So, aku dah ala-ala merajuk la kan (mmg aku over)..masa bersiap2 nak gi keje pun ala-ala malas nak layan ah bila dia nak kiss goodbye tu..sampai je parking kat basement, dia call. Aku malas nak jawab. Dlm hati kata "Elleh, nak pujuk la tu". But nevertheless, I called back. And he said "B, cermin keta saya pecah..kena batu agaknya. Saya kat tepi highway ni"
Lepas cakap lebih kurang and he told me that he's going to the workshop and need to drive slowly, I hang up and cried. Why? Coz I always take for granted. Kena usik sket nak merajuk, what if anything worst happen to him tadi? What if the kiss that I've been trying to avoid this morning will be his last kiss? Mahu trauma aku.. I could not imagine my life without him. Sometimes, too many times la actually yg Tuhan memang nak 'tunjuk' kat aku...a slap to my face.. aduihhh.
Been busy la kat office this week. If the word 'busy' is coming from me, memang super duper busy yg ala-ala nak kuar lunch pun tak sempat, kena minta colleague belikan..ha sampai macam tu sekali. It just that some gomen body involving in accred*tation is coming this Monday and Tuesday - the annual validation thingy. So, been busy arranging the documents, the rooms, the students, the lunch and breaks.. phewww kira sampai ke titisan darah dah peluh yg terakhir la. And just now, while pushing the trolley alone (so like superwoman wannabe) full with documents, I didn't notice the ram was wet with tempias hujan, and managed to slid down and sprained my right ankle. Budus. Tak la teruk, tapi terasa la dia punya sprained tu. Jalan pun dengket2 sket. Not worth it, I'm telling you for just that 2 days punya ordeal. Where was my assistant all this time? I asked her to do filing and prepare some remeh-temeh letters yg aku malas nak buat.
Oh, I got another new assistant on Wednesday. Finally, so been happily passing the work to her. Her previous company is also a college. So, agak senang la bila explain kat dia compared to the other girl yg sungguh blur, tapi pretend to know everything. This new girl understands what I said and teach her, take notes..record in her book (I like!) ...ask me questions ( I very like!) and doesn't jump right into messenger the moment she got internet line like the other girl. Hari ni je la aku nampak dia browse-browse tapi since it's lunch time and all the tasks given are completed, so gua takde hal. So far so good..tak tahu la later on nanti. But me and my other colleague nak set the line siap2 la since dia tengah baru ni sbb tak nak dia besar kepala, susah. I'm losing my voice sbb banyak dok cakap and explaining the processes to the new girl. Baru dua hari nak hilang suara dah, camner la my friends yg jadik lecturer ni bleh cope teaching the whole day..hangpa jaga suara macam mana?
And bila dah asyik balik malam ni, dah terbengkalai la gym ku. Monday baru2 ni aku pegi, then Selasa tak pegi sampai la semalam. Planning to go today after work, that is if everything is ready for Monday la.. I would hate myself if aku malas nak pegi. But I sure hope I can complete everything by today as I would hate to come on Saturday just to complete my work, what more with the slight back pain..I want to rest this weekend. Next Saturday, perhaps..I need to come to clear my things especially under my table yg dah berlonggok2 sampai aku naik rimas. Mende2 camni kena la buat sendiri, takkan nak suruh assistant clearkan sampah sarap aku kut.
Dah received two wedding cards from my single friends..alhamdulilah setakat ni tak clash lagi wedding dates. Tak sabar nak pegi coz I'm sure there will be some old friends there - hopefully not the ones yg aku malas nak jumpa or talk to :P. Still waiting for another card coz she sms-ed me already about it, cuma aku tak sure tarikhnya bila - second marriage for her ....after what she has to go through in her first marriage, mmg aku happy gila. I'm happy for her two small daughters also. A good friend like her deserves a second chance to happiness and I truly hope she will find her ultimate 'happy-ever-after' life with him. Insyallah.
Here's a belated (sorry) birthday shout out to another of my ex-roommates (semua ex roommates aku birthday bulan 6, bleh??), Noresh. Moga dipanjangkan umur dan dimurahkan rezeki dan diberi secukup tenaga to bake more and more delicious cakes!! Happy belated birthday...
Summary yg tak relevant - Zul is my everything and I love him more each day :D
Have a nice weekend you all!
mana ada jaga suara...aku ngan cikgu pompuan yang ajar menari dalam AF tu 2 times 6 la...pasal tu bos aku tak yah check kelas aku on ka off kalau on memang dah tau kedudukan grid aku kat mana..ha..haaa tapi one day one botol mineral water besar wajib tu
so schweeett.....
kalau dah syurga di bawah tapak kakinya, dah pasti Allah tak tunggu nak tunjukkan apa2... sebab kak lin pung selalu terkena sama!!! hehehe
aaaawwwwwwwwww... so sweeeetttttt!!! (aku plak cair)
Intan - Aku still belum bleh digest yg ko ni dah jadik lecturer sbb sama hantu je aku dlm kelas dulu. Nanti satu hari aku gi melawat ah college ko, keh keh sure aku gelak ah. Air memang penting, sentiasa ada dekat aku, sehari 2 kali refill.
F n g - thanks dear. I really could not imagine my life without him :(
Kak Lin - Memang kak! Buat salah sket, cash je Allah bagi..addeh.
Konot - Walaupun dia gelap, tak hensem tapi saya sayang dan chenta dia sepenuh hati - my black kampung boy. :D
amy... i lapppp you!!! muahhhhss!! thank you sooo much for the lovely wish.
ye, ex-roomies ko sumernye bulan 6 kan. aku ingat lagi zaman dolu2, ko ngan yasz slalu complain yg korang memang declare muflis menjelang june. hehehheh...
merajuk2 tu perkara biasa le. baru la best marriage kita. tapi janganla over. nanti susah pulak nak bau syurga. fuyoohhhh... aku buat pantun siott!!
Noresh - I lap u too..keh keh mmg muflis siut bulan june dulu. Yasz apa khabar la kan? Ye ah kak. Noted. Aku majuk pun sure tak sampai sehari, nanti masuk bilik ngadap dia gak ekeke pastu sure tergelak balik,malas nak layan. Memang kak, takut aku kalau tak bau syurga..trying my best to achieve the isteri mithali status.
ramai gila kan kawan2 kawin this year.....
penat ok aku nak carik and buat baju ....
FYI - yasz skrg bekerja di penang.
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