Sampai rumah at 8.45pm tadik.. feeling disgust as I carry a big plastic containing work to be checked by tonight. Bukak pintu, sunyi jekk.. ayah pegi surau. Mama dari pagi tadi kuar dgn D.S. Shopping sakan la tu..feeling even worst coz I have no one to whine about work and why I'm still doing this work.. head straight to the kitchen, bukak fridge..and smile.
I'm still not certain whether I'll be able to make it to Pahang this Friday. I've now separated my work between 'Things to settle by Friday' and 'Things that I can still do by Monday'. Anyhow, B is definitely going back this weekend, and so I still need to pack his clothes. Aku rasa nak jerit je sekarang ni...too many things to do, yet so little time. My routine since last week is like 8am-8pm doing work in office. Then 9pm - 3am continue work at home. Gila I'm telling you. Well, this craziness only happens 3 times a year, March/April-July-October. Other times, still madness tapi tak seteruk like the 3 months a year tu.
B went fishing with his colleagues tonight kat Klang. And he won't be coming back tonight.But I didn't freak out like last time. Coz this time, he told me well in advanced, so I'm mentally prepared ehehehh and I got 1 big plastic of work to occupy my mind tonight. I've packed his clothes to go fishing, dari towel, kain pelikat sampai la ke stokin yg dia nak pakai pegi keje besok. So, when I get to prepare his things, I'll be happy and tak freak out that he will be wearing crumpled shirt sbb dah iron sesiap and put it in his bag. Hmmm, but I still miss him :(. Maybe I'll stop here and give him a call. I need to start on my work too *sigh*
ice cream tu seharusnyer dikongsi bersama readers. :-P
Mentang2 tajuk post ni 'I'm FREAKING out', laju jek f & g comment ek? *hugs* jom share..i beli neopolitan nestle.. you want chocolate, strawberry or vanilla? Dlm picture tu I mix strawberry & vanilla.. heavely fattening...tak kiraaaa. I deserve it after what I have to go through at work today :P
apsal ko masukkan baju dalam beg lepas ko iron eh? tak ke nanti komot balik? tak defeat the purpose ke eh?....
p/s:saje kasik ko tensen sket. jgn marah eh...:)
mmg best makan aiskerim bila stress. mlm nieh mkn apa plak? kot kalu aku keja sampai 3am tu wajib ada cheezels atas meja :p
dr makan laksa, baik makan aiskrem ptg ni.. time2 ujan ni....
Azrul - Gulung la baju after gosok, tak le secrumpled kalau tak gosok. Aku tak suka pakai baju kedut..
Cik Pij - Mlm ni mama buat nasi goreng. Dah 2 minggu tak makan home made food wehhhh..asyik beli luar jek, bila dah balik lewat ni. Cheezels? uh, mcchicken beli utk lunch tadik pun tak sempat nak makan.. percaya dak aku sebusy tuh?
Diva - Belanja I ice cream.. eheeh
entry before ni pun ada pix mug...kau memang kumpul mugs eh bebeh?
Keh keh i like...very observant. Yg dlm previous entry tu kawan2 bagi la, cawan kecik je sebenarnya, dlm gambo tu nampak cam mug jek..
It's 3.02am.. just finished ironing clothes nak balik pahang... and gonna continue with my work. Wanna help bebeh? :P
hissh.. semput aku makan aiskerim time hujan. tapi selalu gak buat :p laksa sedaaaapppp.
weii..nak ice cream gak.
i like to eat ice-cream after breakfast. After that im ready to take on the world.
have a good weekend now.
Seriously? Ice cream in the mroning? whoAa..never tried that before? :O
U have a good weekend too Inn!
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