If you don't know me by now...
Cerita ni macam dah basi la sbb dah upload gambar kat FB tapi what the heck, kan?
1st April hari tu aku join office punya bowling tournament kat Pyramid. I had fun, bergelak tak hengat dunia. It was a great breakaway from the work stress ler. So happened aku dapat 2nd place for female category. I would say it was just my luck sbb female yg lain banyak yg terror cuma hari tu semua main gitu2 je, just for fun, so aku 'ter' dapat nombor dua la. I got myself a hamper and dapat plak piala yg memang teringin dari dulu. Kalau pernah menang dulu pun, dapat medal je. So bila dpt piala yg diidamkan, walaupun kecik je, senyum sampai telinga la jugak.
And last weekend, Zul join fishing tournament dekat Titiwangsa sempena Earth Day. And whaddaya know, he won first place. He called me but I didn't hear as I was busy shopping in KL with my mom, sis and Aunty. Then he texted me to tell me he won. Aku macam tak percaya je. Bila tengok gambar dari kawan dia and tengok dia bawa balik hamper besar dgn joran baru, then only aku percaya. Dah memang itu minat dia, aku layankan je la.
Nak take this opportunity jugak to congratulate my cousin, Alif and wife Jue for the arrival of their little princess, Sofeeya Ameera last night. Visited them in P.utrajaya hospital after work tadi. Sgttttt comelllsss. Nanti nak visit again this Saturday, dengan Zul.
Been thinking about a lot of things these past few days. One of it is friendship. Made me wonder about the value of it, to me, and to other people. How can a friend judge me when you never bother to ask me how I am all this while, when I never got sick of your XYZ excuses whenever I arrange for meet ups? Like seriously. Sometimes you would have thought someone would have known all about you when you have been friends for decades. But in actual fact, it's not necessary the case. Sometimes, yg kita baru kenal or yg dah lama kenal tapi baru nak mesra, care more about us than other 'old' friends. Sad, but true kan.
Pastu aku pikir balik, buat apa lah nak kisah pasal org yg serabutkan kepala. Banyak lagi more important things utk dipikir. Kalau rasa aku ni up to your standard of a friend, then keep me. If not, then buat lah apa2 yg patut. I don't think friends should give label to a friend, especially when ko tak tahu the whole picture, and never bother to ask. Hanya bertanya bila ada kepentingan je? Teringat FB status adik aku minggu ni - Rambut sama hitam, hati lain lain.
I hear ya about kawan lama yang kita ingat sangat sepatutnya sangat understanding, tetiba masih lagi clueless dan annoying like crazy jek kan..Kengkawan baru sesetahun 2 lebih memahami kita. Well, people change, we change. I think I changed quite a bit over the years. So tak yahla kisah sangat. Surround jek yourself dengan orang2 yang kita comfortable currently. Yang menyakitkan hati, pepandailah drop them without feeling guilty hahahhah..walaupun selalu terpikir-pikir sayangnya dah kawan lama, tapi takkan sebab dah kawan lama we have to 'tahan' dan memendam rasa kan.. Haaaa kan dah membebel..
mmmmmmm mak cik tak tahu nak cam na nak cakap kalau ada buat salah sowwwyyy kay
Che Na, setuju sangattt. Malas dah nak pikir, I just think it's good to let it out walaupun tak ramai dah yg membaca. Kalau agak tak suka aku, then by all means. Sket pun aku tak kisah. Biarlah my circle of friends makin sedikit pun coz at this age, I want to be more selective.
Intan - Woiii you should know better it's not about you ler! Walaupun ko jauh beribu batu,you have a special place in my heart la. Aku bleh merasa kasih sayang ko tu walaupun dari jauh :)
Ala babe... biarkan mereka itew terjun dgn labu labunyer.... Bila aku nak merasa ikan patin masak tempoyak kau nie? (tetiba jer) ehehehehe
ME - HIhi fyi ko adalah kategori kawan lama tapi baru mesra tu. Kiranya I appreciate your concern towards me :)). Babe, aku beli patin bila aku balik Jengka jek.. supposedly last week tapi parents in law takde plak..keciwa aku nak beli patin tak dpt. Patin di KL aku tak lalu okkk hahha
Ada beza ek patin bandar ngan patin kampung? ehehehehe.... esok aku dah start cuti cuti sementara menunggu masa... so kalau nak meet for lunch boleh jer ;)
ME - Ada beb, patin kampung sedap lagi sbb tak byk lemak, size dia sederhana. Yg jual kat Giant tu patin kolam/bela yg gemuk, euuww tak sedap. Eh jap je dah sampai time eh? Ok let me confirm my plan to help another friend this weekend. Maybe we can do brunch instead ke. Saturday night nanti will sms u.
Kak amy..betul.. Betul.. Hehe.arap takde buat akak kecik ati la.ni bila nak jumpa 'adik angkat' u ni?
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