K.uantan station
My legs and back are still aching,penat jugak la and although the whole bus journey and hotel check-in were not so pleasant and caused migraine the whole Friday, it got better on Friday night itself when B arrived from KL and joined me :). Hilang terus sakit kepala.
Invigilating exams there were quite an experience. Walapun kadang2 relaxing, tapi lenguh gak bila asyik duduk je. I enjoyed the scenery and also looking at those new cadets being trained (and bullied). At least that distracted me from some annoying students hehehhe. Tapi tu la, bila most of them taking exams are men, and there were no female washroom nearby, quite scary la bila mother nature calls, esp no 2. Saturday evening, right after the exam finished, B drove me to the beach although it's already near to 7pm. Although it's only a 20 mins dip in the sea, aku puas hati dpt mandi laut..ahahha. Puas hati sampai right after dinner at my sis in law's house, I went back at 9pm and doze off as early as 10pm. Penat sangat agaknya.
Woke up Sunday morning feeling a bit fresh, and right after exam finished in the evening, I went to town and meet up with Zets who was also in K.uantan to send her sister off. Right after that, B took me to my bro in law's new shop. It was huge! Much-much bigger than his previous shop and this time it's right in the middle of town which I think is a good move. I'm also glad to see that he took consideration of my suggestion to have few showrooms like bedroom and family hall to display the furnitures ala-ala I.KEA instead of just putting all the furnitures in one boring row. He said the customers like it too. There's one 'relaxing chair' that I really like but aku rasa nak pengsan tengok harga dia ahahahh, biasalah kayu jati kan? But I'm telling you, he's selling much cheaper than K.L.
If anyone interested to buy, just buzz me. He delivers to KL I think twice a month, ada je customers dia dari KL yg order. B has been a darling throughout the weekend. He sends me off to the base every morning (which he needs to wake up by 6.30am), came back to base again at 2pm to deliver lunch and also sat down to have lunch with me, then came back at 6pm to pick me up. Both days. Syukur alhamdulillah, apa lagi yg aku nak, kan?
I bought him this today at the office. Best betul bila fa.kulti h.otel is just downstairs and the students are selling these yummy pastries. Oh ya, today after lunch, when we want to pay for our chicken rice prepared by the students, they told us Dr S had paid for it together with his lunch. Alhamdullilah, moga makin murah rezeki dia. Free lunch aku hari ni :)
Akak, sorry.. sorry.. sorry.. maafkan saya.. maafkan saya... meh kita jumpa kat pavillion, saya blanja akak makan burger besar umah nak? akak mandi laut gak? itam ak? gi TC ker cherating? heheheh..alaa.. sorry ek.. sorry...
Sha - Hehehhe it's ok..uiks burger besar rumah? Ada tingkap dak burger tu? Mandii, mesti la mandi. Takde itamnya kalau gi mandi kul 7pm.. keh keh. Nope, not TC or Cherating. Akak gi Pantai Sepat jek, dekat dgn rumah abang ipar.
kesian kau kena carik jugak mana Mydin Kuantan tu beb.
hahha, it was nice to minum petang with u in Kuantan!
Zetty - Yeah, it would be much easier if the so-called 'sekolah kat Kuantan' boy tu tahu mana Mydin. Hihihiihi..pasni kalau ada trip ke Kuantan lagi aku cakap kat ko.. bleh kita konvoi sama :)
Kat Kuantan ada satu tempat jual the best keropok lekor. Everytime my friend gi sana I kirim Rm 50-100 just for that. Or was it in Kemaman? Sorry, tak sure pulak.
Diana - Ha'ah..basically kedai2 tomyam dia malam2 pun jual keropok which is so yummy, keropok dia banyak ikan. But this time I tak beli pun keropok lekor basah, didn't have the time..aisehh.
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