I had 26 rest days before starting work tomorrow..26 tau! Tahu2 je gone! Let's see, what have I done :
Makan bola, minum bola, tido bola - checked!
Tido dan bermalasan - checked!
Spending time with family - checked!
Spending time with friends - checked!
Ada gak yg tak sempat/berjaya dibuat:
Spa and self pampering
Novel reading - berjaya beli, tak sempat start baca
DVD watching - berjaya beli, tak sempat start tengok
Well, I only have myself to blame. Insyallah will find other times to do all the above. I got back from Perlis last night, and now doing the laundry *sigh* and planning to watch Spain vs Holland at 2.30am. Yes, I know I'm starting work tomorrow but hey, this is the final match in World Cup. Next would be EURO Cup in 2012. Lamanyaaaa nak tunggu!
Ok, coming back to Perlis. We attended a wedding and also went to visit relatives and even made a detour to Penang before coming back to KL. Perlis sgt panas. First day balik je sejuk sket sbb hujan, the rest 3 days tu fuh panass. Tapi seronok la berjalan2, makan2 food yg I crave everytime balik Perlis..
Here are some pictures:
I had lunch with Ghaz & Laila today, kiranya sempena Laila balik Malaysia for good after completing her studies. Sandra, Ros & Aje could not join us. I decided to bring hubby as we had to be in KL by 11am to send my parents in law to the bus station and my appointment with Ghaz and Laila was at 12pm. We had lunch in this nice place called Lanai Kijang where only BNM staffs could dine there tapi bleh bawak kawan2 yg best macam aku hahah. The food sedap and aku suka sgt dgn environment kat club tu. I took some pictures with my phone but most of the pictures are with Ghaz..tah bila la dia nak load in FB. Thanks Laila for the treat, it's my turn next time ok? Jom Bubba gump? :) (gambar di BNM to be uploaded later)
Yes, I'll be starting work tomorrow. Normal la utk org yg dah berehat 26 hari, agak malas utk mula bekerja kembali, mula balik carik baju apa nak pakai, nak match dgn tudung apa. Most important nak face the challenges. I received an email from one of the kakak kat situ, she said she heard about me coming back and said they need people like me as the dept need to be 'changed', maybe the mentality or the work process..I don't know. Looks like I will get to know about it tomorrow la. Takut jugak bila org have this expectation on me, mampu ke aku nak meet their expectation? We'll see how it goes. Wish me luck (in work and trying to keep awake)!
Owh di Giant tadi..
Me : Nak try la air oren baru ni, Coca-Cola punya ni..awak tengok la banyak betul display dia
Hubby : Yer la, dia nak lawan dgn Twitter
Me : *kerut dahi* Twitter? Ke Twister? *chuckles*
Hubby : *chuckles* ha Twister..Twitter plak.
Updated : Spain won!! Hubby is one happy man tonight :))
amy...sejak bila pulak euro cup 2 taun sekali....euro pon 4 taun skali la.....
2008 Spain
2004 Greece
2000 France
ini la sebabnya pompuan kena underestimate bila cakap pasal bola. jgn mare ehhhh :)
Aiyo silap..maksud aku 2 tahun gap dgn World Cup. Euro 2004, WC 2006, Euro 2008, WC 2010..hahah..sorry, sorry.
Hahaha babe, baik ko betulkan posting.Nanti2 mamat2 cam azrul di atas itu akan mengutuk ladies yang tengok bala cam kita nih hahaha..Yes, aku happy sangat that Spain won. Spain ni, masa awal2 nya takde gaya champion langsung. But they suck it up and persevere kot. 1st half gile bosan sampai tido aku dibuatnya. Second half ok sikitla. Masa gol iniesta tu, Ed dok sebok jerit kat Fabregas(rasanyalah kalau tak silap) soh pas kat Iniesta, "Iniesta tu, pass kat Iniesta tuh" and then wham! Gol!! yeah..yeha.. aku siap amek half day cuti sis..
Aku dari baring2 bila dah masuk 2nd half extra time tu dah tak senang duduk, terus bangun duduk kat sofa plak..walaupun tengok sorang (Zul keje), aku jerit gak pepagi buta tu 'Goalllllllllllllllll'..hihi dah, aku dah ubah dah ayat hehe.
it was great lepaking at your FB page pagi-pagi buta ngan kawan2 ogling over ozil hihihihi.
amacam first day?
Zetts - Tu la..geng yg best. Yg parahnya semua sokong Germany haha. Paling best bila Brazil main, korang support aku..uhuk tapi bila final, aku sorang2 je sokong Spain sbb penyokong Germany semua nak sokong Holland :P
Ok la, as usual kena 'bersihkan' sampah sarap lama..looks like I'll be busy pasni. Weh Sabtu ni aku tak bleh pegi ah picnic, kena dtg office, ada staff induction. Send my regards to Fina bebeh.
sedap lap ulok aku tengok mengkanan2 tu... kat mana ek tempat makan best kat Perlis? kot2 takde kerja leh singgah... (macam dekaat je :P)....
hahaha amy penyokong germany saiko kan? after wc, ni bosanla pulak hidup. si zetty ni dah komen blog semua org nampaknya!
how's new job? best?
Jawa - if you ever be in Perlis, for nice lauk kampung, go to Sg Bakong kedai dia depan stesen minyak warna oren, or you can go to Mata Ayaq for 'Pokok Sawa' kedai. Ask around je, kedai2 ni mmg famous. If seafood, pi kedai 'Linda', gerai majis bandaran Kangar in Jalan Lama Kuala Perlis, sebelah dgn Jabatan Imigresen Kuala Perlis. Very near for you la! And the nasi ganja is in the pasar Kangaq, cannot miss one.
Kay - Tu la..nak adjust balik routine tidur, pastu abis je WC terus masuk keje..fuh ting tong rasa. Keje ok, bleh la, back to my old busy life :)
kay, baru ada masa nak tengok blog semua orang lepas WC hahaha. alaaaa amy...tak syoknya kau tak dapat join picnic! aaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
Kak, pagi tadi saya minum twitter epal. hahahaha!
Check this out:
Untuk orchids die hard fan!
Twitter epal haha..:P
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