink..hahahah, tapi disebabkan nak matching dgn me, so kena la pakai. I think he looks okay la in pink :P. I took pictures of us together during the wedding, and also pengantin..but how stupid, I've forgotten that my memory card is in my thumb drive. Duh! Actually still bleh load gambar from camera but kena use cable. And me being the ignorant me, cuba la cucuk to this laptop of mine, tapi cam tak berhasil jek..malas la nak layan. used to taking the memory card out, put in the thumb drive and load pictures. Anyways, Farra looked really nice in pink with hubby. I wish her all the best and moga dipanjangkan jodoh ke akhir hayat. AMIN.
After the wedding, I went to Berjaya Times Square with Tiyah to collect this voucher I got from Ezy Video, in fact the whole dept got it and we need to use this voucher before 31 December, tapi kena purchase only Sony-BMG Products. Lepas collect voucher tu, I went to the CD collection and start choosing..susahnya, CDs that I like is not from Sony-BMG, so I just gather2 kan some Sony-BMG artistes, and I pick Kelly Clarkson - The collection. Wise choice I think as she is my favorite Americal Idol. Oh, this is my first time to Berjaya Times Square (gila jakun kan?)..if not because I need to collect the vouchers only from this outlet, I wouldn't have been there even in 5 more years I think! To find a parking there is madness and it doesn't help that it's Sunday and Christmas Eve..sigh.. I still prefer One Utama though, nearer and I can get everything there.
Oh ya, this dear sister of mine insisted to show me the Cosmo's Theme Park there. Tahu apa dia nak tunjuk? The roller coaster ride... you must be kidding me. I'm not going to be involved in any roller coaster activity..remember the Langkawi Cable Car? Hell no. It amused me when she told me she had ride the roller coaster 3 times in one go and the final time, she purposely took the front seat. Nak mampuih..tak nak la aku. Just standing there watching the roller coaster passed by pun aku dah meremang bulu roma. The same feeling I got when I was in the Langkawi Cable Car. Perhaps next time.. Maff, check out the you dare to ride it with me? Hihiiiihihi..
I was standing so close to the rail, cuba tengok rail yg atas sekali tu..scary!
Crazy people caught in action ehehe
And after a long overdue procascination, I finally spring clean my room today! Dari pagi sampai petang (sempat take 1 hour nap in the afternoon..hihihi). I rearrange things, vacuum, mop sampai ke tangga, and my favorite, cleaning the washroom..lega rasa tengok berkilat. Now rasa my body aching heheh. So how was your long weekend? Hopefully everything went well..
amy! aku suka gila naik roller coster and menatang2 yg sewaktu dgnnya! kalau pi genting mmg aku lupa diri kejap aaa..hehe
Waaaa Konot..aku tak bleh ah.. Gayat tahap kronik tau. Naik cable car kat Langkawi tu pun aku rasa numb dari pinggang sampai bawah, teruk dak? Sbb tu aku tak sanggup nak naik roller coaster..tapi teringin nak bungee jump plak camno? Hihihiii
Ha.. baru sekarang ni aku dapat bagi komen kat ruang komen kau ni. Dulu tu, Ánonymous tak leh join.. he.. he.. Tapi bab roller coster tu hang memang patut try once in a life time. Trust me.
Err. sorry . yang kat atas tu aku la...
male with pink short is so in nowadays kan. i noticed more guys are wearing pink. i hope it has nothing to do with shifting their "ahem" preferences hehe.
Zetty, I do hope u meant pink shirt, not pink short huh? Tak bleh aku imagine kalau hubby aku pakai pink short pegi wedding tu dgn aku.. dia cuma rasa conscious pakai pink shirt coz dia gelap sket hihihi. Tapi aku rasa ok jek. Well, about the "ahem" preferences tu, I think his preferences are still with the opposite sex hihihii
Mummy Nomeeee *hugs, hugs* bila due ni? Sure perut dah besor ni ek? Hmm try ek? Tah la Nomee, rasa seram sejuk jek..aku pernah naik Flying Carpet kat SUnway Lagoon dulu dgn Julie & Myza, tu pun aku jerit "Nak turun!!" bleh? Hihihihi
Kalau bagi satria neo kat maff pun maff tak naik AMy..Taanaaakkkk...Takuttttttt!!!
eh ada org yg lagi teruk dari aku sebenornya ek? ko gayat teruk gak eh amy? aku ni pun gayat tapi takdelah sampai tahap kronik hihi cuma gayat rasa mcm nak terhumban kat atas tanah and otak aku terburai je heee :)
aku naik roller coaster aku ingat adalah 2 kali in my whole lifetime. laki aku pulak suka naik menda2 ni.. ish clash lah :P
yer Zied, very the clash with the other half. When we were in the Langkawi Cable Car, I was trembling and feeling numb and you know what he's doing at that time? Rilek jek berdiri dok snap pictures *sigh* tak takut langsung dia tu.
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