Thursday, March 08, 2007

Mama ngan Ayah..

Aku suka duduk kat rumah ni dari duduk kat office..

Kat rumah, semua sayang Adik..kat office, ada yg sayang (ye ke?), ada yg pura2 suka, ada yg tak suka..ada yg tikam belakang...kat rumah, takde.

Kat rumah, aku senyum..gumbira.. dahi tak berkerut :P

Tapi duit punya pasal, pegi gak la keje..hmppphh.

Balik keje, tengok Ayah lepak depan TV.. channel apa lagik, channel 15 la, dok tengok rerun AF. Ayah tak pernah jemu langsung. Masuk waktu je, Ayah mesti pegi masjid yg sejengkal dari rumah, kadang2 Mama pun pegi sama. Balik dari masjid, kalau tak channel 15, channel berita or movie. Kadang2 lawak AF macam dah basi kan, sbb dok ulang tayang, tapi Ayah tetap gelak, tak jemu2 dia tengok. Aku senyum dari dapur dgn Tiyah bila dengar Ayah gelak.. biar lah kan, rerun ke apa, asalkan Ayah happy, dah lebih dari cukup untuk aku.

Hari tu aku announce kat rumah "Sapa nak pakai tepon ni? Orang dapat message kata handphone di bawah penggunaan. Kena habiskan". Mama la org paling happy sbb dapat guna phone 'free'. Tadi Mama tanya "Adik, bleh guna berapa lama?" Guna jek laaaaaaaaaaa Ma baper lama pun. So, Mama start call kawan2 yg dia rindukan kat Perlis tu..after half an hour, she returned my handphone, her face beaming with joy. Seronok la tu dapat borak lama2 call Utara. Bior le aku kena bayar phone bill pun, if it makes Mama's's more than I can ask for.

Morale of the story? Takde mende pun..cuma aku happy bila family dan hubby aku happy. I'm in the mood for dancing..*mode nyanyi on* ..a couple more days Amy.. a couple more days.

Well, while I was in a very good mood, I received some not so good news from my dear friends today. Thru email and tonight thru phone which made me cry *sobs*. I could not imagine if it happens to me, well one of it bleh la imagine as I've gone thru broken hearts before and I know it's not gonna be easy. Time will heal the pain, my dear friend. Easier said than done, but it will. I promised.

B punya update - he likes the new workplace but he said it's a lot more work than his previous workplace. Sian tengok muka dia yg penat, dah la drive jauh. Kalau dulu, jgn harap la nak tido awal..sekarang before midnite dia dah pengsan. :D Poor baby.

Oh ya, got some pictures of Adam. We (Mama,Tiyah and me) went and visit him last night sebab aku dah R.I.N.D.U sangat dgn dia. Tiyah just got a haircut and thus, the very busy busy snapping her own picture. Adam dah kurus la, tak chubby sangat dah, maybe sebab dia lasak kut, being a boy la kan. Dia ni pantang nampak purse aku, mmg habis dikeluarkan. Oh Adam, Adam....Angah love you so much!

A video of Adam being overly excited holding my money..


Anonymous said...

hi dear fren, aku pon ada berita baik nih ;)...but blum confirm ngan doc. I'm suspected pregnant for 6 weeks (baru check sendiri jer...) aku pon doakan semoga kau pon berjaya ok ;D

Freak and Geek said...

cute kids there.
btw, i did the tag somewhere last year. will post it up again juz for u.

have a lovely weekend!

Amy said...

Hiemash - Good for you! Ehheh aku happy mende lain ah, belum pregnant lagik. Am happy for you :)

F n g - Really? Kalau dah pernah buat then takpe la. Saja je tag u for fun. U have a nice weekend too sweetie.

di.di said...

tak sabar nak tunggu may.. dapat baby boy baru... :P

**bila kakak aku nak dapat anak pompuan pulak.. tension lah ni**

Anonymous said...

Nanti dapat nephew yek Diva? Ur kakak so cantik like you. Nanti dapat niece la plak lepas ni..sure ko akan gila nak beli mende2 pink utk niece :P