Monday, March 12, 2007


Hangin tau dah type panjang2 pastu ilang..sheesh. So, aku update point form jek la. Weekend saya :

Sabtu - Pegi IKEA for lunch with Sandra and Wa together with their kids, Anne & Hariz
- Terserempak dgn Farah ngan Bang Mat. Farah kata dia baca blog aku hari2. Malunya saya (tapi tak pernah comment pun Farah?)
- Meatball was nice, Daim Cake was very delicious, Sandra and I planned to go again :)
- Terserempak dgn Camelia on my way out from IKEA
- Dinner kat hubby's brother's house,main dgn baby Aishah

Ahad - Spent time doing nothing, watching TV and lepak je since it's the only day hubby cuti

Dilemma - Hubby planning for us to move out to Klang mainly because of travelling time to his new working place. Tapi aku la plak kena travel agak jauh ke Bukit Jalil. I know Ayah wouldn't agree coz we would then spend money on rental padahal rumah sekarang ni ada 2 bilik kosong kalau we all pindah. But hubby said dia nak rasa hidup berdua plak since dah 4 tahun duduk dgn parents. Takde rumah sendiri ke, you ask? Ada, tapi tak siap2 lagik..a very long story, citer pun buat sakit hati jek. Tapi since mak ayah dah makin tua, aku cam rasa better duduk dgn diaorg, ada gak bleh tengok2 kan. Tapi kat mana tempat aku sebagai seorang isteri? Di sisi suami kan? And aku pujuk la diri aku sendiri that I can always visit my parents during weekend. Hmmm, dilemma sungguh la. But it won't happen so soon. Only after hubby dah abis bayar kereta which is somewhere June ke July. Opinions please?


Azrul said...


your husband is facing the same dilemma that i'm facing now :) aku paham perasaan dia tuh.

aku pon skang ni dok dgn mak mertua aku. sebab dia dah tua and tinggal sorang2. so wife aku pon kesian la.

tp kekadang tu rimas jugak la. bukan sebab mak mertua aku tak best. tapi sebab memang sometimes tu kita nak privacy. ekceli susah la mau explain.

so aku rasa ko patut consider hubby ko ponya request tuh.

reenazack said...

this is a very tough issue la..not easy to tackle.. i think those yg ade parents dah tua sure having this sister pun serba salah nak pindah umah baru2 ni, but i convinced her that it's ok to move but make it a point to visit as frequent as she can..biasela org tua ni sensitive tahap maksima..Good month salary we go ikea ek kak..terliur dgr pasal meatball..i'll call up n i'll see if i can drag ghaz to join us..muahhhsss..

di.di said...

meatball @ ikea ---> the best in da world!

Anonymous said...

terlalu subjective la nak kalau nak discuss pasal bende ni.

selalu nya parents akan sedih or kecik hati sekejap je. provided ko kenelah visit diorg seselalu yg mungkin.

kecik2 duduk dgn mak bapak. dah kawin apa kata duduk ngan laki kita? jugak

cpj said...

but why klang? u plak jauh fr opis but ur hubby best la plak umah dkt ngan opis. dah dok sendiri u have to prepare meals + clean hse + laundry.. u tau la.. all the things tht us women suppose to do.. so if your travelling time is longer.. u have less time at home to do those things u know.. but then i'm not married n can't really say lah kann..

eh! aku pun nak ikut gak gi melantak kat ikea nuuunnnn :p

Anonymous said...

Tima kasih korang meluangkan masa utk bagi opinion korang ..

Azrul – hmmmm ko tahu kan apa dia rasa. Tapi aku rasa mmg give in la dgn apa dia nak. Takkan aku nak derhaka kan? Tak cium bau syurga nanti

Ros – Tu la pasal, aku rasa aku ikut je kut. Dia dok ajak survey2 rumah kat sana. Takde masa lagi nak pegi ni. Jom IKEA.

Aje – Kalau aku pindah, aku kena la gi jengok selalu. Dahler aku tak pernah pisah..duduk PPP dulu pun every weekend balik. Silap2, bila tension nak exam, middle of the week pun aku balik. Tu yg mak guard Kak Bai tu asyik suspicious je dgn aku. Adik aku lak asyik kuar 24-7 biasalah tengah single kan. Aku macam takmo mak ayah aku duduk sorang2..Betul, mmg sensitip tahap maxima! Pening gak aku kadang2.IKEA? Jom-jom, I like!! Nak makan meatballs dgn Daim cake..slurPP! Please ajak si Ghaz tu..oh ya, ajak Cik Pijah ye.

Diva – Jom-jom, nanti ikut Cik Pijah ye? Heret Shell sekalik

Cik Pijah – Hmmmm kalau aku kena gak pindah, dia kena paham le beb. No masak2 during the day, weekends jek la. Even aku duduk KJ ni pun aku tak masak la Cik Pijah, weekends jek. Dia sangat memahami. Laundry pun weekends. Kalau weekdays pun, kadang2 sebelum tido masukkan dlm washing machine, besok pagi sebelum gi keje sidai baju. Dah ada anak nanti, lagi tunggang terbalik agaknya. Tapi people always say, when the time comes, kita akan pandai sendiri jek nak uruskan. Hopefully :P Jom gi melantak meatball IKEA! Tunggu Aje organize ehehehhe

di.di said...

tak nak lah kacau daun

~saya yang pemalu~

cpj said...

eleh si drama diva tu! pemalu kononnnnnn! :p

amy - u lucky la got understanding husband. u're rite. many other working mother able to make do why can't u kann?

mana si organizer aje nieeh.. owh.. kena tunggu gaji masuk dulu.. lupa.. aku pun tgh kira sen-sen nieh

di.di said...

sadap u, cikPijah....

FBI said...

hehe.... aku segan la nak komen2.. heheheh... anyhow, nice to see u again after all these years!! Daim cake mmg sedap! mak aku siap beli 2 kotak lagi, from their specialty shop; can't get enough!!

Amy said...

Ishh si diva ngan cik pijah ni, cubit pipi tu karang! Kalau diva segan sangat, ko tapaukan jek la untuk dia raff.

Farah - Ler, nak segan mendenya. Bukan tak kenal. Nice to see u too. Ko maintain cun jek dari dulu ek. Mmg sedap kan Daim cake tu..ish aku nak pegi lagik la, can't wait!

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

amy, i say u may wanna try hidup sendiri dgn hubby. mmg tough decision to make, but mana2 pun sacrifices has to be done, and mana2 pun ada hati yg terluka / sensitif. but time will heal. mula2 jer sedih kot.. adjusting period. give it time, everybody will be okay.

Anonymous said...

Konot - Thanks for the advise. Mmg tengah consider ni. Aduih, dedua belah hati kena jaga, kan? Semalam mama aku tanya lagi sekali jadi ke pindah? Uwaaaaaaa..adOi.

Anonymous said...


I think ok kot you pindah.For all you know your mom and dad will understand.Maybe terasa sikit la, but I have the feeling that they'll understand. After all they have been understanding and supportive towards you all these while kan?

Memandangkan kekerapan you balik KJ tiap2 minggu masa kat PPP dulu( no fail! Maff selalu jengok kot beranda bilik 413/7 tu, pastu nampak Beemer your dad.Sabtu pagi! Sharp je!Kalau tak pun Jumaat pas abis class.Jeles gua!=])I rasa you parents pun ok tu nanti.
Weii..apehal plak panjang sangat gua bagi advise nih!

Bottom line, kalau Maff jadik you, Maff ikut hubby.Ok la Klang. Bukan JB ke, Sarawak ke. Tp tak tau la.

Ikut cakap husband, mak ayah pun tumpang dapat pahala tau (anak yg soleh!Hehe..)Kan ada cerita masa zaman Nabi Muhammad tuh?

Ok bye

Anonymous said...

Pompuan dah kawen kena lebehkan suami. Your famili sure faham maa :)


Amy said...

Maff - Senyum lebar amy baca..kekeke pecah rahsia gua anak manja, tetiap minggu balik! U saw my dad's car ek? Tu la! Tak masuk di akal la kalau rumah 20 minit jek dari college takmo balik (alasan!). Maff, I really miss those times la, really! Tu la, lately dah rasa ok, bleh kut pindah. Few months time la kut, not now.

Mel - Yup, I hear ya! Lagik jauh la kita nak jumpa2 kan? *hugs*

Arena said...


Babe, me and ed got a house, and ask our parents to live with us for 2 years. After that they moved, and then asked us to move in with them. Masa tu Ed dah cam berat hati nak dok sama dah. No matter how bad i felt or how serba salah, aku choose untuk ikut kemahuan Ed. Yelah taat aku of course 1st Allah, 2nd Ed, then only my parents kan. But tenang2 jek.. depan your parents show them that you sedih dan reluctant nak pergi but explain that your husband just need some space jek or whatver reason you can give them..cuma jangan cam excited nak blah, kang kecik hati lak kan..

To ur husband just show u support his decision. He will appreciate your sacrifice all themore..He'll be happier at his own place, and when our husbands happy kita pon happy kan..

Amy said...

Betul tu Arena..aku tahu hubby aku mmg takde apa against my parents, cuma dia nak rasa duduk berdua dgn aku. Maybe aku sedih sbb 1) aku mmg manja and spoilt by my parents, spoilt in a good way la and maybe sbb aku 3 beradik jek, rasa lagi close la among us :) 2) parents aku dah tua, aku macam rasa nak jaga/be there utk diaorg kat rumah ni. Cakap pasal ni pun mata aku dah bergenang :( but as you said, bila dah kahwin ni, priority is hubby kan? I'm sure my mama also feels the same thing.