Work has been crazy. It's that time of the semester. The real 'show' is in 2 weeks time. Wah, 'seronok'.
Renovation dah start since last week. Ayah and Mama had gone to check the work every other day now hihihi bukan paranoid tapi it's just that the people need close monitoring. Hari tu dah pasang pintu dapur on the wrong side. Kalau aku yang pegi, sure aku dah ngamuk. So, I've been getting updates from them. B will be on off day tomorrow, so he'll probably drop by and see the progress. I can't wait for the weekend nak pegi tengok. Kalau rajin, aku snap picture nanti *poyos*
So, if everything as per scheduled plan, we'll be moving in June. *gasp* that's like 2 months away je kan? Sudah lama tak packing. Memula je hari tu excited lebih, pastu skarang bila dah busy je, balik rumah tu I just wanna rest, takmo pandang keje, takmo serabut kepala. To think of it, I'm rather excited to move in the new house, but on the other hand, rasa sedih gak. Ye lah, dah duduk dgn mak bapak for nearly 32 years, minus 3 years that my dad worked and stayed in Perlis, 29 years. And I've never been to boarding school, masuk U pun kat Shah Alam je, ngelat2 middle of the week pun balik Kelana Jaya (pastu kena sembur dgn mak guard nama 'Mak Bai' bila balik Shah Alam, tahu je aku tak balik hostel..).
So, of course rasa sedih tu ada (aku kan manja). More about worrying about my parents, makan, sakit diaorg. Bleh ke adik aku handle, adik aku tolong ke dgn housework nanti..aduih ni baru betul paranoid. Tapi aku pujuk diri sendiri, it's just 20 minutes drive (siap ada tol RM1.60) and I'll be working in KJ anyway..tah2 I'll spend more time in my parent's house dari rumah sendiri. *sigh* I'll just deal with it when the time comes la..malas nak beratkan kepala.
Last Sunday pegi tengok 'Talentime' with my sister. Another brilliant piece from Yasmin Ahmad. And as usual, ending dia buat aku nak pegi jumpa Yasmin and ask her 101 questions :).
I miss my nephews. Dah 2-3 minggu tak jumpa. Bought Adam baju Upin Ipin but tak sempat tengok dia pakai pun :((. Bila my family pegi visit them, I was busy finishing up work at home. Bila diaorg datang, aku plak busy bersosial kat luar. Aduih. My sister told me both of the boys are getting naughtier and cheeky. Alerrr.
Mama buat lepat pisang yg sangat sedap hari ni..yummyy. And I made lychee pudding today to be brought to office tomorrow for some lunch gathering. Minta2 sedap ler..tapi kalau tak sedap aku akan cakap aku order from someone else :P, kalau sedap baru ngaku sendiri buat haha. Pagi2 dah call Mama dari office:
Me : Ma, nanti Ma tolong rendamkan agar2 tu pukul 5pm, adik balik 6pm terus buat. (sebab mama kata agar2 tu elok rendam dulu dalam air satu jam)
Mama : Ok, lepas Asar Mama rendam.
Me : Eh, jgn la awal sgt, adik pukul 6pm baru nak balik, dah lebih 1 jam nanti.
Mama : Hihihihhhooooohooohuhuhuu...tak semestinya tepat sejam pastu kena buat terus agar2 tu, sekurang2nya sejam, lebih dari tu takpe la.....
Me : Ohhh...hhihihihohohohuhuhu..
Moral of the story - Rajin2 la ke dapur sket :P, nanti malu kena gelak dgn mak sendiri. Dan sila jgn skema and on the dot sangat..
alhamdulillah dah OK ... rempah ratus kehidupan mestilah ada waktu2nya yg kita rasa tak selesa dengan keadaan keliling ..
something to look forward kan Amy pindah rumah baru, perabut baru .. semoga bertambah murah rezeki ditempat baru tu nanti
and jgn lupa amik gambar masakan tu sedap ke tak sedap ke .. dlm gambar mesti nampak yummyYYy !!
Aduih sapo ni tak kenalkan diri pun? Thank you, insyallah. Doa2 kan la yg baik2 utk saya. Masakan? Pudding lychee? Sebelum sempat ambik gambar, dah licin..bebudak opis kata sedap, alhamdulillah. Shall do another round this weekend utk family, diaorg tak sempat rasa :P
Kak Amy, jgn lupa wat house warming kak, masak best2 tau.. kalau nak pertolongan, saya leh tolong tengokkan... ejejejejeje!
Puan Anie - Ces, tolong tengokkan je? Ingat kut nak tolong masak/jadi waitress/tukang cuci pinggan...:P
1. Happy Anniversary to Kak Zah and her hensem husband Bang Hadi.
2. I'm excited for your new house too! (A.Teh masih berangan nak beli rumah yg tak jumpa2 lagi)
3. A. Teh pun teringin pink laptop.
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Ler Aunty Teh, awat tak comment kat post atas ehehhe. Facebook belum lagi, very soon, June kut :P
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