Tuesday, July 31, 2007

I'm on MC today..

Yup, I'm on MC today..you know how I hate to take MC tapi ni kes tak tahan dah. Sunday dah kena gastric (padan muka for skipping meals)..senak gila. Then still wiping ceiling fans kat tingkat atas, debu tebal gila and mula sniff-sniff..then sore throat, followed by flu of course. And my period had to arrived that very Sunday night. By yesterday, period cramps dah start. Office yg sejuk beku - adding pressure to my already large tonsils. Why go to work? Coz another exec in my team is on leave one whole week, mahu blur assistant baru aku tu kan? So, buat apa yg patut and by 5pm, aku dah rasa teruk sgt and mmg decide balik nanti nak pi clinic.

Arrived at the clinic with mixed feelings. Nak minta MC ke tunggu doctor offer? Being a panel clinic aku tahu susah nak dpt MC unless betul2 sakit gila. Tapi sesungguhnya aku mmg tak tahan dah. Kepala sakit macam nak pecah and aku selalu ambik ponstan so that I can continue work tapi sejak kena gastrik first time tu aku dah takut nak ambik painkiller. And when I sat beside the doctor, terus cakap sakit apa semua - full package and tanpa segan silu aku cakap "Kalau boleh, saya nak MC. Nak rest satu hari." She checked my temperature, a bit high she said, mmg demam and terus bagi MC. Lega.

So, hari ni rest. Kepala dah ok, sore throat dgn flu masih ada sikit, hopefully will be better tomorrow. Zul didn't go to work too. Kononnya nak jaga aku..darling ek? Tapi dia bawa aku pegi 'my favorite place', 5 times..kalahkan aku 3 kali. Aku tahu dia nak bagi aku keluar peluh supaya demam kebah. Tapi tak aci la aku kalah 3 kali, aku demam maaaa *alasan bila kalah*

Thanks for your encouraging words in my previous post. Really appreciate it. I know I should count my blessings - it's just one of those days when you feel insecure and could not think straight. Mama told me on Sunday that one of our neighbours, ada anak sorang je. 18 year old girl and she died last Sunday of leukimia. Imagine what the parents felt? Definitely my sorrow is nothing compared to them. Dipinjamkan rezeki oleh Tuhan dan dikembalikan kepadaNya dlm sekelip mata. And what Farah commented in my post is true, I quoted "
HE knows best... HIS plans are the best. sume org ada bahagian rezeki and musibah masing2"

I should learn to install this in my mindset. And never ever question HIS rezeki. Org yg hidup susah lagi banyak mende dia nak pikir dari aku. Org yg hidup dia tak bahagia lagi runsing dari aku...thanks friends.


Z.Y. said...

hope u've recovered fully today! and dah dpt period tu maksudnya the blues dah abis la jugak, kan? skrg buleh hepi2 :)

*hugs tightly*

Arena said...

Yey, Amy is back..

Takpe2 Allah knows best kan.Of course semua yang terjadi ada hikmahnya.. u hang in there.. jangan sangat layan blues ok..

cpj said...

eeee!!! MC! dah ler sakit dah tak teruk sgt :p jeles!!!

take care! ingat! bila sakit makan la daim cake! bila la nieehh?

ween said...

dah sihat dah???

& hopefully you also recover from your previous post

*and here i am reminding you, sowwi*

my sis is in the same shoe. God has great plans for all of us. And for whatever that is HE knows BEST :)

Amy said...

Zied - Badan rasa suam lagik. Starting to cough now, maknanya sore throat dah abis (mana punya teori tah..keh keh) *hugs you too*

Che Na - Yes, I'm back. Kepala migraine balik tengok keje berlonggok atas meja keh keh..back to square one. Stress dgn keje balik. Thanks dear

Cik Pi - Weh, aku sakit betul tau. Gila tak tahan punya..dah makan ubat dan tido kaw-kaw semalam, hari ni alhamdulillah dah kebah. Kepala je sakit balik tengok keje dgn melayan karenah 'kanak2' riang dan hyper kat opis aku nih. Bila? Bila? Tak sudah2 la plan.. nak gather yg payah benor nih..gua seperti biasa, weekend selalu 'kena tinggal'..so kalau takde plan apa2, mmg setttt je.

Ween - *hugs* dah ok cikit from the previous post. Demam dah kebah, thanks to B yg jaga cam puteri. Masih batuk bunyi kung kung lagi. Yup, I know about KC. But hey, she's one strong lady, unlike me. I'm all emo and what not..tu yg payah and my mind suka benor pikir mende bukan2.

Anonymous said...

Favorite place tu kat mana?