Thursday, August 09, 2007

Bestnya dah nak weekend..

Best kan bila Jumaat? Another weekend..

I can't wait for next week though. My Annual Leave is approved for Thursday and Friday next week. Takde nak pegi mana2 pun - nak REST je. I think I would have a peaceful rest if I off my handphone on both days and deal with it the next Monday..ok dak? Hehehhe. Was also thinking to spend some quality time with friends yg dok complaint aku ni selalu busy..nanti aku call korang eh?

Next week pun nak start cerita ni..jenuh tunggu. Saper dah tengok, syhhhhh! Jgn nak citer2, saya mmg suka tengok animation movies kat cinema - wajib! Sebab citer cartoon memang best tengok kat screen besar. And hubby share this passion with me. Animation movies are the one thing that we agree immediately to watch at cinema.

Apa lagi ek? Oh my bantal peluk. Bukan B la..he's my primary 'bantal peluk' but I also have my own bantal peluk. He also got. Imagine how crowded our bed is. I fondly call it bantal dakap. Tah, dari kecik panggil bantal dakap ..maybe org Utara kut panggey macam tu. Anyway, dah bertawun-tawun-tawun aku pakai the same bantal dakap - of course basuh la, it's not bantal busuk. I like it coz it's filled with kekabu, and ringan and lembik. I hate those bolsters jual kat kedai yg keras dan full, sungguh tidak stim. So, mine punya kekabu dia tak penuh. I requested it that way from my arwah tok. So bila tak penuh, I will literally goncang2 supaya kekabu dia jatuh bawah, then when I hug it, just nice for my hands to hug and just nice for my legs to curl around it, get it? Tak paham? Takpe, soalan ni tak masuk periksa :D.

So, the past few weeks, bantal tu punya jahitan dah loose and kekabu dia dah start kuar and sepah2 but aku yg pemalas nak jahit ni dok ikat hujung bantal hoping that dia ok. Tapi tak dpt dibantu and so, terpaksa la 'menyerah diri' kat Mama minta tolong jahit tadi (I'm going to be 30 years old this November, thank you).Upon seeing the condition of the bolster, Mama immediately ask me to throw it away! What? My bantal dakap that has been with me for so many years?!! The bantal dakap that I hugged tightly when I was crying my heart out at night dulu2? The bantal dakap that saw me smiling all night when I was madly in love? And Mama said "Tolong la, umur dah berapa ni dok pakai bantal tu lagi" Aisehhh! And Mama gave me a new bolster, yg padat..yucks! Takpe, nanti aku buang sket kekabu dia and tenyeh2 bantal tu ke bawah..kekeke.

Bye my loyal bantal dakap. I will surely miss you..uhukk uhukk!

Have a nice weekend. Kalau nampak ada vacancy kat Shah Alam or Klang please buzz me. :D

*Sibuk la makcik yg nampak baju aku banyak tak berlipat lagi kat atas. Suka hati aku la, nak lipat baju kena ada feel makcik tau? Baru bleh buat sepenuh jiwa..isKkk.


Cosmic_GurL said...

My hubby and I ada this rule. Cuma I jer yang boleh ada bolster. Dia tak leh coz he has to make me his bolster..hehehe..mmg tak aci but it's the rule! :P

Anonymous said...

oh jgn off ur handphone!!! n yes..yes..yes please spend quality time with ur friends (termasuk aku kan.. heheh(perasan)). jom lepak makan ngan geng geng kuwait finance, boxx, bluewave- wah wah si sandra ni.. tak sedar dirik nampaknya. asik melepak perabih duit jek kerjenye..)

sorry la mi.. aku sebelom datang ke rumah ko ni.. memang aku guna laluan rumah zeed. sebab kat rumah dia jek yg ade short cut ke umah ko, skarang ni blog ko n dia memang blog feveret aku la.. anak aku plak memang nak main kucing kuci boo shook? apa ke namanye si kucing zeed tu..

Amy said...

Sherry - Hahah, most of the time pun bolster dedua jatuh ke bawah je sbb dah crowded. Tapi kena ada gak bolster, sbb kalau takde pun position tido still macam ala-ala peluk bolster. Kelako!

Sand - Takpe aku off phone. Pastu call ko pakai no bilik aku..ehehe. Sila la organize kan dgn geng kuwait finance and grand bluewave tu. Kena ajak Yan and Kodeng sekali la kalau depa tak busy. Rosnah wajib ok? Takde alasan dah. Korang pilih la 16 ke 17 hb?

Nomee said...

Dear Friends,
Saya ade masalah problem. Pasal meeting kita 17 atau 18 Ogos ni. Ade ke adik saya bagitau dia nak bertunang 18hb tuh??? So, mak saya paksa saya amek cuti 17 & 18hb utk buat ape-ape patut.

Puan-puan yang dihormati sekalian,
Adalah saya dengan ni, mohon keampunan atas ke-lastminute-tan pemberitahuan ini. Sebarang kesulitan adalah amat dikesalkan.


Roti Kacang Merah said...

i ada cimut gentel... lagi beeeeessssst *grins*

kadang rasa macam nak sorok-sorok bawa pi ofis je. Kot boleh gentel-gentel masa meeting panjang-panjang dan boring dgn Datuk Bandar...hehe

Anak Ayah said...

Oh, sungguh cute entry bantal dakap ni!

Cuba try DIGI. I think they are based in Shah Alam. Nanti A. Teh tanya member yang keja kat situ.

Amy said...

Nomee - Ler, aku kata 16 or 17 le.. takkan 16 pun tak bleh *majuk* :P

Kak Leen - Sebijik macam Tiyah, adik Amy. Kalau nak tido, habis digentelnya selimut atau bantal. Hik hik keluar biji mata datuk bandar tengok kak leen gentel cimut masa meeting *hugs*

Auntie Teh - Saya? Saya? Saya cute tak? hihihi. Tolong Auntie Teh, I can email my resume to you. I have working experience in Maxis maaaa