Dating & fruit season
Had a nice weekend..well, on what's left of Saturday night and whole of Sunday :)
Not before an incident on Friday at work. I just so hate his guts. Blerghh!
Had to work on Saturday. I've booked tickets online for us to watch Hanc.ock (picture credit). Yeah, a bit outdated but that's one of the movies I can watch for free from my complimentary tickets that I got after redeeming my Bonu.slink points. Boy, I'm glad I booked online (TG.V now can choose seats online plak tu...yeah, I didn't jakun. I thought only Mayba.nk customers can choose seats in GS.C) coz the queue is madness, Saturday night kan? But, hands down, I think GS.C is more comfortable, and more organized. I would prefer GS.C anytime, cuma complimentary tickets ni kena tengok kat free punya pasal, bleh la tahan sket :).I think Han.cock is ok. Not my favorite Will Smith movie, but boleh la layan. Dlm kereta I was telling hubby that if only I could fly, I will go to different beaches everyday around the world after work. But eh, if I can fly, why do I want to work in the office? Silly me! :)
Oh, rewind citer sat. We didn't have dinner as I was still full after having 'lunch' only at 5pm on Saturday at work and he was not really hungry. But he himself wanted J.CO..ehehe, so I queued up and he took a candid picture of me. Bought 3 piece and shared, got another donut complimentary after he bought iced lemon tea. There were also some flower exhibitions going on in Py.ramid. While waiting to go in the cinema theathre, I took a candid of him with Kung Fu Panda :)
Sunday, both of us woke up at 11am! I told mama the night before that we didn't want breakfast coz both of us nak balas dendam tido. My parents and sis went to J.elebu that morning to visit some family friends there. Ayah's first job as PTD was an A.D.O in Jelebu, so he still have friends staying in J.elebu. I spent the afternoon doing laundry and also cook (yes, I cook only on weekends) a simple lunch in between vacuuming and mopping my room. B macam biasa jadik raja duduk tengok TV. Kasik chance la weekend :). Lunch was served, I cooked sotong masak asam with a bit of blackpepper, sayur buncis and ikan kembung goreng panas with sambal belacan and some ikan kering - menu masakan kampung just for him. Siap tambah nasi kau.. either aku masak sedap or dia sememangnya lapar :P
He went fishing at a nearby pond in the evening and parents came back from J.elebu with durians, rambutan gading and mangosteens. As usual, Ayah precut the mangosteens and leave it in the fridge to chill, just the way I like it :).
So, Amy was a happy woman over the weekend after J.CO, movie, mangosteens & time spent with Zul. Gediks kan?
Congratulations to our fellow ADP3-ian Kayun and blogger Juan for the arrival of their bundle of joy on the same day - 20072008. Cun kan the date? Oh not forgetting, Konot also gave birth on 070708... selamat berpantang ye korang? :)
With this new template, I've added a chat/shoutbox corner just for fun and also linked some new blogs that I've started to read : Wan Shana and Uncle Lee. I've also linked up a few ADP3-ian's url, Fadzi and Zureen's online business. Hey, if my friends can benefit from my readers and traffic (macam la banyak pun), then why not, kan? Sharing is caring gitu..kan?
Amy, the food so mengiurkan...
Laila - Makanan org kampung je tu :)
amboi..sronot nyer bercanda di ari minggu... bila kita nak berdating ni kak? saya utang akak burger besar umah nih.. btw,akak nye ikan kembung goreng panas mmg panas 24 jam ke, atau akak angkat dr kuali terus makan panas2? hehehehe....
Sha - Tu la bila ek? Kita tak abis2 lagik tengok GA tu..rasa bersalah kat awak...nak cepat ke? Hheheh ikan goreng tu lepas angkat, letak atas meja terus panggil abg zul turun makan. Untung kan dia? :P
takder la kak amy.. take ur time tgk GA tu.. no hurry kay..
oohh.. kalu gitu ikan goreng tu patut nyer dinamakan 'ikan goreng siap untuk dimakan oleh abg zul panas2!'....
Sabo jek ko ni Sha..takpe, janji sedap :P..okeHH kita call awak bila kita dah habis tengok. Malu dah ni sbb lama dah :)
Hi Amy, wow! I love the durians, the food...If I was around I sure invite myself as I love Malay food...especially kaku ada sambal belachan...
You have a great weekend and keep well, Lee.
Uncle Lee...thanks for dropping by. Eh takde ke your relatives yg courier durian ke sana? :)..thanks Uncle, so far my weekend is looking good.
wah. sedapnya. sunday morning and i'm hungry already. nanti if i nak kawen can take cooking lesson from u tak? hehe
Inn - I masak cincai kampung jekk la. :P
Amboi manjanyer ngan yr dad..siap yr dad tolong kupas manggis lagi...hehehe
Hi Amy,
Thanks for linking me up :)
Nak mintak resipe sotong masak asam tu buleh? Looks "very-melelehkan-air-liur"! I'm a bit conventional - dok masak sambal tumis and masak kicap aje all these while... :) Nak try something different pulak.
Have yet to watch Hancock. The kids won the vote to watch Journey to the Centre of the Earth the other day. And for next weekend, it'll probably be Batman - Dark Knight.
Cheers :)
Sherie - Dia manjakan anak dia semua camtu..rambutan pun, kopekkan letak dlm mangkuk and put in fridge..anak dia balik keje terus serbu :)
Kak Shana - I think I've posted the recipe here somewhere...tapi takpe Kak Shana punya pasal:)
1)Bahan - bawang merah, putih & halia diricik, lada hitam sket tumbuk. Bawan besar dan cili (hiasan) and air asam (3-4 ketul), gula dan garam
2) Goreng sotong sekadar masak pastu letak tepi
3) tumis bawang merah, putih, halia dan lada hitam
4) dah naik bau, masukkan sotong tu balik, pastu masukkan air asam jawa tu, tambah air sket, masukkan gula sket and let it boil. Asam jawa tu takyah banyak, cukup supaya rasa je. It's nicer when it's a bit pekat
5)masukkan bawang besar dan cili
We've been using the same recipe for chicken, meat and fish (selalunya ikan kembung la)..sedap. Kalau ikan, lepas goreng letak tepii and tak yah la gaul bagi didih. Normally, masak kuah asing then dah siap, we'll just pour it onto the already-fried fish.
Happy trying!
Thanks, Amy :)
Hope to try cooking it this weekend, insya Allah.
(Tapi, nak kena gi pasar dulu - no sotongs in the freezer the last time I checked!)
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