From Chemor to Vegas
Had a nice weekend..
Friday night was spent doing the sirih junjung with Mak Lang and Mama..picked up my cousin Azhan from the LRT and we had kopitiam session at Old T.own Wh.ite Coffee in KJ and showed them my new office which was just opposite :). Balik dari kopitiam session, Mak Lang, Tiyah and me buat gila pakai inai, I think we slept at 2am..madness.
8am the next morning dah bertolak ke Chem.or. I was so sleepy due to lack of sleep hehehe. Stop at Tapah for breakfast and that's when my car start to buat perangai. Aircond macam takde gas, it was freaking warm in the car. Kitaorg konvoi 6 cars from KL and Zul and me were with Mak Lang and Azhan in one car. I could not stand the heat, Zul knowing how cranky I would be bila aku dah migraine sbb panas nanti, suggested that I joined my parents in another car. We stopped in Ipoh and aku pun tinggalkan laki aku membawa kereta yg panas tu. Teruk kan aku ni? Tapi aku tak tahan sangat dah..dah le Ipoh jammed gila, start cuti sekolah kan? So, bila buka tingkap pun angin takde la sbb bumper to bumper jammed.
Chemor was quite nice, my first time there. Quiet small town. It was nice to see all my cousins there at the ceremony. Only Haiza and Baya could not make it. I lead the 'gadis2 hantaran' as I was the eldest married cousin...Haiza is the eldest but since she is mabuk-pregnant, so aku la lead. Berdebar..ehehhe. The discussion only took about 15 mins and Mak Lang proceed to sarung cincin. It was my first time meeting Aliff's fiance, Ju. Sangat cantik, tak jemu tengok dia. But looking at the pictures I snapped, I think it didn't do justice to her. She is far more beautiful kat luar gambar. Insyallah, the wedding ceremony will be end of this year, aku doa banyak2 moga jodoh diaorg panjang. AMIN..
Sampai rumah dah petang, aku melepek je kat rumah. Sunday B tak pegi keje, so we had lunch in On.e Ut.ama and went to G.SC for a movie 'What Happens in Ve.gas' (Picture credits)... I like it, although it's a typical romantic comedy. The best part of it all is I got to spend time with B, laughing at certain scenes which reminded us on our first year of marriage - full of trying to tolerate each other's bad habits hahahha. It's nearly 4 1/2 years of marriage now, and I love him even more each day...angau le plak! :)
aku dulu beria2 amik sirih junjung pasal bende tu ringan.. rupa2nya sirih junjung kepala hantaran. terpaksala aku jadi ketua jalan depan sekali.. hahaha.. lepas ni takkan ku bawa sirih junjung dah :P
Aishah - Aku mmg tahu sirih junjung tu kepala hantaran..kat Perlis hari tu pun aku gak yg menjadi ketua, me being the oldest and what not kan.. aiseHH
Akak Jiwang.. yeay!
Sha - Hahahahh..bukan selalu. Kasik chance ah. Akak guling2 gelak atas katil bila tetiba abg zul sms 'I love u B' hari ni...kenapa gelak? Sebab dia ni bukan selalu mcm ni. Adoih.
over tau title entry ni kehkehkehkeh.
Zets - Hehehhe..saja jek..bila nak melepak ni?
Hi amy, cian laki dia kena tinggal kepanasan kehekhekh... and angau eh!! hihihi best tu angau, dah 4 plus years pon still angau, keep it up!!
Amy, much thnx for always visiting my blog and say a prayer for my dad... although i dont really update these days.. takde masa. you know!
Ween - Alah, sekali sekala.. dia je la 'baby' I sekarang ni pun kan? No probs Ween, time ni you di uji, mana tahu some other time I plak, and it will be my turn hoping for support from family and friends. **hugs**
wei...sampai ipoh tak sound gua eh beb... patut kena bg salam dulu tuuu....eheheh...kalo ko bgtau bleh gak aku bg ko limau tambun sebijik
wah....besnya deting tgk wayang citer tu..:)
Azrul - Macam mana nak sound, aku dah le blur Chemor tu kat mana, first time maaa.. dah sampai tol Ipoh tu masa tunggu konvoi, scroll gak tepon tengok no phone ko..tapi memandangkan berkonvoi and masa yg ketat, aku tak dapek la nak contact sesapa. Next time beb, kalau ada rezeki.. end of this year ke Chemor lagi kut utk wedding.. kalau ko turun KL ajak Zied melepak, ajak le aku sekali..:)
Muadzlife - Tengok wayang tu agenda bulanan selalunya kalau weekend tak busy dgn keje/wedding/balik kpg. Walaupun kadang2 cerita2 biasa je, tapi saja nak gak spend time dating kat luar..we only have each other now kan? Japgi lepas Maghrib, nak gi dating kat Uptown plak :P
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