I first went to Sandra's house sbb tak tengok lagi baby Hakeem who is now 8 months old already. Comey sungguh, rasa nak gigit je. His eyelashes, gosh...dgn panjangnya, dgn lentiknya. Geram ok? And he keep on staring at me *blush-blush*. Hariz, as usual...my darling. Naper la Aunty Amy tak ambik gambar semlm, kan?
We underestimate federal highway punya kesesakan, so we end up being about half an hour late. Hihihi..sorry yek. Yan, Kodeng, Julie and Myza were already there. Sandra went and pick up Normi while I start chatting/gossiping with the rest. Rosnah could not make it for the lunch do as she was stuck with work commitment at that time. Nevertheless, there was a lot of laughter and good food at the N.aluri Cafe we went. Of course ada gambar, walaupun sekeping je due to my battery span. I didn't charge it thinking that it was enough. There were also novels exchange/returning. Best! And I like this picture, I think we all looked radiant, macam still 18 kan? kan? kan? hehhehe *psst Julie, My, Kod and Yan - takde rezeki la nak dapat F.errero Rocher, it was in my bag..lupa nak kasi. Normi je dapat. Next time la yek*
After sending off Normi back to the hotel, Sandra and me went for party pack hunting in Shah Alam for Anne's birthday celebration today. It was just like the old time - me being klutzy as always, I almost dropped a stack of T.oblerone kat hypermarket tu. Isk..then we continue the fun by going to S. Parade to meet Rosnah. After performing Zohor, we had a drink at Uncle's Lim. This time, ambik gambar using my S.ony E.ricsson K618i - this is the first time I'm posting pictures from the phone - thanks to brief confirmation by Kodeng on how to transfer picture from phone to the lappie, keh keh how 'techsavvy' kan? Lepas ni bleh la make full use of the phone, dulu tak berani. The picture quality not bad kan? But I still prefer taking picture using my O.lympus sbb bleh buat macam2 setting. Maybe for phone bleh guna utk ambik gambar food la since aku segan nak guna O.lympus tu kalau nak ambik gambar food..unless kat rumah.
Oh, Rosnah and me share the same birthdate - 4th November 1977. How bizarre is that considering that both of us are roommates throughout our study life in PPP? Sandra and me left S. Parade as Sandra needs to pick up the birthday cake and I also need to rush home.
Lepas Maghrib, Tiyah, Intan, Adam and me went to O.ne Utama for our movie trip - R.atatouille. Arrived a bit early and had dinner at the K.opitiam in the bowling area. Adam was fascinated to see the bowling balls. A bit hyper malam semalam, grinning ear to ear, lari sana sini..penat ok Angah nak kejar! Dah masuk cinema, he was all excited bila tengok big screen full of cartoons..mumbling German words. I had to ask him to keep quiet tapi dia tak bising sangat la - not annoying la. At least he didn't cry like other kids dlm cinema tu. Thank god. I would not know what to do if he cries. He sat still watching the first half of the movie, walk around a bit between me and Tiyah and lepas dapat susu, he dozed off. Sian dia..
Tonight, there will be a M.ulticultural Nite show at my office - theme dia batik. Malas la aku nak pegi. But I did bought ticket just to show support. Gave the ticket to Tiyah to claim the door gift and be in the running for the lucky draw - not that I ever got myself lucky pun. Masa tengah pilih ticket number tu, berkenan kat this number 3029 (dah tak banyak yg available pun). Choosen that number, kononnya symbol of my age - 29 going to be 30 this year. Belasah je la..
Tiyah is going to wear this to her best friend punya wedding this Sunday. I love the color. See how rajin my Mama jahit the beads. Baju pun Mama yg jahit. I love the bead work. Kadang2 tolong Mama buat gak tapi tak bleh lama-lama, I got bored :P. Tapi hasilnya mmg berbaloi la bila dah pakai. Kalau nak upah, gila mahal ok yg ada bead works tu.
Tu saja update. I plan to spring clean my room today and lots of other things yg I plan to do. Let's just wait and see my 'angan-angan Mat Jenin' ni..
Happy Friday and have a great weekend!
Amy, First thing smpi opis aku trus masuk blog ko sebab tahu sure kau dah update citer yesterday....heheheeh....I had wonderful time yesterday..sayangnya tak lama...
ler amy, ada cokelat ke?.. ish..ish.. apsal lupa? anyway, had a great time yesterday. nanti kena jumpa lagik sbb aku pinjam buku cite kau... :p
My - Well, you know me. Bangun pagi tadi lepas laki aku pi keje, rasa nak terus update plak ehehe. Nanti kita buat lagi ek? Ajak kak rina plak.
Julie - Isk isk KFH girls ni, dedua comment terus..ehehhe. Tu la, aku dah panik gila sbb lambat ok. Padahal coklat tu ada je dlm my-brown-bag-yg you-all-cakap-lawa tu. Yup, nanti kita jumpa lagi, at the same place la senang sbb korang tak yah jauh2.
I had a great time too!
alang2 tu tolong spring clean my room skali :D.. bestnyer dia cuti2!!!!!!
Err..aaa... boleh tak suruh Kak Zah bukak kelas khas untuk A.Teh belajar buat puding laici dia yang sungguh sodappp tu, tudung meja bulat with nice little frills around it, menjahit beads kat baju?
Fuyoh...! Banyak cepat update. Bagus! pasal cokelat tu, aku siap ambik gambar lagi - sebab aku tau org lain tak dapat, so aku boleh eksyen. Amy sayang aku sorang je!
*jelir lidah kat Julie, Myza, Kodeng, Yan & Sandra*
Cik Pi - Bilik aku ni pun berjanggut okeh nak kemas. As of update at 12.46pm, nothings has been done yet. muahahaha. Alah, kasik chance la cik pi, Isnin nanti sure aku stress balik.
A. Teh - Heheh that pudding lychee is very the kacang putih. I'll post the recipe when I have time. She said I passed with flying colors oredi. The jahit part, you got to menuntut dgn Mama la, I don't have the patience. Tengah masak dgn Mama tadi dah minta tolong Mama ajar Milia guna mesin jahit coz my kaftan a bit koyak and my laki's pants pun koyak. Nak belajar jahitan lurus dulu. Malas dah nak jahit pakai tangan. Jahit machine senang :P - pemalas!
Nomee - Ko kan! Saja nak provoke depa tau...siap ambik gambar. SUka la tu battery camera aku kong. Mana weh gambar kitaorg bertiga tuh? Cepat update, aku nak curikkkkk.
betul beb aku sokong...kompem nampak cam 18 yrs old girls.
Aku lum dapat kata-kata untuk disusuaikan dengan gambor2 tu. Tu yg aku maleh nak post tu. Kelam kabut sket kat opis. Tak syok nak post blog. Isnin ha...
Setakat cokelat tuh aku pun tak heran...Nanti Amy dah janji nak bagi lagi banyak...:)
Jgn Lupa update cepat gamba yg hot2 tuh....kang dah suam tarak syiookkkk
Jgn lupa next time BIG Chocolate for us OK...
Zetty - U made my day today! Keh keh mowahs
Nomee - Wokeh bebeh..take ur time. Dah telan ke chocolate?
My - Keh2 keh2 nak big chocolate insyallah..aku kena cepat2 abiskan baca buku tu semua ah and jumpa korang lagik hiks
lahhhh apsal tak ajak ween ni?? hehhe
hello amy..thankx a lot! dah le ko datang umah aku yang jauh di pinggir kota tu...pastu teman aku gi shopping untuk anne plak.. tq lah byk.. kalau ko tak de, nampak nye aku ni shopping kat warta bangi je lah gamaknye.. aku ni kan paranoid kalau nak gi jalan sorang2 unless kerja lah.. alasan yg aku kasik kat org napa tak leh gi sorang - takut kena rompak, ragut, rape (wey.. nenek tua pon kena rape wokay..), culik (mak aii.. sapa la plak nak culik aku ni..tek berbaloi tol) ha.. yg lagi drastik kena bunuh.. apapa pon she had a good time semalam. tak abis abis cakap, MAMA TQ SOO..MUCH. MAMA BUATKAN ANNE BIRTHDAY PARTY. KAWAN ANNE SUME SUKA... (thankx to anti amy)gambar nanti aku email kat ko or upload kat wa.. nengok lah mana yang aku suka..
*preparation bagai nak rak. partynye 15 minutes jek. :P
Ween kat Shah Alam ke? hey, then I can collect the cupcakes myself la kan? Heheheh
Sandra - No prob. Bila dah free, aku spendla masa. Aku pun mmg takut la nak gi mana sorang2 tapi kadang2 no choice..cuma pegi bank tu aku takut sket sorang2 (macam le aku byk duit!). takpe Sand, preparation bagai nak rak tapi bila tengok muka Anne yg happy tu, worth everything kan? email la gambar ke letak dlm blog Wa ke? Nak sgt tengok si princess tu dgn cake dia..
lahai tak cite pun angan2 mat jenin tuh... heheheh
hope u have a lovely weekend!
eee bestnya jumpa kawan2 lama. dulu aku keja kat glenmarie tu takde plak korang nak buat gathering gitu2. now ni dah kat kl chi chi ni sah2 aku tokleh join. sobs.
takpe koraanngggg.... *majuk*
ehek. main2 jelah.
everyone looked so happy. but of course la kan, nak tangkap gambor mestilah nak muka happy. hehe.
F n G dearie - My angan-angan mat jenin is to spring clean my room. Well, macam mat jenin la, separuh je la buat..lagi separuh next weekend la. Malas. I would rather laze around watching tv or read books. Hari ni plak hubby ada dok rest, takkan nak bising2 vacuum bilik (alasan org pemalas!)
Zied - Kalau ko still kat opis lama, sure aku dah ajak beb. Anyways, kita kan always bleh jumpa for our IKEA session tu (which macam dah lama tak buat kan?). Yesterday when I was in KL, Rina called saying she just pass by my house sbb nak pick up Sonya pegi Ipoh. Isk, asyik takde rezeki nak jumpa dia laaa..adoi.
makasih for not spoiling it for me... heheheh...tak sempat tgk lagik la.. tp best kan?? tunggu kay.. lepas ni citer 'Bee Movie' plak tau kak...
jom ah gi daim cake seround be4 comes ramadhan :p
keja hari nieh amy? aku cuti minggu depan :D
weiii aku sokong cadangan cikpijah tu! let's make a date b4 ramadhan.
this wkend:
25/8 aku ada exam (dont ask)
26/8 pagi free, petang/mlm wedding
next wkend:
1/9 & 2/9 it looks like my social calendar is....... kosong! tapi im sure ramai pegi jln jauh cos cuti panjang. MERDEKA!
next next wkend:
8/9 & 9/9 i will be in thailand
next next next wkend:
15/9 & 16/9 aikkk dah poser dah?? shite!
so nampaknya dis wkend jelah yg ada time.. *sobs* korang on ke?
actually, kalau ada antara korang yg free next wkend (merdeka wkend), aku on je. call me tau kalau jadi!!! :)
event calendar aku for wikens kosong lagi so far. iyyer! sad i know :(
Aisha - No problemo. Tu la, dah banyak kali tengok gazette Bee Movie tu. Rasa tak sabo nak tengok. Tolong le akak ko ni, dah umor 30 tapi still tengok cartoon :P
Cik Pi - Siot, berlagak tuh cuti minggu depan..iskk. Aku erkk..semalam keje. Hari ni MC. Teruk kan?
Zied - FuyOoh plan penuh weekend ek? 1/9 sounds good. Am not going anywhere although cuti panjang coz 2/9 ada office event - convocation. Suckss kan? Kena gather2 orang nih. Cik aje free dak?
Cik Pi - Jom la 1/9 ok? Elleh ye ke kosong? Ko bukan nak travel somewhere ke? Cik Diva dah balik ke dari Mumbai?
okay... aku belik banyak kain murah dr mumbai ni... ko ambik tempahan utk raya tak? hihihi
yeaayyy!!! 1st Sept it is! ajak geng tekbest skali.. aku register masuk geng tu :p (layak tak?)
*jalan mendada*
Diva - Dah lambat ok? HEhehe jom IKEA 1/9 nih?
Cik Pi - Ok nanti aku ajak le geng TEKBES kalau depa tak pi bercuti panjang la..
Layak-layak...there's always WONDERBRA maaaa..hik hik.
amyy.....haa baru today baru aku leh comment blog ko..laptop aku ok jee terus aku nak masuk blog ko heeheheh bangga dak??heehhehe tu yg sms ko tuh...apa xnya, windows corrupt, so address2 yg aku bookmark sumer ilang! uwaaaaaaaaaaa..nanti2 kita jumpa lagi ek...if time cuti lagi best coz leh lama2;-) so c yaa!!!
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