So, what happened? Last Friday night, Kampung Boy and me went back to Pahang. And so, Saturday morning, lepas mandi manda, aku pun kuar la dari bilik air tu rupanya pintu zinc bilik air tertutup dgn cepatnya sebelum kaki ku sempat melangkah keluar. You see, zinc tu dah berkarat, and bila berkarat, dia dah 'makan' pintu tu kan? And what's left at the bottom of the door are zinc yg dah membentuk gerigi2 tajam..get it? So, memula, dah terkena sket kaki kiri, sempat lagi ngelak, bergaris jek kaki ku, tapi kaki kanan tak sempat diselamatkan, my MIL could hear a loud bang and a scream from me ehehhhe..make a scene betul!
Aku dah terduduk dlm bilik aku with tissues full of blood and was waking up Kampung Boy to find more tissues and ubat. My MIL terus tuang gamat on my leg to stop the bleeding. Me? I was crying... tak tipu punya sakit tauuuuu..Tuhan je yg tahu. The wound is deep and dekat dgn tumit kanan, so I can't fully step on my right foot. After having breakfast, Kampung Boy decided to bring me to the clinic as knowing how lasak I am, he don't want the wound to bleed again and so, a need to stitch it. It scare the hell out of me when he said that as aku dah lama tak kena jahit, the last time was when I was 6 years old when I fell into the drain (lasak kan aku?) and had to get my forehead stitched on the right. Aku bleh rasa lagi lekuk tu kat dahi kanan aku..and all he can say is "Alah, tak rasa apa pun dia jahit, dia letak ubat kebas la" ..yeah right..
So, aku ikut. Mind you, it's 40 minutes to reach a private clinic from his housing area tau. SabO jek aku. Bila sampai, dgn jalan terhencot2 tu, nurse plak kata doctor belum sampai. Like wtf la..tapi aku tunggu gak..about 15 minutes, doctor came and they start cuci luka tu, pakai iodin! Air mata dah kuar lagi (gila drama minah ni)..sakit gila. Masa dulu stitch forehead tu, maybe sbb aku kecik lagi, so dia bagi aku pengsan and I don't remember how it was stitched. According to mama, diaorg bagi aku pengsan sbb aku meronta dan menyentap dgn ganas bercampur dgn jeritan yg memekakkan telinga..ahahha. So this time, aku tak bleh nak tengok gak sebenarnya how they stitch sbb I have to lie down on my stomach coz wound tu kat belakang kaki.
And damn, they didn't put the ubat kebas like what the Kampung Boy said. Luckily Kampung Boy was waiting outside, or else I would have already give him the 'killer look'. Diaorg terlupa nak letak agaknya, coz the first stitch was so damn painful, I could feel the needle poking through my skin, followed by the thread and then by another poke of needle. Aku mmg nangis teresak2 and kaki terangkat2 sbb sakit sangat. Doctor tu bleh kata "Tahan la sket dek, ni dah letak ubat bius, patutnya tak sakit dah"....and I can hear the nurse whispered softly "Belum" Masa tu kan, aku rasa nak tumbuk je muka nurse and doctor tu. They stopped for a while (to put the ubat kebas I guess) and continue to sew, lepas tu mmg tak rasa la..rasa cam dia jahit atas a very thick skin of mine, kesan ubat kebas there, 5 stitches! The last stitch tu aku rasa sakit macam first stitch tapi dah speechless dah, I just wanna get it done and over with. On top of it, the doctor gave a jab on my right hand, aku pun tak tanya untuk apa, maybe precaution takut zinc karat tu jadik penyakit lak kut. (Maff said it's tetanus jab). It hurts like hell too. Nak pakai baju pun rasa sakit je bahu kanan ni. It doesn't help that the doctor's daughter, about 8 years old was there, gigling at me for crying and using her mother's torchlight and dok suluh muka aku, on, off, on off. Mak dia tak nampak semua ni, sheesh I swear I could have strangled that little kid! I felt the urge to show her my middle extreme la plak kan? Hahahhah..Kira ok la mak dia bagi aku MC 3 hari sampai Rabu ni and aku tak bleh banyak gerak..(gerak jari pakai laptop and blogging takpe:D)
Kampung Boy asked me to tell mama about this but I told him it's better to tell her once I arrived in KL...and I made the right choice, sbb when I showed mama the wound, mama was horrified. She was so worried but I assure her it's ok. Cuma bila jln tu aku kena dengkot2 sket la. Kampung Boy was not so satisfied with the stitches, he said, the doctor could have added 3 more stitches as ada small part yg dia tak jahit rapat. Maybe doctor tu dah malas sbb aku jerit and nangis sakan :P .So, 3 hari ni aku jadik Queen of the house la, kejap2 "Bieeee(kena panggil panjang sket to appear helpless..ehee), tolong ambik tu, ambik ni"..oh well, di samping kaki ku yg sakit, my period also decide to come at the same time and gave me a period cramps like no other. So, it's a good thing actually that I get to rest and layannnn this period cramps. Sakit jiwa!
Here are some photos, if you feel it's disgusting, then skip it. Hiihiii. Please pray for my recovery as I have tons and tons of work in the pun aku dok on email office all the time coz so many issues to settle. The doctor said benang tu bleh bukak in 1 week time, which is this Saturday..will it be as painful? Oh no! ..:(
Kampung Boy : Tu la, saya dah cakap, awak tak pandai ambik gambar
Elleh..sebenarnya dia takde mood sbb tak bleh duduk Pahang lama2..anak manja mak! :P
Note : Thanks Maff and Intan and Rosnah (updated) for calling and asking how I was..I lap you!
Kalau Maff jadik AMy, dah lama dah nurse tu kena tiaw. Ade ke lupa letak ubat kebas. Gila ke ape?
NIe kaki Maff plak yg ngilu-ngilu.
Teror kawan Maff nie. Sempat amik gamba tuh.
Ces baca jek dah rasa ngilu si Maff nih.
Terror ek? U don't know how bored I was at my MIL's place..coz dia tak kasik buat apa2 or to move around. So, me just sleeping and snapping pictures la..
Now at my own house, mama said "Tak bleh makan ayam, telur sbb nanti luka nanah" ish..two of my favorite dishes and now I can't eat them. BOSAN!
yikes! that looks like a mean cut. u take care now.
get well soon amy! seriauu aku tgk gbr tuh eehehe
Eheheh Intan..yes, quite deep, am sufffering now. Thanks for the wishes!
Kod - Thanks Kod..seriau yek? Mama aku tengok tutup muka terus :P
EEEeEeEEk.. chakitnyerzzz..shiann u..blessing indisguise - sbb bleh pangge..BEEEEEEEE! ( hehe i like tht one ) - heppy resting ;-) kp Smiling
btw - ABPBH winners - urghhh !! takleh ckp apa2 sbb tak vote
get well soon..aku gelak sorang2 picturing anak doctor tu main suluh2 muka ko.. lawak siot..kakakakak..kalau aku pun aku sepak jek budak tu..hehehe..
Neomesuff - Tu la pasal, B pun tak bleh cakap apa da, ngikut je la apa bini dia nak :P ..mmg la, I pun tak vote, tapi nak gak FaFau menang :P
Aje - aahhah ye la, it's embarassing enuff to cry infront of the small kid, dia lak dok suluh2 muka. Menguji kesabaran jek *hugs Aje*
aku baru sempat baca blog ngko this morning hmmmm memang takut lagi ngilu...tapi aku pun satu perasaan gak ngan hubby ngko boleh sempat ambik gambar lagi kagum! kagum....tapi part ngko tak bleh makan ayam ngan telur memang tragis coz aku tak dapat imagine "Amilia hidup tanpa ayam n kenot enjoy KFC for next few weeks ;) take care n jangan ganas gila duduk umah diam-diam
Intan - Biasala..itu la yg terjadi bila aku bosan. Ces, binawe ko gelakkan aku yek? Tu ah, you know me right? Amilia without chicken? Iskk aku dah ngidam KFC ni..mama siap pesan dgn zul supaya tidak melayani permintaan aku yg berkaitan dgn telur dan ayam. Tragis..meh ah courier kat aku ayam goreng berempah dari Sarawak hik hik *hugs*
adoiiiiii!! kalau aku sure melalak tahap gaban dah. and yes, mmg aku dah cekik dah budak yg main torchlight tuh!
:) anyway get well soon ok? take care!
cian ko Amy...get well soon, bole gi makan kat Seoul lagik...and this time jgn lupa ajak aku plak. How about a small re-union? Kodeng, ko tgh buat apa ekk?
Aku nih kalau bab luka2 ni mmg penakut..ingat lagi time nak bersalin dulu...15hrs tuh..(doesn't mean to scary you out ok :p
Konot - Thanks for the wishes..jom kita gi Jengka cari budak tuh! :P
Hiemash - ArgHh..jgn citer kat aku labor pain ok..takut ehehh. Anyway, pasal mini reunion tu, aku dah malas nak organize sbb asyik kena reject je. SO sekarang ni, aku tunggu kawan2 aku organize dan telefon aku and let me know the date and venue, ok dak? Aku nak sit back and relax..cepat la weh organize, let me know in advance ye? :D
ish! gila apa boleh terlupa nak letak obat bius tu! kot aku dah terpengsan dulu kot
aku ngeri la nak baca cite ko ni sampai habis...bleh pitam..heh.."saya takut darahhhh.."...hehehe..anyway, wishing u a speedy recovery, bebeh!..;-)
Cik Pijah - Tu la, kalau nak gi London tak sempat nak recover in 11 days ni :P..Tuhan je yg tau apa aku rasa time kat bilik klinik tu :P
Nana - Keh, keh ko macam aku takut darah..tapi setakat derma darah aku ok, jgn darah2 banyak2 because of injury or accident..ngeri! Pernah ada amoi ni jatuh betul2 depan aku masa nak lintas jalan, dia kena langgar dgn motor. AKu bleh terpaku kat situ for a good 5 seconds before org ramai dtg berkumpul and bawa dia gi klinik bleh? waduh.
dulu ada satu eksiden kat belakang blok siswi. kalo tak silap victimnye mati ke apa ntah. masa tu aku tgh on the way nak gi tenet ngan *** kat 24 (hehe)..terus kensel sbb dari jauh lagi aku dah terbau darah. itupun aku dah rase lain mcm. nak muntah. si *** plak gi cite apa yg dia nampak..otak terburai la, apa la..haiyaaa...
aku ni ikut bapak aku. tapi dia lagi haru. ada skali tu dia kena masuk court, sbb dia investigate satu kes ni. pastu bile salah satu lawyer tunjuk bahan bukti ke gambo ke apa ntah yg ada darah, hmm..terus pening2 lalat kat dlm court tu jugak! sikit lagi pitam. haha.
Ewwww..siap bau darah?? Yucks..aku ada dengar gak kat blakang blok tu macam2 accident kan? Aku pun mmg respect saper keje doctor sbb bleh tahan tengok darah. Aku kan Nana kalau tengah drive pastu ada accident, sure keras jek aku pegang stereng tu and takmo toleh2 tengok. Kalau diaorg ketuk cermin minta tolong aku antor ke spital aku tak sanggup..biar la org kata aku kejam.. I kenot!!
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