Let me tell ya what I've been doing the past 1 week. I took leave on Wednesday, to go for a spa treat with Zetty and Fina. It was Zetty's birthday and I had a greatttttt time. It was my 3rd time meeting Zetty but my 1st time meeting Fina. They are two crazyyYy women yg asyik buat aku gelak...the time spent in the spa adalah sangat berbaloi! I brought my camera but was too shy to snap pictures there (tu la perkara sebenarnya Zetty dan Fina oii :P). So, cilok gambar dari blog Zetty hihihihhi.
Next day, I went to Erina's akikah ceremony. Thanks Shell for inviting. I went with Inn, led by Aci Fina :). My first time meeting Alex, my future son-in-law...*berangan je ok*... handsomenya la tapi dia malu2 kucing la. Aku nak dukung dia tapi aku malu kat Mawi :). It was nice to meet their circle of friends again lepas jumpa time Shell baru bersalin weeks ago. Oh, Konot and Farah were there too..of course Balqis and Adam pun ada. Petah sungguh si Balqis, I remembered her uttering something while she ate the nasi. Something like "Makan banyak2, nanti adik 6 tahun"...and Konot told me besok tu birthday Balqis. Patut la..iskk budak ni :). Lauk pauk kat rumah Shell sangat sedap *rugi la budak berdua yg pegi Paris tu!!* Sampai sekarang terkenang2 bingka pisang dia..first time makan..sedap gila. Aku ni kan hantu pisang. Apa2 jek pisang based, suka benor. Gambar cilok lagi *ampun Shell*
Semalam pun macam longlai je pegi keje tapi kuatkan semangat sbb minggu orientasi. And I got the phone call from the company, telling me they agreed to offer the senior position as well as the salary sama dgn apa aku dpt sekarang. I was smiling ear to ear. Yeah, I know...ada setengah org akan cakap 'Apa nak kejar kalau gaji sama jek?'...aku malas nak cerita secara detail kat sini tapi percayalah, dua2 ada pros and cons nya..apa pun decision aku lepas ni, I just hope my friends are supporting me.
Family aku and Zul serahkan kat aku tapi aku tahu diaorg berharap aku terima keje ni sbb dlm banyak2 orang, yg paling tahu apa aku rasa selama ni, selama 5 tahun ni diaorg yg tahu sangat. Diaorg terlalu sayangkan aku dan tak sanggup nak tengok aku stress lagi. I broke down in the office today..too much to handle but I don't think anybody notice I was wiping my tears in front of the monitor. Sometimes it's too much and sometimes (I think most of the time) I turn into a monster and I hate myself for it.
Aku tahu korang sure gelak tapi seriously, bila dah lama attach to one company, aku jadi sedih plak. But I have to love myself first kan? Sejak graduate in 1999, aku keje macam gila sampai sekarang. And friends complaining sbb susah sangat nak jumpa. Aku tak pernah lagi dapat company yg aku bleh goyang kaki/ngular. I don't think I could ever goyang kaki sbb aku asyik dpt company yg aku akan keje sampai stress tapi aku puas hati bila keje siap, gila tak? Aku tak tahu nasib aku dlm company baru ni, but I'm ready to face the challenge. Tapi....saya belum decide. I know the decision is mine.
I had dinner with hubby kat K*opitiam tonight. Ye, sebelah je dgn tempat keje yg saya apply tu. Rendang ayam dia sedap, hubby punya curry mee pun sedap. I love the milk tea ice blended. Saya makan mengada2 malam ni sbb saya stress with work today. I just needed to let it out from my body system. Kesian B, terpaksala menadah telinga. He's been listening to my crap for the past 7 years kan B? And I so love him for that!
I love it when he helps carrying my work bag (full with paper work) from the car to our room. I love it when he off the lights and tidying up the papers after I fell asleep while doing work on bed. I love it when he bought ice cream to cheer me up when he knows I'm feeling gloomy. I love it when he cut the mangoes, and left the seed for me as he knows how much I love to 'ratah' the seed...
I love you, Zul! You made me feel like I'm the luckiest woman :)
Amboi... bestnye gi spa! I baru je jeling2 spa near my hse last weekend, in my heart saying "to go or not to go" heheh
Hey, I have the same scarf as the one you have on in this pics! :)
Pegi je spa tu-pamper urself! Ye ke? I bought the scarf kat Gi*nt Mall je. I like the polka dots design, I rasa cute je scarf tu punya prints :)
amy....i loved meeting you too...kau pun sgt fun ok....alex tu kena jumpa selalu2 la babe...baru dia cam warm up sikit....takpe takpe...nanti jumpa2 lagi eh....next time kau dukung je dia.....mawi takde halnye.....
and me too thinks u r lucky to have zul in your life....
haha.. dlm2 stress tu sempat gak jiwang2..
tahniah amy.. you deserve the new job. terima ke tidak, it's all your choice.. janji happy :)
aku jeles ko dpt kejer lain. Aku memang takla actively seeking other job pon. Aku suke kerje aku .. I can handle the pressure tapi aku nyampah sangat dgn the boss.. serius.. kalau dia ok, my work environment will be perfect. takdelah perfect tapi bestlah kan.. Iyer, aku jua kesian pada Ed dok menadah telinga mendengar rintihan aku pasal kerje nih...10 hari dia tak dengar aku membebel, masa jenjalan ahri tu, smalam dah start balik..hahahha
gud luck in deciding..aku tak blah sbb kat company aku ni 5 pm sharp boleh cabut..hehehehe..syiok wooo..
kakak, i snet sms last week u didnt reply.. u change hp no ka?
Fina - Aku rasa Alex tu kalau aku dukung sure dia tak lekat lama, tengah umur nak berlari ke sana ke mari macam si Adam tu..tapi Adam bila dtg angin nak dukung tu, merayu2 dia cakap "Nak totonggggg" :)
Aishah - Hehehhe kalau tak jiwang dan emosi bukan Amy la namanya hik hik. Tu la, I'm still deciding..surat dapat dah ni :P
Che Na - Aku pun tak la active mencari, ni pun passkan resume thru a friend...tengah pikir ni Che Na tapi rasa cam dah 70% sure dah. Doakan je la ye Che Na apa pun yg aku pilih, moga itu yg terbaik utk aku..
Aje - Tak dapat la beb sms ko! Biar betul..entah2 ko antar salah org kut dek? What's up?
Awww..great husb u got there :))
Oh yeah, sometimes it's good to tukar angin..lama2 sgt satu tempat pun not good jugak. In any case, doa byk2 supaya dpt petunjuk
amy.. good luck in making the right decision. ni masa nak gi UK pun kena pikir berzillion kali whether or not to tender / take unpaid / stay in KL. dah bercinta sgt dgn the Company and the Boss, susah sgt nak tinggal. Alhamdulillah, managed to get unpaid, and get job experience kat UK, so all is well!
ps - bila kita lak nak berjumpa yek?
the other place now match ur existing salary?! cool! At least it's not lower. beb, i totally understand how berat it can feel to leave but nanti the anticipation of starting at new place will slowly take over. all the best dear.
I hope it'll be less stressful for you and u know how stories about u and zul just melts me *sigh*
eh apsal aku tinggal komen semlm kat sini tak der pon?? huwaaaaaaa!!
well anyway nak cakap yg aku pun suka makan bijik mangga jugak! beshhh!!
Apesal Shell tak ajak aku gi akikah Erina haa... :p
Amy @
First - aku tak puas hati sebab takde gambar original from your camera. Apa sgt la yang nko segan? Ishk!
Dua - Aku rasa tak patut aku cakap camni; tapi nak cakap gak. Nko angkat jer kerja baru tuh! New job, new challenge, new environtment. Mana tau less-stress?
Tiga - Tak puas hati la aku nko tak ambik gambar Erina, Alex, Adam & Balqis. So cute like that also nko tak ambik gambar!
-Aku yang suka tengok gambar-
Banyak plak comment hari ni.Meriah :)
Sherie - Oh yes, and I need to start counting my blessings..5 tahun tu dah cukup lama kan? kan? I really need convincing words now!
Izreen - Yeah, it's a risk. Call me crazy but I kinda like my job now, but it caused me so much stress actually. And I wouldn't know how the new job will be so it's kinda scary.
p/s: Kena tunggu you balik dari UK la baru bleh jumpa. I so want to hug Inky! I wanna hug Alex tapi segan kat Mawi hehehheh
Inn - Yeap, they made another call and told me last Monday. Offering me a higher position than now too. So, I am seriously considering. Having mixed feelings now, maybe coz I feel attached to my company now..
Konot - Le tak dapat pun? Aku seriously rasa all Scorpio baby camni la - suka makan biji mangga sbb adik aku pun camtu, and Rosnah pun suka biji mangga. Zul plak bila potong mangga, dia suka tinggal isi lebih2 kat biji mangga tu so that aku puas gigit biji mangga tu hihihi
Linda - Eh itu kena tanya dia la. Aku rasa ada constraints kut, dia pun banyak mende nak uruskan sebelum balik Bangkok.
Nomee - I ni kan shy-shy cat dgn Zetty and Fina tu. Aku tengah consider la ni Nomee, aku sgt suka perkataan less-stress tu hihiii.
Yeap, to think of it, aku mmg nyesal tak ambik gambo padahal camera ada je dlm handbag *sigh*
if i ever meet that special someone someday, i want it to be the kind of love that u and zul have :)
congratulations for the new job babe!
alaaaa kau blah dari sana nanti, hilang la reliable source aku nak stalk ex aku?????
*jokin lady...just jokin...congrats...*
Alah! Baru perasan ada 2 additional comments. Lewat 3 bulan pun,aku nak gak comment balik :P
Zetty - Eeee terharunya ko ckp camtu. Aku pun doa sangat ko akan jumpa jodoh yg sayanggg sgt dgn ko *hugs*
Fina - isk Mama Alex ni :)
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