Hey ya!
I'm still breathing! Sorry for the lack of updates. If you are on my FB list, you would notice that I'm a bit 'slow' this past week. Work has been..busy. Looks like I came at the 'right' moment masa tengah peak season, jadi haihhh sibuk tak terkata.
I am picking up pieces right now, trying to refresh my memory on the work processes and also learning new things. Glad to see familiar faces, 95% of whom, are happy to see me, like genuinely happy and with praises and hopes that I'll make things better. But this is a real world, where there will always be the 5% whom, managed to make me feel down, questioning what was I thinking coming back to the old place (tak realized ke you are also still working there?), and some with remarks of the usuals la, kenapa takde anak lagik and bla bla. Owh and today, a lady colleague from another department was practically laughing at me coz I had to wait for a shuttle bus to get to my car park coz she said I used to own a parking lot in the office. Dulu staff berapa org jek, now dah ramai and so I have to accept the fact there's a long queue and I just got my car today after a month of 'sharing' my car with my sister due to her accident. She got back her car today, alhamdulillah. So, lepas ni baru la nak buat arrangement cari a nearer parking space. Pedulikan la the 5% kan?
Nothing much other than that, yeap that's how boring my life is now. Maybe seems boring to you, but I must say I feel rather ok la. Just minding my own business, my life and my family. I guess I'll stop here, just updating you readers (if any) that I am still here, sihat alhamdulillah :). Take care!
baru nak tanya mana ilang balance lagi 24 hari.. dah muncul balik.. heheheh..having fun kat tempat baru eh?
Finally! I miss reading your blog laa... kerap-kerapkan update blog ni ye..
esok suruh zul dtg opis time lunch bawak helicopter mcm jejai fasha sandha. kasik tutup mulut sikit itu 5%.
yeousss.. pedulikkan yang 5% tu..
glad to know you are happy beb!
aku sokong pendapat mak cik zetty tu cam cila*& jer mulut,aku pernah gak berhenti than buat u turn kat tempat lama n paling best aku berhenti dalam 2 bulan jer he..he... apa aku pedulik, bila tempat lama mahu hire ngko balik memang terbukti oleh SIRIM ngko bagus sebab tu dia nak balik...bodossss itu 5%
Aisha - Hahah ada, ada. Busyyy
A.Teh - Awww, tq for still reading. Akan diusahakan
Zets - Zul sebenarnya mmg macam nak dtg ajak lunch today coz it's his off day, tapi takde lah dtg pakai helikopter kannnnn :P. Let's meet up with Fina wehh, suruh Fina dtg area rumah kita cewahh
Konot - Kan? Ermm takdelah happy gila dgn keje, cuma the point is walaupun aku jarang update, dan aku busy giler, life has been treating me ok la, itu je yg cuba saya sampaikan hehe.
Intan - Nak hug, nak hug, nak pegi UK..eh tetiba melalut. Sentap gak hati ni bila 5% tu dok ckp2 kan tapi aku senyummmm je nok, walaupun tak ikhlas senyumanku. Sure ko dpt bayangkan senyuman tak ikhlas aku tu cemana..hihi. Mowahs, mish youuuu.
Jangan layan derr diorang tu.. Hhaha dengki jek lebih. Kekadang diorang bukan dengki pon saje jek suka nyakitkan hati orang. Kepuasan apa entah dapat bila buat gitu.. hahhah
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