Well, it was a well spent weekend I must say. As planned, I met Zied, Aje, Kak Dilla & Noresh at IKEA. Too bad Raff, Ros, Sand & Maff could not make it. There will always be the next time. I don't mind going there every weekend :P . Sheesh, mmg berhantu la DAIM cake tu dan meatballs nyer..Sungguh yummylicious. Raff, aku tak ambik gambar pun sebab (1) malu orang tengok and (2) terlalu sedap sehingga saya tidak sempat mengeluarkan kamera, terus ngap!
Kat IKEA saja, we all laughed non-stop, ada jek mende2/gossip yg buat kitaorg gelak. Of course, Kak Dilla adalah sumber utama... ada jek tau idea dia...sampai kejang aku rasa otot muka aku sebab dok gelakk jek. After Asar, pegi continue kat Little Penang Cafe (betul ke?) dekat The Curve. Sedap sungguh makan di situ (yer, saya makan lagi di situ..sapa yg ngandung sebenarnya nih? :P). We snap some pictures there. Sekali lagi, tiada gambar makanan. Terus di ngap sebaik saja sampai ke meja. And terus sambung cerita-gelak-cerita-gelak sampai org sekeliling pandang :D.
Noresh had to go right after that, anak-anak sudah memanggil. Aje, Kak Dilla, Zied and me bersambung plak ke IKANO, tengok kasut... and seperti biasa, ada jek la impulsive purchase kan? Zied bought a very nice shoes..I like...Me? Didn't purchase anything, wanted a pair of pink shoes (really) tapi tak jumpa yg betul2 berkenan..After that, it was Kak Dilla's turn to get a call..ehehheh, aku rasa kalau tak dapat phone call tu, entah sampai pukul berapa la kitaorg kat situ. It was fun, really. Sangat seronok sekali-sekala buat 'girls-only-outing' ni. The last time we met was during buka puasa which was months ago. Baru ni jumpa balik.. hope to see them again soon.. and Rina, I miss you badly..you should join our next outing.
Sunday... it was balas-dendam-tido day. Lepas breakfast and kemas2 sket, I slept. Well, hubby baru balik pagi tadi, so dia tido like nobody's business. Aku tengok pun rasa nak tido gak. Keh keh.. we wake up only for food and prayer, then tido lagi. Dinner, ajak the whole family makan kat Uptown, ayah love the western food there. Aku belanja this time for their wedding anniversary celebration yg asyik tertunda sbb Mama asyik travel jek. She just got back from Jakarta last night. I miss her (cooking) these few days :P.
Zied borrowed me the GA Season 3. I heart you very much Zied! *hugs*
Well, this weekend had made me realized, although I've lost a not so important friend, I actually still have these great friends around me.. we might not see each other that much due our own life's commitment tapi we still have each other when we need them - friends that you can always count on. Thank you for taking my crap all these years, you know who you are :D
p/s Kak Dilla - That 'Perjumpaan TekBes' is antique la. Rosnah burst into laughter when I told
her what you said :P
mak aih! sakaannn!! ikea, ikano n the curve! cineleisure tak pi?
aku yg jeles,
bebeh! aku pun was there (thecurve) on saturday...tapi kenapakah kita tak berjumpa. belum ada jodoh agaknya.
ohhh kau dekat siniii..
haa jumpa pon ko punya blog. heheh tenchoo for writing up a review of our outing, now i no need to write! huhuu
to those yg tak dpt dtg, we afre meeting up again cos Amy nak return my GA dvds so that's a definite date yay!! :D
hola..this time aku hikut la. tapi tak tekbes ya. do i need to do something on that kah? hahahaha
TEKBES aje bole datang.. Kalau TEKKEC, kena pakai padding atau tisu.. hu hu!!!!
Pijah -->ko dah qualify!! ;)
uwaaa....tul ke zied? rina macam mana nih????? hahaha ke rina dah tak group aku? o'ooo..
Yeah!!!aku definitely life time member tekbes..kurus camne pon aku tetap maintain gitu..muahahahahaha..
Zied, diorg tatau kita sipa sambung makan lagik malam tu..muahahahaha..tapi meatball masih tak dapat ku lupa..berantu betul..
last dvd GA tu ok tak? aku aritu takleh tgk..gambar dia stuck2..so, i still not finish watching that final episode..huhu..
aje.life time member..... hahhahah kalau gitu aku kene pregnant tiap tahun baru boleh masuk group tekbes ni.
sorry to hear about the 'lost' friend.
chin up, u r loved by everyone. *wink*
anyway, glad u had a zany + wonderful weekend surrounded with beautiful peeps.
Cik Pij - Tu la ko..so how was the wedding? Mesti menarek.. next time punya outing ko kena pegi ek? Kita kasi tahu awal2 nanti :)
Zetty - Ala! Ye ke beb? ISk, takpe aku percaya jodoh kita panjang, sure jumpa punya next time. Kalau next time ko pegi Curve, dengar group of girl ketawa mengilai2, cepat2 pandang, sure kitaorg punya. Cik Pij, nanti ajak la Zetty bebeh join.. dgn Shell, dgn Drama Diva nya gitu ok?
Shell - Ha, dah tau takpe :D
Zied - Oh my pleasure, you know me la Zied, hantu blog kan?:P I'm looking at 5/5 for the next date ok ke dak? Huhuuhhuhuh
Cik Ros - Ko di exemptedkan, bleh join TEKBES ok? mowahs, please-please dtg the next outing, cakap telepon hari2 pun tak sama dgn jumpa face to face..
Kak Dilla - ko punya statement buat aku nak tergolek-golek gelak ok?
Aje - Lifetime member? Keh keh aku pun sekali kut. Tak bleh buat apa dah, ingat nak potong ah jual kilo, ada dak org nak beli ko rasa? Kaya aku camni..muahahahha. Ces, sambung makan tak ajak aku!! Weh, aku baru tengok first episode le, asyik berebut dgn laki aku la tengok kat laptop..isk.. uwaaaa final episode le yg aku nak tengok sgt sbb kat internet tak dapat..i'll try n see.
Cik Ros lagi sekali - statement sama siot je dgn kak dilla, otot muka aku masih kejang dari gelak tawa hari tu tau?
F n g - Sedih sebenarnya dgn 'kehilangan' kawan yg anggap aku dah tak penting dlm hidup dia. But when I meet these 4 crazy ladies, I know I still have great friends with me.. and having this blog pun gave me an opportunity to get to know more new friends like you and others.. I think I'm blessed. Syukur alhamdulillah. :D
For the record, aku baru habis cakap telepon dgn mardiana muhammad shah (Yan) for 1 hour! Gila.. dlm telepon pun bleh sembang dan gelak tak berenti-renti. Hilang satu kawan, tapi sebenarnya banyak lagi kawan yg sayangkan aku... I am lucky.
hi amy. sounds like a fantastic weekend. i still cant breathe yet. the show is next week... so semua orang tengah anxious.
vavava! seronok sakan u ol :) Geng2 tekbes.
Who knows. One day u fren will realiaze what she took for granted. Ur friendship. And yes, having a blog let ppl like me, get to know u since i never had the chance before. The story of your life is pretty addictive :)
wallauwey syioknya girls day out!!!
woi aku tak keja arini. bos takde. when the cat is away, the mouse is out to play heeee :D
ros buleh join tekbes. wa tada hal.
5/5 adalah tentative date yg bagus. sila usulkan kpd yg lain.
mlm tu kitaorg jumpa our other bestpren & aku mkn char kuey teow pulak and Aje mkn cheese on toast (perasan mat salleh minah tu) heh heh skrg aku rasa seluar dah tak muat. adussss cemana nih.
if the "kawan" that u're talking abt tu is the one that i'm thinking, then let me say - what kawan? ;)
eh, dah mcm blog aku pulak. sudah lah. panjang benor komen nyer pon.
Aku dah tag ko.. Jawab ya... Jangan tak jawab...
wohooo!!! kak dills kata aku qualify TEKBES!!!
*joget lambak*
SHELL!! Ko jgn jeless!! :p
eleh setakat beza 1/2 inchi nak kecoh :P
Inn - Yes, I had fun.. ehhhe mesti u tengah nervous tunggu play tu kan? All the best. Keh keh I rasa lepas ni tak bleh lari dah melekat nama geng tekbes. Oh, that friend is a he. Well, I would like to think that it's his lost though :)
Konot - Mmg best, sakit otot2 muka aku asyik gelak jek...
Zied - Tak keje?I hate u! Keh keh aku tak sabo nak bercuti panjang next week nih..erk that kawan is a he. So definitely not the one that you are thinking about. The one that you're thinking about, if the name is mentioned again, I will now say "Huh? Who is she again?" :P
Dilla - Aye, aye madam..satgi saya pi tengok
Cik Pij - Ceh, suka la tu! Sila block date 5/5 yek? Ke ko gi Penang masa tu :(. Let me know, I would rather change the date...
Shell - Keh keh biasala Cik Pij..
aku nak join... jeng jeng jeng *buat joget lambak sat*. kali ni boleh dok lama2... heheheh... sudah dpt maid. yahuuuuu!!! gumbira tak terkata.
5/5 eh??... count me in la. and this time boleh tak pi tempat lain? cuba carik tempat yg takde jam nak pigi. tempat yg tak glamer.
aku suggest la... swensen subang parade. kita share ramai2 makan earthquake nak?? 21 scoop tuh... mau dok situ berjam2 nak habiskan. amacam?? boleh ka?
aisey... macam blog aku sendiri lak komen panjang2
Noresh - Hoi tido la..dah kul baper nih?? Nearly 2am?!! Bleh duduk lama2? Besh, besh... swensen's subang parade? Aku ok jek..mana2 pun bleh. But kena tanya suara ramai la.. nanti gua confirmkan ok? 21 scoop? pergh banyak tuh.. :P Saya percaya dgn kebolehan geng TEKBES..muahahah
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