Monday, February 12, 2007

Can u really define L.O.V.E?

This post has nothing to do with the coming Valentine's Day..thank you

Had lunch with one of my Chinese colleague kat McD..the only safest place for us. She definitely tak nak lauk melayu, pedas katanya..aku lak definitely tak nak makan kat Chinese outlet. So, there we were, eating and she started the conversation. She's the same age as me..well, she's already 30, saya masih 29 eeehe..she just ended her 4 month relationship with a guy.

She told me that she felt lonely..the only reason that she started going out with that guy is because she felt lonely and also sbb pressure from parents yg dok la, maybe parents dia risau coz dia anak sulung, and still belum kahwin. Tapi sian gak la kat dia sampai dia cakap rasa nak lari je gi mana2 masa Chinese New Year ni sbb tak tahan dgn asakan soalan yg bertubi2 dari relatives dia.."Bila nak kahwin, bila nak kahwin" To make things worst, ayah dia gatai lak ajak ex boyfriend dia ni datang house warming party before this kat rumah dia masa dia still of course la dikenalkan dekat semua relatives yg ada, and now diaorg dah break up. So, dia tension nak jawab segala soalan2 yg berkaitan masa jumpa relatives time CNY nanti.

Of course, selain dari cadangkan dia pegi holiday kat UK ke Hong Kong ke masa CNY ni, aku kasik gak all the 'berani-mati' answers to 'that question' sampai dia pun tergelak2 tapi hmmm berani ke nak cakap dgn elder relatives kan? Ngape yek semua kawan2 single aku kena hadapi semua ni? Payah...aku pun dah tak tahu camner nak console dia hit her quite hard. And having a 'pushy' parents doesn't help too. Dahla ni first serious boyfriend dia walaupun dia sudah 30, tak menjadi plak..dapat yg kaya, rupa ok and ready nak kahwin tapi katanya 'terlalu attached'..24-7 nak berkepit jek..everyday nak bagi report buat apa, makan apa...aku pun buat lawak bodo "Dia sayang sama lu maaa"...but she doesn't want that, dia nak sederhana, she wants her own space and they broke up. Worst thing is, her mother blamed her for it. Ouuch.

So, bagi aku definition of love tu berbeza2 bagi setiap orang. Ada suka yg kaya, ada yg tak kisah, ada yg nak yg handsome, ada yg tak nak handsome sgt, nanti susah nak jaga katanya.. Aku? Love is supposed to make a person happy. Kalau tak happy, why stay in the relationship? My friend tu kata when they broke up and he no longer calls, she felt lonely, rasa kehilangan sbb no more phone calls. I told her, if you just miss those calls out of loneliness, then you're not in love. But if you start to miss him, then probably she's in love.
She is so worried that she might end up being alone sampai tua. And I told her, "Please, don't ever settle down with a guy just for the sake of's not worth it. You must be in love to be able to share the happiness"..tak yah la nak peduli umur dah berapa. Jgn la nak feel pressure bcoz apa orang nak cakap..dah penat nanti orang tak cakap dah lah kan? Yours truly pun selalu je being bombarded with about the same question kan?

And the end of the lunch she asked me " How do you know your hubby is the one for you?". My answer? " I wouldn't know for sure my friend, it's all in God's hand. But I made my decision about hubby when I realized that I miss him when he's not around and I simply can't live without him. And most important, he made me happy and he made me laugh." One thing for sure I told her, bila dah break up ni, she will become stronger and hopefully meet a nicer guy. Hati ku dipatahkan 2 kali dan saya mematahkan hati org lain beberapa kali baru le jumpa Black Kampung Boy :P

Good luck to her this coming wouldn't be easy for her. Yikes!


Anonymous said...

*Buat muka sedih*
*Rasa pun sedih *

Amy, Maff mimpi Maff ikut Raff gi UK. Wakakak..

dillazag said...

I agree. You must be able to laugh together to make it work. COz marriage takes a whole lot of work... ;)

Azrul said...

apa la jiwang2 ni....
tak rock ahh...

Anonymous said...

eehhe Maff..ok a tu, dpt ikut dlm mimpi pun jadik la..Maff belikan someting utk amy dlm mimpi tu eh? Hihiihi..

Kak Dills - yup, a whole lot of work. Betul tuh!

Azrul - Biasakla, takkan nak jiwa kental sepanjang zaman beb.. ada gak jiwangnya aku ni :P

Zetty said...


u did capture the issue correctly. sakit ohhh to be in this situation.

Z.Y. said...

I know how it feels to have ppl drum these questions on u everytime there's a gathering of any sort.. and it really is annoying. but im grateful for not having pushy parents like ur fren there.. my parents are the coolest ones u can have. they never pressured me at all, maybe cos im the youngest la kot. diorg pun dah tua and dah tak larat nak layan aku yg rebellious ni heh.. sigh.. now the question has evolved and im finding it even more annoying. aarrrggghhh!!!

N a d i a said...

"how do u know your hubby is the one for you?"..haha..been asked the same thing gak...jawapan aku, sukar nak digambarkan dengan kata-kata. bila kite dah jumpe, kite just know and feel..cewahhh..;-)

Amy said...

Yer ah Nana, ada that 'click' and 'spark' kan? Payah nak explain..