Before aku sambung Part 2, aku nak whine sket pasal sakit aku ni. Yesterday, I thought it was the normal period pain. But then terasa weird sbb aku rasa nak berguling2 jek sbb sakit nak mampos. By the time B balik keje, dia dah tak tentu arah sbb aku dah nangis2 sambil tekan perut. Dia pun heran sbb selalu aku period pain takde la teruk sgt. He insisted to bring me to the clinic, tapi me being the stubborn me takmo pegi..and I ate another 2 painkiller and went to sleep without taking dinner, tapi bangun balik when Tiyah brought back some fish and chips for me.
This morning still sakit, nak bangun dari katil pun sakit coz when u're getting off from bed, u'll use your stomach muscle to push urself kan? Damn painful. When I drove, and kena naik bumper, terhentak je sakit. Kat office, buat gak la keje tapi mmg takde mood langsung..nak bangun dari kerusi pun kena tekan tangan kat meja sbb sakit sangat..yeah, that bad. So, after much persuasion thru phone calls and sms from hubby, I went to the clinic (after work of course..isk, degil!). I told the doctor that I have consumed 6 painkiller pills for the past one day. Dia suruh baring and start picit perut. Pergh, sakit ok? Paling sakit masa dia pegang antara perut dgn ulu hati..whooaa, I screamed in pain. Dia terus cakap "It's gastric my dear" ..huh? Org gemuk bleh kena gastric ke?
I never skipped my meals maaa..even Tiyah was laughing when I told her..she said "Tak pernah aku tengok ko tak makan.." Siot! Setakat 'ter' skip sbb busy time lunch tu ada la, tapi very rare la...but the doctor kata "There' always a first time", kena jaga makan lepas ni, tak bleh lambat ..and she asked me to avoid hot and spicy food for 5 days..aiyark, gua dah la suka pedas...and no Milk, takpe...saya tak suka susu. Or is it kalau minum teh tarik or milo considered minuman bersusu..? And according to the doctor, I made the pain worst sbb I consumed too much painkiller in a short period of time.Please share your experience kalau pernah kena gastric.. my family member tak pernah lagi ada yg gastric, so I don't really know what to avoid or things to do to make it better. I asked doctor for a jab just now sbb tak tertanggung dah sakit perut ni. month ago kena jab sbb tebuan gigit (still gatal sampai sekarang!), ni kena jab sbb gastric plak..oh man..takpe, segala penyakit yg datang tu penghapus dosa kecil kan? Kena sabor ni..:D
Intro pun dah 3 paragraph! Okeh, sambung citer weekend. Mak Lang punya second son, Aliff , my cousin la, nak belanja we all makan sempena birthday Mak Lang..mamat ni Oil n Gas Engineer and selalu ada kat offshore, so susah nak jumpa dia..memang rasa best la bila dapat gather balik semua.. his elder brother Hafiz is away working in Kerteh, only his youngest bro, Azhan (whom we called Ajhan sbb geram dgn dia yg comey :D) yg ada..tu pun dia belajar kat melaka and just came back for the weekend to celebrate his mom's birthday. My brother and hubby pun tak dpt dtg coz working. So does Ayah who wants to attend ceramah kat surau. Kitaorg makan kat P.izza Hut, Alamanda. It was packed and we could not sit all 13 of us together. So, kena duduk asing2..kenyang gila sbb macam2 Aliff order. Paling best masa semua dah habis makan, Aliff order a birthday pizza for Mak Lang. It was actually just a pizza bread spread with sugar and chocolate syrup, and ada ice cream kat tengah..sedap gak..Sila tengok gambar kat bawah, happynyer Mak Lang!
Lepas makan and ambik gambar, we all decided to lepak kat taman kat luar Alamanda tu, ada kolam i think, tak nampak la gelap sangat. On the way gi situ, si Adam teringin nak naik kuda pusing, so dukung dia letak atas kuda and lepas masukkan syiling, dia nangis, bleh? Haiyo, Adam..Adamm.
After that, we all pusing2 Putrajaya bleh? Macam ala-ala tourist gitu..aku dah le tak pernah gak nak pegi jalan2 dlm Putrajaya ni, menarek gak. Aku mmg ala-ala tourist la sbb my car plate starts with 'R' - orang perlis maaa jalan2 kat Putrajaya :D ahaks. 4 kereta la konvoi semua. And we all singgah kat satu Jambatan ni..nama apa tah..took some pictures here too. My favorite picture is Mama with her siblings - in order plak tu..from left Mama as the eldest, then Mak Ngah, then Mak Lang, then Pak Teh..youngest was arwah Pakcik. I missed him, this picture will be perfect with him there..kena redha, Tuhan lebih sayangkan dia. Sobs..
The last picture below pun aku suka..sbb candid. And of course Pak Teh would always crack some jokes and everybody will end up laughing..a happy picture kan?
Camne leh sampai ke Alamanda...Mak Lang duk Putrajaya ke? Awat xsinggah :)
gastric? org gemuk ke kurus ke, buleh kena la beb. when u don't jaga time makan, it is a big contributing factor. aku mmg ada gastric and dah penah kena admit masuk sepital lah, kena cucuk lah, mcm2 lah. so now im very careful with my eating time. makan la apa2 pon, asalkan on time ok. dont eat anything yg tajam like nenas, limau, dan lain2 yg aku tatau lagi.
take care beb!
amy... nak tanya.. pak teh ko keja celcom ke? aku pernah meeting ngan dia rasanya... ;)
aritu masa kak lin tgk channel 76 (E!), depa tunjuk how celebs jaga badan. me being 30kilos overweight mistila nak tau, kan.
what's important is to makan sikit sikit dan kerap-kerap, like in every two hours. so that metabolic kita boleh bakar mknan dgn lebih bagus.
ini tidak, style kita (well, at least, MY style la kan) is to eat breakfast like a king and then keja keja keja keja and kadang minum air je utk lunch pastu keja keja keja keja till 6stengah ptg terus kebuloq and terus dinner like a queen (instead of lunch like a queen, dinner like a pauper).
terkejut perut and metabolic kita nak kena kerja sekali arung banyak hahahaha.
i reckon, amy dah kena mula mkn sikit sikit yet kerap kerap. kalau dak, the coming bulan posa would be the most painful for you in years!
and oh, since you been always busy, do make sure you drink enough everyday! nanti jadi mcm kak lin dolu2... kerja kuat, minum tak jaga, mkn tak jaga, akhirnya tonsils dua-dua rosak kena buang yet badan makin naik pula. hwaaak.
take care haa 'dik!!!
...ish, mcm entry la plak. haha
amy.. ko jaga makan jer la.. never ever skip meals.. tu jer.. and btw.. i still insist u go see transformers heheh
Aku pun ade penyakit gastric ni. So aku cadangkan kau selalu bawa satu jeni pill name: Alucid. Tablet warna kuning, sebesar duit siling 1 sen, 10 biji satu papan. leh beli kat mane-mane farmasi - bahagian-bahagian panadol tu. Gila bagus. Kalau tetiba kau rase sakit, ambil dua biji dan hisap (jgn telan lak). After few minutes, slowly it goes off. Hula!
ada can nak ponteng posa ni hihih.
Jue - Mak Lang aku duduk Kelate, masa dia turun sini dia lepak rumah mak Ngah aku kat Puchong..saja gi Alamanda kononnya ingat tak crowded sgt.. isk but being Saturday night kan, baru gaji plak tu, berduyun2 orang.
Zied - Aye aye boss! Thanks dear mowahs
Farah - Waduhhhhhhhhhhhhhh ni yg aku malas nih..keh keh yer ah, tepat sekali. Branch manager. Ko keje mana ah? Syhhhhhhh, jgn cakap dgn dia ko baca blog aku. Cakap ko kenal aku takpe, gua tak kisah. Keh keh. Dia la Raja Lawak dlm family kitaorg. Tak larat betul kalau dia ada.
Kak Lin - Seriously?!! Every 2 hours? Isk camner nak biasakan diri. My meal is like meehoon goreng plus telur in morning, then keje, keje (takde snack in between pun), pastu lunch depends, kalau hari yg tak pegi gym mmg avoid nasi, ratah ikan bakar ke, makan capati ke..kalau pegi gym, then i'll eat suku rice with lauk. Dinner mmg no nasi, roti serat je katanya. Aiyarkk, takmo la bulan posa terseksa, i've heard horror stories on that. I think perut terkejut tu mmg betul kut sbb dok jaga makan tetiba kat alamanda tu belasah pizza, dgn dok gelak tak ingat dunia lagi :). Minum jgn risau, amy mmg kuat minum air masak dari kecik lagik. Kat office refill berkali-kali, kat rumah pun kerap, sebelum tido pun minum.I really want to ask you about removing tonsils sbb mine pun dah bengkak but under control. If terkena sakit tekak and doctor tengok, mmg dia suruh remove. Takut!
Konot - Thanks dear. Takut dah jadik worst. Sekarang pun pedih2 lagi bila dia dtg nyerang but under control la, tak macam last Sunday mmg nangis.
Nomee - Thanks weh, point taken. Aku mmg nak pegi pharmacy la beli for spare kut2 dtg memusing2 dlm perut aku lagik..
Zetty - Weh, aku dah posa penuh 2 tawun berturut2 tau, period aku weng time posa... huhu,ingat nak buat hat-trick ni tahun 2007 (suka hati je kan?). :D
selalu selalu ler makan petai eheheh...u've been tagged for charity...
amy perhaps i'll write my experience about my removing of tonsils in my blog nanti k? kalau dak jadi another full entry lak kat sini haha
zied's rite. irregular eating time contribute to gastric. and dont take it for granted. i know a lot of ppl yg ada gastrik sikit2 but buat tak endah aje. my aunt sampai nipis tali perut and it didnt help she loves benda pedas2 and makan asam jeruk. hospitalized for 2 weeks.
cute cousin by the way ;b
hey you do take good care. Jgn dah nak skip2 meal. and yang pi bantai painkiller byk2 tu pe pasal?
*spank you*
gastric tu pasal masuk anginla, tak berkaitan dengan lemak it can attack org kurus or gemuk..sheesshhhh..
p.s. ghaz pun tak ajak aku g umah dia.. aku selamba jek masuk umah dia tgh renovate tu walaupun dia takde..kekekekeke
always have beskot kering at hand. always! :p.. if terlambat.. beskot kering sentiasa ada. tht's how i do it lah
.. and.. never take coffee on empty stomach.
kalau nak tau... cikpijahlah ratu biskut kering 2006.
Manyaknyer comment!! Senyum aku sampai ke tinger, maklum la kalau blog Cik Pi tak heran der kalau sampai 50 comment keh keh... cayang korang!
Kak Nomee - I don't like petai la. But I eat sambal petai, ok? Ha? Tagged again? Ok, will try to do it soonest possible..dah update blog ke kak? :P
Kak Lin- Amy tak kisah punya kalau Kak Lin nak buat entry dlm comment box amy nih kih kih..*hugs*
Inn - Isk, takutnya dengar sampai nipis tali perut. I love spicy food, yup hubby pun dah bising suruh reduce spicy food intake coz he knows me suffer too bila tonsil bengkak...*pejam mata* tak bleh bayangkan makan mende2 tawar tak pedas ;p. Cute cousin? Keh keh tu tak tengok yg abg sulungnya lagik, my favorite - tall, dark and handsome. Tapi muda2 lagik la Cik In..
Ween - Tu la, my weakness - painkiller. Amy jenis kalau sakit belakang ke sakit kepala ke, takmo lembik2 kan diri pi baring2 kat surau sbb nak siapkan keje. So ambik jalan mudah, makan painkiller, then sambung buat keje. It's about time I knock my head and tell myself, health is more important than work.
Aje - Akak ko ni tak pernah ada experience la beb. Now I know already :P Lain kali kalau nak attack rumah Ghaz lagi sila ajak aku. Note : Sabtu malam aku selalu free sbb laki aku OT sampai ahad pagi..:)
Cik Pi - Ha, which biskut kering yg tidak menggemukkan..sila bagi tips, biskut yg ada dlm laci aku yg aku tak makan2 are all biskut cheese la, butter la..Vito tu ok ke? Coffee? Jarang sgt nak minum..
Diva - Keh keh tengok la nama blog dia pun..:D
ala.. muda2 ke. dem. hahahahah!Glad to know u're better.
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