Wednesday, May 30, 2007

I think I'm too lembik..

A very old friend called today, dah 5 tahun lebih lost contact. He managed to find my number from another old friend. He wanna meet, ada cerita katanya. I said ok (after asking B punya permission).

Suspense gak sbb suara dia macam problem je. Dulu, when he said "We need to talk" , he was the only person in my circle of friends time tu yg berani to tell me that the guy I am seeing at that moment is actually married. He was the one yg hampir nak belasah my ex sbb geram tengok the way that moron treated me. Yes, he is protective and buat aku ni macam adik dia je.

But this time, aku macam dah agak. Either he has problem with his marriage or he got money problem. So, we met and I am glad to know his marriage is ok - but ...he got money problem. Bukan ratus-ratus..but ribu-ribu. And there's A*lo*g involved. Haiyaaa..what makes he think that I have lots of money and could help him? Dia betul2 buat aku rasa guilty - coz he's a nice person tapi aku mmg tak dapat nak tolong. Aku ni nak kata hidup susah, tak le. Boleh la nak hidup laki bini..bayar2 keta, joli2 10% , simpan sket 10% and pastu tunggu next salary and the same cycle every month.

Aku ni, mudah kesian kat org. I know he's telling the truth tapi aku tak bleh tolong la. Times like this, kadang2 kena tegas and think about our self too - walaupun mungkin org kata selfish. I was about this (sambil rapatkan ibu jari dan jari telunjuk :P) close to layan his solution of me applying a personal loan or sign up for a credit card as he will be able to pay back by July. Tapi aku tak berani nak take the risk la. Hutang yg sedia ada pun tengah bayar slowly, inikan plak nak tambah hutang baru. Kalau ada temptation nak buat hutang baru, aku selalu pikir - kang kut kalau aku or hubby mati dulu, sian mama ngan ayah nak tanggung hutang kitaorg.

It's not easy to say no to someone very dear to you but I guess I had to do it. I hope he understands. I could not imagine being in his shoes right now.

As of now, me and hubby can't wait for August where insyallah, that month will be his last month paying for his car installment - yeah, 7 fu*king years. And hopefully by that time, aku pun dah settle card credit. Skettttt je lagi. Bukan la banyak mana beza pun but at least, duit yg dok bayar ke kereta tu (imagine 84 months of car installment money!) bleh la digunakan untuk mende2 lain pulok.

I am so not lucky when it comes to buying a house. The house was supposed to be completed in 2005, tapi no sound of it and developer tu pun dah bungkus. Last year, developer baru kata they will complete in Jan 2008 and reimburse whatever money/fine incurred since 2005. Yesterday, latest news is the house will only be completed in another 1 1/2 years time and no reimbursement will be given. Shaiitt! Imagine org yg duduk menyewa since 2005 sbb rumah sediri tak siap? Baper banyak diaorg dah rugi?

Yg jadik victim, pembeli le. Bank of course mengaut keuntungan je kan? Bukan peduli rumah siap ke tak siap ke, interest tetap jalan...understood la, bank pun kuar duit gak untuk rumah tu. But I really think govt and banks kena la consider pembeli gak. All we want is our own house and bila dah kena tiaw dgn developer camni, like we don't have anywhere else to go. Bank buat bo-layan bila kita merayu.., kalau ada banyak duit, bleh la upah lawyer bagai, kan? Report kat press? Rumah yg terbengkalai 15 tahun pun takde solution, ni kan plak macam rumah aku yg baru terbengkalai 4 tahun, tak pandang punya. Irony part is hubby pun having same problem with his house purchased 6 years ago - very bad karma on house shopping eh?

Money can't buy happiness, very true no matter how cliche that is. But having a lot of money does improve your life.. :D


Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

i dont think u r lembik lah.. kalau lembik sah2 hang dah offer ambik personal loan tu kan? i think it is a wise decision that u tot of yourself 1st before others, congrats!

Roti Kacang Merah said...

kak lin tabik sama awak for the courage to say No to something for your own good interest jugak.

Takut kalau awak ambil personal loan to help him, awak dgn B awak pulak yang bercanggah tak tentu pasal. You made a very very wise decision!

House shopping... MEEEEMANG kena ada luck, and a hell lot of probing of the developer. Developer ok ke, tak ok ke. Tanya around dulu. Do studies. Baru beli.

I say this bcoz I have a not-so-good experience gak. Beli rumah yang cantik, lokasi dekat dgn cuberjaya, diapit oleh a gated community area... tapi oleh kerana dikelilingi pula oleh kawasan perumahan yang saaaaangat cikai, the rental-value of my house becomes only 1/3 of my mthly installment... not a really good investment now is it??? sabarrrrr je.

hui, mcm entry, gitu. heh heh, sowiiii.

di.di said...

lembik, lebeh2 lagi kalau yg mintak duit tu boypren... macam bodoh je...

mama tinie said...

for that house issue panggil je karam singh walia beb..baru diorang kalut hehehe..

and congrats sbb settle byr duit kete and cdt cards? my utang? loooongggg way to go hehehe...

Anonymous said...

you are right in being selfish when it comes to this. terpaksa. i have done it before and we feel a tinge of kesian but i guess they have to learn their lesson.

you did good.

Zetty said...

agreed with redbeancomey, u made a wise decision bebeh. bukannya apa, kang sebab nak tolong or (niat yg baik), kita pulak tersepit.

Amy said...

Konot - Tu la, I still can't get his sad face off my mind sampai sekarang ni.. I have to la. It's not worth the consequences kalau aku tersilap langkah.

Kak Lin - Tuhan je yg tahu camner beratnya dada Amy nak cakap NO tu. Tak sampai hati. I hope everything went well tomorrow for him - moga2 family dia dilindungi Allah dan dibukakan langkah untuk settle prob dia, insyaallah. I really hope so, I kept thinking about anak dia dua org yg kecik tu :( . Masalahnya kak Lin amy ni dulu naive sgt pasal rumah when I bought it in 2003. Kalau tak ayah bebel, Amy still tak beli rumah lagi kut. I have doubts about the developer dulu tu tapi Ayah said it will be ok. I don't blame him la after what happen, I know at that time Ayah is putting my best interest at heart, dia pun banyak gak habis duit tolong Amy letakkan down payment. EPF Amy pun terbang sekali *sigh* bukan rezeki Amy kut.
Eh, takpe la Kak Lin..Amy suka Kak Lin jengok2 sini selalu..*mowahs*

Diva - Keh keh been there before. Aku kena kikis habis-habisan. Siap kalau aku takde duit, tak mo date dgn aku tuh si moron dulu tu..

Ayen - Keta dgn card credit yg settle. Rumah lambat lagik, pastu dgn tak siapnya - tah bila la nak abis bayar. Weh aku silap type la. Habis bayar satu, ada satuu jek lagik.

Juanita - Selamat pengantin baru! You looked gorgeous that day.. tu la, walaupun berat, I terpaksa. Tuhan je yg tahu apa I rasa sekarang. I hope He forgave me.

Zetty - Tu la, kalau aku banyak duit macam Paris Hilton bleh la kut campak2 jek duit tolong kawan2.. But gosh, I felt terrible beb.

Unknown said...

amy...pecaya lah, hilton pun kedekut nak mampus...

so kita yg bergaji kurang dari USD10K sebulan kena lah maklumlah...harga tepung gula apa suma dah naik..nanti tak sedap lak cream caramel kau kan...

so in other words, you are not lembik at all lah..

Amy said...

Fina - keh keh.. tu la pasal. Uik observant gak ko ni eh pasal cream caramel aku :D
But u know what, this guilty feeling ni mmg tak best la! i hope i get over it soon

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