My shoulders rasa stiff jek. Biasala aku,bila packing baju sure nak gosok dulu. Pastu packing bukan sket-sket. I'm sure hubby will give that look again when he got up in the morning, tengok 2 beg yg penuh..I even curi-curi put my clothes (yg dah tak muat in my bag) into his bag. Hahahha. Pegi 3-4 hari macam pegi 3-4 minggu..
Lagi satu reason badan rasa sengal jek because of the bowling tournament tadik.. 3 straight games, and I didn't get enough rest before playing. Tak puas hati betul dgn today's performance. Gila teruk my score. Dah la diaorg bagi handicap score 10 jek per game. My previous tournament dgn previous companies usually will give handicap score of 20 for each game for women players. Nyampah betul. I like to love in denial..and so here are some of the reason why I fell into no 18 out of 30 players (men and women) :
1) Rasa psycho sebab tournament start lambat sejam
2) Rasa inferior sebab lawan dgn students yg muda,cergas dan tangkas
3) Paling best punya reason, sbb kasut yg diaorg bagi memang hampeh! Tak percaya tengok gambar bawah ni..
Ni saya yg ambik gambo
Oh ya... Increment dah masuk, backdated 4 months.. Alhamdulillah :) . Macam tahu2 je aku nak cuti panjang... iyer Zied, aku rasa aku nak beli handphone la :P .Hope you all enjoyed the long holiday..
blame the shoes....
ianya menganggu concentration...
u shud main bowling with me.. hehe..sure terasa terer giler.. pasal aku mmg hancussssss..bagilah kasut best sekalik pun!
wooo.. kaya raya wooo.. belik aa kasut boling sendirik.. kalau tak terer gak.. hmm... tatau laa.. muahahahaha!
(p.s. saya memang tak terer dan saya mengaku.. saya sedar diri saya.. haha! )
-cik MeLanie-
Diva - Hahhah that's what I thought. I thought u all pegi Penang weekend ni?
Konot - Hheheh jgn la sampai macam tu beb..:D
Mel - Kaya sekejap jek eheh, tak koser aku nak guna duit increment beli kasut bowling..baik aku beli handphone weh. Ngaku tak terror takpe dari gaku terror tapi horror sebenarnya :P
pergi penang next week la...
pijah oiiit, jadik ke tak ni?
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