Thursday, July 05, 2007

Dah ok..

Alhamdulillah, dah beransur pulih.. tima kasih for all the tips.. thanks to a dear friend yg sampai call aku sbb nak bagitau suruh minum yogurt.. aku borong Vitagen and Nestle Yogurt..Yogurt drink la, Yogurt ori tak lalu la..slow-slow la kut. I felt better, perut tak rasa buncit-keras-tekan-sakit anymore..was miserable for the last 2 days and am feeling better now :D

Work has been crazy, as usual. And with the annual moderation going on in 1 1/2 weeks time, I'll be on my gila mode till 23rd July..pastu merdeka la sampai October..of course there will be some other crazy events in between like graduation ceremony in September tapi at least tak la as crazy as these 3 'hot' months - March, July, October.

Mama has gone back to Perlis last Monday morning to visit her friends and to attend a wedding this Saturday..Ayah will join Mama for the wedding on Saturday and then balik sama2 to KL next week.I already miss Mama last night and while waiting for B to buy tickets for my MIL and FIL, I called Mama and told her my condition. Of course, she was worried and tonight, Mama sms me lagi and ask my condition.. :)..

Oh, my MIL & FIL are coming here this weekend as my SIL is going back to UMS after 3 months holiday. So, kena la kemas rumah sket :P. Bilaaaaaa?? Friday ni la kut. B is going back to Pahang this Friday to fetch them and I'll be left alone coz I wanted to attend a close friend's wedding this Saturday. I have another wedding this Sunday too. Entah camner la nak juggle between hantar SIL to KLIA, then MIL & FIL to bus station as they want to go to Kedah and at the same time rushing to my friend's wedding. I'll just have to be prepared mentally and emotionally heheheh. Been doing this for 4 years, bring it on! :D

I took this picture last Saturday night - tak menarek sgt la struktur gambo tapi sbb susah woooOo nak dapat tengok bulan penuh... last Saturday was a full moon.. gambar specially for Kak Lin..
Abis fokus dah nihhhh


Unknown said...

oye get well sooon......

cantek siot gambar bulan tu...

Arena said...

Lah, dah kena gastrik laks.. hmm jangan skip2 makan. I always have my ubat gastrik in my handbag.. bila sakit jek makan ubat tu.. kalau makan make sure jangan terus baring, or sandar yang macam nak baring tuh, hahahha kena make sure makanan turun betul2 dalam 3 hours baru baring.. nanti makin sakit lak gastrik tuh. trust me.. my gastrik start masa bulan pose.. bukan sebab pose.. sebab melantak moreh, lepas terawih tak lama lepas tu, terus tido.. hahahha.. hancus..

Amy said...

Fina - Thanks, hmm aku terlambat lunch lagik hari ni coz busy sgt. I cannot do this again la..aiyark
Gambar bulan tu blur sket la, aku mmg fail bab nak tukar mode malam ni, tak reti pilih yg mana sesuai

Arena - Skip tu jarang la Cek Na, tapi kadang2 tu lambat, petang baru nak makan especially bila ada meeting and presentation. I tend to worry and prepare before the meeting, dah habis meeting baru rasa lega, baru rasa nak makan, padahal dah kul 6pm.. hari ni pun camtu. Pagi breakfast lambat, ngejar kerja..kul 10am baru makan.. pastu ada meeting kul 2pm, aku dok prepare bagai nak rak, meeting abis 4pm, balik ke tempat dok busy kejar sana sini..alih2 kul 6pm baru aku ngadap capati aku..I cannot do this lagi la, takut kena lagik, paling tak tahan masa dia bergulung2 dlm perut, waduhhh. Ada kawan aku suggest ubat yg bleh isap tu, cepat lega katanya..aku pun nak beli buat spare dlm handbag..and kena ada some biscuits la.

Arena said...


kalau ko tak sempat sangat.. please have some biscuits ke aper ker okay..jangan biar perut kosong, pastu jangan makan pain killer, sangat .. kalau nak makan, make sure perut kenyang dulu baru leh makan.. aku sekarang ni, langsung tak leh makan pain killer dan minum carbonated drinks.. fail giler kalau minum..

cpj said...

bebeh.. aku pun dok layan minum yogurt drinks la nieh.. ganti dinner.. nak kurus nyer hal :p

Zetty said...

hv a great weekend bebeh!

Amy said...

Arena - Hehhe sayang gak ko kat aku :P..aku suka sgt ambik mudah, sakit kepala je terus ambik painkiller. Kena tahan sket ah..

Cik Pi - Awak tu dah cun la..

Zetty - Thanks bebeh, am not too sure whether this weekend will be great. I just hope that I survived this weekend :S

Roti Kacang Merah said...

canteeeeeeeekkkkkkkkknyiaaaaaaaa !!!!

kot la ada nak pi mencandat sotong lagi masa bulan terang (dengar citer mencandat masa bulan terang lagi best sebab lebih ramai sotong naik ke permukaan), jgn lupa amek video pulak k? hehehehehe

anyway, thank you for the thots amyyyyyyy!!!!!

Roti Kacang Merah said...

btw... errkk... betul ke kata cikpijah tu, that the yoghurt drinks to ganti dinner can help slimming down???

Amy said...

Kak Lin- Kalau le Amy ataih bot, tak gerenti I can take a video la, dgn muntahnya bagai..kekke. Itu mitos je kut sbb org kata sotong suka naik ke permukaan sbb cahaya, tu yg kita tengok masa musim candat sotong semua dok pegang torchlight..tah la.
Betui la kut kak Lin, kawan Amy cikpijah ni mmg slim vogue devasSSs. Tahan ke Amy nak makan yogurt je.. must try huh?

Inn said...

that's a good shot of the moon actually. Me like. I'm crazy about full moon. Makes it easier to spot other stars somehow. i play with the telescope like a small kid and the moon is always the easiest target. heh.

this month, full moon will be on the 29th.

and again, glad u're ok.

Amy said...

Inn - 29th yeah? Nak tengok betul2 la this time and cuba capture dekat sket. I just love everything about the sky, day or night! Kalau travel pegi mana2, I love taking pictures of the blue sky..and bila senja.. masa kecik dulu, i always imagined that awan tu lembut-lembut je and i can sit on it. Bila dah naik plane, baru tahu awan tu keras! Sampai bergegar plane... but I still love the sky..