Told my dad about it and last Thursday, we decided to drive to Bukit Jalil and see the progress. I bought it in 2003, was supposed to be completed in 2005 tapi yg siap hanya tapak rumah je. I gave up and last year, the new company called and request sort of approval to continue with the project. Aku ikut je la, malas dah. Kalau ikut perancangan, end of this year will be completed. Tapi bila tengok rumah, macam dah nak siap je. Pintu dgn pagar je tak pasang lagi, tiles sampai ke toilet semua dah siap. I felt giddy and excited at the same time. Lama dah tunggu weh. 5 years! Hopefully, it will be completed in time.
Parents are excited too..on our way back, I kept thinking and said to Mama "Betullah Mama selalu cakap sebelum ni. Ada hikmah di sebalik ujian Tuhan". Mama asked "Kenapa?". "Yelah, kalau betul rumah siap dulu 2005, maybe adik sengkek sket la nak bayar bulan2 sbb nak bayar keta Zul lagi. Sekarang, kereta Zul pun dah habis bayar. Ngam2 je dengan rumah pun siap tahun ni, insyallah. Tak la berat sangat. Tuhan nak bagi adik ringan sket beban, tu yg Dia uji dulu, kan Ma?" Mama smiled and agreed.
Susah sebenarnya nak admit yg kadang2 kita kena bersyukur dgn apa2 pun dugaan dlm hidup. More often than not, we tend to compare with what other people have, not with what other people don't have. True? Walaupun rumah kecik, sekangkang kera je but it's mine you know? I've actually secretly kept some home decoration, macam small cute IKEA vases, candles, alas meja, heck even fridge magnets - presents from friends in one corner of my cupboard in my room since few years with the hope that my own house will be completed and I could use the things. Eventhough sometimes I wonder when it will be completed, but when I look at the things I kept, I smiled and continue to dream about the house. I think sometimes I overexposed my feelings here kan? I know my cousins, my sister will be reading this..arghh, salah ke nak berangan? Kitchenware macam pinggan mangkuk and utensils and whole lot of others - gifts for my wedding 5 years ago pun are kept in one corner in my room, kena tunggu ada rumah baru bleh guna.
Gambo Akiff latest - taken 2 days ago. Oh by the way, his name is spelt as Akiff, not Aqiff
I'm praying for more good things to happen this year..Hopes and dreams are two things that kept me going.. And I never stop hoping and dreaming..:D
wah.. best nyer.. cantik ah umah akak yg bakal siap nih.. takper.. once dia siap, saya kasik jam dinding kay.. akak jangan beli jam dinding lagik kay.. hehhee.. best cuti?
Im praying for all your wishes to come true this year, InsyaAllah..we have to keep on hoping sistah!
Sha - Dengan barang yg serba kekurangan entah camner ghupa rumah akak ni dek non oit.. lambat lagi, entah bleh masuk ke idak end of this year pun tak tau. Serious Sha nak kasik jam dinding? Okehh akak tunggu :). Cuti? Bleh la..
Sherie - Thanks dear..I'll pray for yours too :)
Cute nyer Akiff ... :)
Amy, tak salah berangan2..heheh..kalau tak, takde nyer nama perempuan..hehehe ... syokkan bila rumah sendiri dah nak siap.. i agree, biarlah sekecik mana pun, but it's our own house... best dia lain macam sikit :) Jgn lupa ajak aku housewarming (nanti aku bawak fridge magnet dari oz hehehe..)!!!
wah amy
aku boleh rasa keexcitedkan ngko coz aku pun dulu gila excited macam tu...seperti kata munziaq peghak buih....anyway bile nak move in cakap ngan aku ada oriental stuff from sarawak
bestnyer nak pindah rumah sendiri!! jeles...jeles... aku ni pun.. hadiah kawin simpan elok2 dlm almari.. ntah bila la nak pakai agaknyer.. huhu
Best2.. I know the feeling. Alaa aku dulu beli apartment je pon.. excited ngalah kan beli banglo.. yang penting rumah sendiri kan.. best2..alhamdulilah, nak siap dah rumah ko tuh..and yes, setiap dugaan tu pasti..pasti ada hikmahnya.. whether or not kita bukakan mata dan hati untuk nampak je .. take care..
Nanti aku nak fridge magnet gak (book a space for me).
aku rasa kau dah boleh plan for housewarming party nih, insya allah.
I am in the same predicament as you, but nampaknye your nasib baik sikit sbb rumah dah ada progress. Bought mine in 2002 and the progress was really fast, in a year dah siap 80%, but then they stopped (Jalil Heights, by Abra, subsidiary of Talam Jahanam). In the end, we bought an apt 3 years back sbb x tahan menunggu. Sad part is, my dearest hubby kembali ke Rahmatullah on 21 Feb last year (he was only 36) and x sempat tengok rumah impiannya (it's a semi-D and hubby dah siap lukis plan for reno).
Mmg, ada hikmah sbb can't imagine just me and my two girls tinggal dlm rmh besar tu without hubby.
Apapun, I pray your hse will be ready soon without cacat cela and please pray for mine too.
congratulations on your new home! (sorry la, aku tak tau and ko pun tak penah cakap). takpe, nanti dah selamat pindah and kalau kau buat housewarming, aku sponsor blueberry cheesecake satu, InsyaAllah...
And yes Amy, good thing ALWAYS come to those who wait. If Allah kata, it's time for you to have, the have it you shall, kan?!
anyway, i'm sooo happy for you! selamat membaca segala home ID magazines ya. kalau nak yg UK punye, aku ada byk tapi yg back issues la. nanti aku bagi pinjam.
congrats on your new home!
mesti tak sabar2 nak pindah kan? bestnya ada rumah sendirik.
*burps* Isk bau JCo le :P
Ayu - Akiff tu buah hati no 3. No 1 Zul, No 2 Adam..ehehhe. Best dia lain macam kan? Doakan la rumah tu siap cepat and takde masalah. Housewarming? Insyallah.. uih bestnya ada fridge magnet dari OZ *yippee*
Intan - UiShh, ni dari Sarawak plak. Sayang koranggg! :) Munziaq? Dia ingat lagi ke dak kat kita nih Intan oit..I doubt so :P
Konot - The 'pindah' word tu entah bila la..not so soon kut. Banyak lagi process tu..dah siap CF nanti, grill la apa la (pinar bijik mata aku nampak duit jek nih kachInggg)
Che Na - Ko la antara org yg sangat memahami diriku, sama2 Scorpio kan? Tak bleh lawan deco rumah ko beb. Mmg superb..rumah aku tu tak leh beli bende besar2, ruang dah la sempit. Tu la Che Na, kadang2 hati takmo terbuka bersyukur dgn apa yg ada sbb asyik nak banding dgn apa yg org lain ada. Muhasabah diri ni, I hope to be a better person. *hugs*
Nomee - Aku tengah tak paham ni. Ko nak bagi aku fridge magnet ke, ko nak aku bagi ko fridge magnet ke, ko nak booking fridge magnet dari Ayu gak? ehehhe
Zets - Too early la weh nak plan housewarming..tahun depan agaknya kalau betul rumah aku tu siap tahun ni. Ko dgn Pijah jadik organizer kay? :)
Myheartbleeds - Oh heart goes to you dear. I'm sorry to hear about your hubby. I doakan rumah you pun cepat siap. Mine was under same developer, after 1 year, tiang pun tak berdiri lagi, ada tapak jek. Sakit hati Tuhan je yg tahu, bila subsidiary ni tak over, cepat plak. Hopefully la rumah I betul2 siap on time this time. Setiap yg terjadi ada hikmahnya, I'm sure you're proud of the two very lovely daughters - Misha and Maira. You've got great kids - now that's something I can't say for myself for the time being :). Thanks for dropping by..I'll be watching your space too. Take care!
Noresh - Tak pernah citer selama ni sbb dah sakit jiwa menunggu. ehheh. Blueberry cheese cake? Wow, betul ni weh? Heehe kalau betul rumah tu complete dgn elok, insyallah ada la tu nanti. Kepala otak aku mmg berangan macam2 ni sambil ditemani background $$kaching$kaching$$. Ye, moga apa yg aku tunggu selama ni (you know what) pun akan termakbul one day.
Rainy - Tu la, I hope it will be completed in time, estimated nya end of this year la. Rumah kecik je beb, tapi citernya macam beli rumah banglo je (bak kata Arena). But this blog is where I share my sadness and happiness kan?
Uwwwwwwwwwaaaaa - besok Auditors datang for 2 days..haiyOh!
Amy...Congrats...lepas ni you will be the familiar face kat Ikea or kedai Barang-barang la kot... :)
Anyway, aku dah dapat JCo donut! curtesy of somebody yang tau aku dah ngidam-tahap-babun kan that thing! are soo right...sedapnya hingga menjilat siku!~
Good Luck for your Audit!
Kalau nak buat house-warming jgn lupa kat aku...
Alhamdullillah finally yg dicita2 kesampaian...
Bestnya ada umah sendiri...
amy, house's lokin gooooood! ;-D
jgn lupa amek ahy untuk hias-hias ek? hehe
Linda - AdoiHh, kalau makcik kaya raya mmg borong je kat tempat mahal2 dan cantik ittew, tapi makcik tak kayOo..anyway, lambat lagi la kut Linda oi nak pikir. Dah rasa? betul kan aku cakap, keh keh aku sengih bila ko kata sedap hingga menjilat siku..camner rupa ko sekarang ek dah jadi ibu ni.. takde fotopages ke weh?
Anon - Sapo nih ah? I could think of Sandra je kalau comment anonymous ni. Addeh doakan la rumah akak ni siap ah baru bleh buka housewarming ke global warming ke :P
Aunty Teh - *malu*malu*..rumah kecik je la Aunty Teh..kalau siap, bleh la Rayyan lari2 nanti :)
Kak Lin - Adoih architect dah tengok rumah separa siap ni? Kak Lin doakan ye rumah ni siap dgn elok. Kalau ramai2 kawan Amy doakan, harap2 berkat la. Ahy? Ish mampu ke I ni? Tapi org mmg teringin la dia lukis2 dinding tu.. *berangan*
ahh.. the excitement of getting new house.. lelagi rumah first kan. best ni. teruskan bersabar amy.. kalau dah siap semua jgn lupa house warming tau :)
elok la tu mi...aku pon nak masuk umah baru gak nih. tunggu wife aku abih pantang nanti. btw, anak aku pon spelled akif, akif with one F :)
house warming kalu....jangan lupa ajak aku hehehe...
Baru perasan ada lagik yg mengcomment kat sini hihihi.
Aishah - Bilo la Aishah..not so soon kut, banyak lagi processnya kan? Insyallah...
Azrul - Wah, jgn lupa update. Rumah ko sure besor nih..
Fina - Insyallah bebeh..lambat lagi ni aku rasa
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