Monday, September 03, 2007

Bila nak gemilang nya ?

Oh iyer..mmg ini akan jadi whining post, saya tidak tahan lagi.

Saya tak pi keje hari ni, sudah diberitahu akan kemungkinannya kepada boss Jumaat hari tu. 7.30am dah terpacak kat Imm nearest to our house bersama suami terchenta, dia pun tak keje kerana urusan ini. So beratur la, hati agak happy sbb org tak ramai and I've make sure all documents needed are there.. saya punya turn dulu, kasik My.Kad, dan tunggu giliran untuk serahkan docs and payment. Hubby's turn, eh? "Cip kad encik rosak, sila pegi ke J*N utk minta surat ye, dan datang semula" Ewahh..ko ingat macam bleh jalan kaki je kan?

Tapi gua still ok lagi..thinking that nothing worst could happen. Siapkan aku punya docs, diaorg kata bleh siap in 2 hours pegi breakfast jap (he was so hungry) and speed to S.Alam's J*N. Buat report, eh kena ambik gambar lagi walaupun untuk IC sementara? Apa, database awak takde simpan ke gambar masa buat IC smart awak tu? 'Bijak' la korang ni..tunggu lagi 50 mins baru bleh selesai urusan gambo, print IC sementara pun 5 minit jek..

Dashed back to another different person wants another document, katanya kalau dah bawak IC temp jek, kena la ada surat beranak asal..walauweh.. berasap dah tinger aku. And obviously,hubby aku ni tak ambik port sgt pasal surat beranak and the fact that he was born in Kedah, so no choice but to go to P.utrajaya (takkan nak balik Kedah plak kut). I make sure to check with the Imm counter when I collected my passp**t that we can still get his ready if we can reach Imm by 3.30pm. Time was 11.30am at that time. I made a call to P.utrajaya and they said because his surat beranak is 'not updated', it can only be ready by one week's time. Gosh, bila la nak merge database ni? Sampai bila la....tak cukup IT grads ke dlm tu nak mencipta satu solution untuk rakyat? Tell me, what do you want to 'update' on your surat beranak? Was there any announcement made that I missed? And if J*N already issued IC sementara, shouldn't it be enough to prove that it is confirmed he is a Malaysian? Why Imm still need birth cert? Can't they work together and just check their database..? But that is solved, have to make some phone calls.. so dapat la surat beranak and we were thinking since we need to save time, we might just as well cross the road and walk to Imm itself since it is the centre of everything 'there' kan? Wrong!

The Cust Serv there said, cannot make passp**t there..only for Foreigners and Malaysians have to go to the state Imm offices...oh satu lagi mende yg aku tak tau..isk, isk..why call it centre when it's not a one-stop-centre? We did have chat with the Cust Serv rep about the prob faced today and he himself said it's common.. and it's always been a practice for new passp**t applicants, you must ALWAYS bring your birth certificate because there is a tendency that the application will be rejected due to the malfunction of the chips..boohooo.

Reached Imm again by 2.30pm,lega la konon sbb mengingatkan kata-kata bahawa bleh siap hari ni kalau reached before 3.30pm..sekali lagi kesabaran diuji. Less counter are opened, as opposed in the morning, and everything becoming super duper slow... cashiers are chatting with staffs, like waiting for time to pass so that they can tell us the tired customers after we have made payment that "Besok baru bleh ambik pp ye, tak sempat dah" at sharp 3.30pm.. although the operating hours is till 5.30pm.. *sarcastic mode on* buat apa nak rushing kan? Besok kan masih ada...semua org keje dgn company bapak sendiri, bleh apply cuti bila-bila nak..*sarcastic mode off*

Oh Malaysia ku...and the 'tidak apa attitude'

Kesiannya orang yg kena depend on public transport kalau kena situation macam aku, dicampak ke sana sini.. I breakdown too many times today, feeling stressful with the whole situation. If you feel that you can't get a good service in g hospitals, you can always opt for private hospitals, if you can afford it. But then in these situations, do you have the option for private J*N or private Imm huh? I'm not saying all are bad.. tapi bak kata pepatah la kan "Kerana nila setitik, rosak susu sebelanga" ..and I'm really lucky to have him as my angel by my side today, or else I don't know who I might bite today at the counter :P. Serious aku tak pernah lagi jumpa manusia sesabar dia..alhamdulillah he is mine, I surely hope forever (to keep me sane!)

For benefits of my friends yg senasib dgn aku yg tidak tahu perkembangan terkini:

1) Kalau teringin nak ada passp**t, sila la simpan surat beranak dlm pintu besi kerana cip yg anda rasa smart itu mungkin tidak akan berfungsi di waktu2 getir yg diperlukan dan surat beranak itu adalah penting untuk mereka. Walaupun anda dah berumur 40 tahun pun, dokumen yg dikeluarkan 40 tahun dulu tu masih penting.
2) Sila pastikan dokumen smart anda itu sentiasa dijaga dengan baik. Mungkin lelaki perlu membawanya di dlm handbag pada masa hadapan kerana menyimpannya di dlm wallet yg diletakkan di dalam saku punggung anda yg sentiasa anda duduk dan lenjan akan mengakibatkan cip yg sungguh delicate itu rosak
3) Call dulu untuk pastikan betul ke tidak sebelum membuat apa-apa urusan di tempat yg anda rasakan menjadi centre of everything, melainkan anda bekerja di syarikat sendiri dan boleh keluar/cuti bebila masa yg dikehendaki - then you can waste your time and energy going back and forth..
4) Managed to have lunch only at 4.30pm doesn't do any good to my emotion :D

Akhir kata, selamat berurusan..majulah customer service untuk negara ku, majulah please...


Anonymous said...

isk.. sadis la akak.. baru tau ke tensen nak buat passport ni kak? sabo jer la.. next time, akak kena strict skit ckp nak jumpa officer kat dlm tuh.. baru leh jalan...

Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

update surat beranak? aperdaaaaa... ni mmg lawak of the year btul!

Arena said...


I had similar experience dengan imigresen ni.

Pegi Putrajaya, punyalah besar, belakang tak leh buat dekat situ.So kenalah pegi dekat Subang. Subang was not bad. Boleh tahanlah. orang ramai tapi kaunter bukak. I came all prepared, with gambar, IC, and SURAT BERANAK!, hahahah.. ye aku pernah pegi buat surat beranak, masa nak apply masters dekat UKM, dia nak surat beranak gak.. Bengong la.. So aku ke JPN. dia kata se minggu siap. Last2 2 bulan tak siap2. bila aku cakap, sebab lambat sangat siap birth cert ni, aku dah miss the intake for that semester. Terus orang tu rasa serba salah and print my brth cert ON THE SPOT!!!Boleh pulak kan. Aku pon dengan nada selamba,

Lah boleh pulak print on the spot ye.

Geram sangat. Pastu masa IC hilang few months back pon sama. Dah buat tinggal nak collect yang dah siap jek, it takes me 2.5 freaking hours! Itupun sebab satu nyonya dah bising, apa ini, sudah dapat naik gaji pon, servis ini macam.

Stress, mintak maaf tapi servis kat gov agency memang masih teruk.

cpj said...

update surat branak? ada such thing eh?

ala amy.. hopefully ur business with IMM gets easier later. takyah gi counter. pakai mesin jer :p

Anonymous said...

Amy, first time buat passport ke saje gi nak renew?

plan nak gi obersee ke? *wink*

-sorry aku blur tatau ur update

Nomee said...

Kau called aku pagi tu kan? Kalau kau cakap nak gi buat passport, dah tentu aku ingatkan kau pasal surat beranak tu.

Lagi satu, Ingat tak kita tak jadi fly tu? Itu la first time aku buat passport. Aku bayar untuk 5 tahun, after few years (aku tak guna lansung pun)aku checked, aku baru sedar dia chopped for 1 year only! Can you imagine kalau aku gi US dulu. Terkandas le aku kat Airport.

Azrul said...

aku pon kena camtu gak...lagi pening sebab passport lama aku ilang....kene patah balik dari imm ke balai polis pastu ke commisioner of imm balik, pastu salah borang la plak...patah balik pg commisioner of oath....satu hari gak la aku abis :)

aku nasihatkan ko buat formal complaint je la. email kat ksn. dia mesti jawab punya lah

di.di said...

yeah yeah, nak gi jalan...
bleh ikut..? **muka tak malu**

Roti Kacang Merah said...


kalau gitu, boleh terus tukar nama la, jadi Jennifer Lo Abdullah ke.

Eiii kaklin baca entry awak ni rasa macam nak kena asthma balik... semput nak bayangkan the traveling you two had to do and the time taken!

but glad you put up this entry and kasi tips ke orang ramai!

Zetty said...

kenapa nak kena update surat beranak? ada tarikh lahir lain ke?

oh yg cip tu selalu menyakitkan hati. not-readable katanya. nak aku potong cip tu kecik2 baru boleh baca ke?

sorry makcik emo.

p/s: nak makcik calarkan keter org imm. tu?

Z.Y. said...


tak tahannnnn dgn orang gomennnn (in general ye)

memang macam *&*%&^%*(&*(

cemana nak maju??? mmg betul kata aunty tu kat komen arena - sudah dapat naik gaji pon, servis ini macam.


tolong lah.

Amy said...

Aisha - Tu lah, tak kena tak tau. Ni kali ke 3 kak amy renew, tapi selama ni Ayah uruskan..baru semalam pi buat sendiri, hambik ko. Migraine!

Konot - Speechless ok bila aku dengar dlm phone dia cakap camtu. Nak je aku cakap "Awak nak suruh update apa? Jantine ke??"

Che Na - Tu la..aku always assume Putrajaya is the centre of everything. I'm sure ramai tak tahu yg you can't go and make passport there..sheeesh. I really think both IMM and J*N should work together coz most of our crucial documents involved them. Tak masuk di akal betul la. Ni dia kata dgn laki aku bleh siap dlm masa 10 hari, tak tau la kan.. erk I went to the same IMM yesterday, pagi servis ok beb, belah petang dah ngantuk kut makan kenyang sgt, terus jadik slow jekk grrr..

Amy said...

Raff - Hopefully.. bleh ke pakai mesin later? Apakah? Mungkinkah? Mcm tak percaya jek..

Linda - Aku gi renew. Laki aku yg first time apply. Tak sangka plak la kan pasal cip rosak looks fine to me, macam mana la kita nak tahu cip tu rosak ke tak when we can;t really test it unless urusan2 seperti semalam..kena bayar rm10 tau ganti kad (walau salah siapa pun).. bayangkan kalau ada 100 org masalah yg sama, wahh kaya ekkkk?

Nomee - Tepon ko pagi2 buta tu pun dah rasa bersalah ok..malas la nak kaco lagi tanya banyak2 plak. Mmg tak sangka betul pasal cip rosak tu sbb kitaorg dah sangat prepare dgn docs semua. Le ko sampai buat passport ke dulu..aku tak buat pun. Gilos kan diaorg cincai je taruk setahun..iskk

Amy said...

Azrul - Tu la, dah kena baru tahu. Aik ko tak guna cable ke dgn position ko sekarang beb? ke masa tu belum lagi? Dah ada kemudahan guna beb, senang anak bini nanti.. tolong simpan surat beranak anak ko nanti dlm peti besi - penting tuh!! :P Formal complaint? This is one episode that I wanna forget la Azrul.. buat sakit hati jek

Zal - Bukan nak pegi jalan la.. adalah. Later la baru cakap bila dah betul2 pegi. Naxt outing to IKEA ko bleh ikut, eh MESTI ikut..

Kak Lin - Exactly.. bila amy dok sorang2 pikir tadik..macam2 nak tanya balik kat dia "Update apa? Jantina ke? tarikh lahir ke?". Semput? Amy sakit belakang terasa lagi nih, dok diri dan duduk lama sangat semalam. Tu la my main purpose is nak kawan2 tahu what to do so that they don;t have to go through what I went thru - unnecesary hassle. Nasib baik amy ada keta, ada tenaga all day. Org lain? Yg takde transport, harap ke taxi ke, bus ke..mmg kesian le. Yg kena heret anak2 kecik and having to go thru that? iskk make me sick la thinking about it.

Amy said...

Zetty - Heheh tu la, aku sampai dah sembam muka kat kerusi depan aku semalam sbb penat sgt, physically and mentally. Laki aku dok urut belakang aku suruh aku sabo..
Calar keta? Pakai kunci mcm dulu? hihiihi

Zied - Yup..sedih bila mengenangkan betapa 'advance' nya kita. Mcm serve no purpose pun ada ID yg smart itu kalau jabatan lain pun tak make sure. Craps

Anonymous said...

I feel you Amy..
I feel you!!!!

Inn said...

alamak! i lost my surat beranak already. die lor...
Nowadays kan ada handphone, pura2 la snap gambar mereka ya ala lepak2.

Dulu I was always so tolerant. Now!!! kenot tahan already. Coz i also berkerja so I know how we must give our best effort and how penat cari rezeki and how much duit kena potong for tax... and lousy service from the public sector isnt something we shud forever expect to be that way.

Aku kalau masuk MTV boling point sure tak dapat $100 tu.

Amy said...

Maff - Thanks. *hugs meh* how's everything bebeh??

Inn - You don't know how much I want to snap a video using my Sony Ericsson semalam.. kang nanti jadik kes la plak kan..since I worked in maxis dulu, I tend to be fussy when it comes to cust service coz I know it's not the right attitude and they should not get away with it. Sekarang ni face to face plak dgn students/clients, yes I do get upset when it's too overwhelmed, but I still need to put a happy face, and need to attend to them. So when I'm out there and people tak bleh serve elok2, gosh I'll be so grumpy u know. It's ok to wait if you can see a lot of people there, but when you feel that you are waiting for nothing and seeing the staffs chit chat gelak2, adoih mmg terbakar rasa.

Cosmic_GurL said...

Very important tips. Thank you very much Amy! Sungguh tak merdeka mentaliti gomen servants ni..sigh *geleng kepala*

Amy said...

Sherie - Hehehe, I just don't want my friends having to go thru the same hassle..

neomesuff said...

ayo..beb..u knw what i did after reading this - i immediately look for our birthcert..and darn! i dono where i put least i have ideas from u on how to go about it! Thanks beb! I was wondering y the toot that i dont kenal anyone frm imm or custom or jpn...they must've came frm anotha planet or i came frm anotha planet

...and ayo..kene buat speed reading nih..lama tak blogrolling

Amy said...

Kak Nomee - *hugs* akak pun lama tak update aper? sekali update, pergh panjang..amy pun tak habis lagi baca. Been busy nowadays *wink*