Warning : This is a relatively long post with pictures and cerita mak nenek (as usual)
Reminder : This is MY BLOG :P
It's been a ... TIRING week I must say..and a week that I HELPED and WILL HELP people around me.
Well, last Sunday, I received an sms from a dear ex colleague of mine, who desperately need help to pack hampers, after work...for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday night. I was a bit reluctant at first, what more with my Mak Ngah going for operation to remove the cancer cell in her breast scheduled on Tuesday. But after I called my friend and realized how badly she needed help, I gave in.
The pack is for a bank, that is going to launch a new product as well as CNY celebration and my friend is helping another friend, owner of the business. And they have to pack 1000 hampers within 3 days. Crazy..so start Monday after work, I went to the house and started helping. I reached home at 12.30am, every night, till last night! Tinggal sket lagi yg belum siap and I've told her I can't help her tonight coz I need to go to HUKM to see my Mak Ngah ..
I haven't visited her since the operation. I'm actually glad that I could help her, selain tambah skill, dapat borak2 macam dulu and catch up with each other.Walaupun penat, beyond words and my whole body aches, tapi aku puas :P
Back to Mak Ngah, Tiyah and me went to HUKM.. dah la hujan lebat hari ni..bumper to bumper jammed. Spent more than an hour sembang with Mak Ngah. She was given permission to be discharged tomorrow for her daughter, Albi's engagement and would need to be warded back on Monday. I'm sure she is worried about the preparation in her house since she's in the hospital but I've convinced her that mama, me , Tiyah and my cousins will help to ensure everything run smoothly tomorrow, insyallah. Will update about the event tomorrow.
Apa lagi ye aku buat minggu ni? Oh yesterday was the blood donation day. Yesterday was the 6th time that I ever donated blood since 2003...tu pun tergerak hati mula2 dulu sbb they came to my office..so tak yah la susah, just go to them and tadah tangan. Aku siap rasa nak pitam masa first time derma darah in 2003..sekarang tidak lagi..dah pro :P hek hek (sila tengok gambo, tak takut dah). It feels good to be able to help people. Kiranya minggu ni, minggu tolong menolong la. I always believe 'what goes around, comes around'...insyallah, hari ni diaorg perlukan pertolongan kita, besok2 aku pulak will need help.
Today, we celebrated my colleague's birthday.. cute kan cake dia?
Banyak juga favorite TV programme aku yg terpaksa 'di miss kan' minggu ni due to my hectic schedule..susah jadik TV addict ni, takpe..bleh catch up rerun kat TV or internet. Think I'll go to bed early tonight. Nak kumpul energy to help out tomorrow for the engagement.. seronok bila keluaraga semua berkumpul..I've mentioned before that I love weddings kan? I just love the whole Malay traditional process in engagements and weddings, walaupun se 'typical' mana pun..
Countdown : One more week to the concert
Besday kawan ko yg ke 32 yek?? Hehe ternampak batang lilin plak.. tuh pon kawan aku yg pin-point. :p
Mata kawan ko mmg cekap.. ha'ah yg ke 32..tua kan kawan aku tu? Aku baru masuk 29 :P..still in my 20s ahaks
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