Thursday, July 30, 2009

This is it..

I’ve requested for my internet line to be relocated to my new house effective from last Tuesday, so now dah takde internet la. But I guess I’ll just update what’s going on in my life right now.

Of course, the main topic in my life right now is the moving out thingy (kalau boring pegi baca blog orang lain ye). Insyallah, I’ll be moving out this Saturday. Arrangement has been made, so hopefully everything run smoothly that day. Memang betul, aku bukan pindah jauh or overseas pun.. tapi this means a lot to me, to us (Zul and me). We’ve been waiting for this house to be completed, like forever remember? This being the first time we’ll be living together, just the two of us, after nearly 6 years of marriage. Boleh la diconsider as another new phase in our life, might mean nothing to you but it is meaningful to us.

And I’ve never been away from my parents except masa Ayah keje kat Perlis for 3 years, saya kan sekolah biasa je, bukan sekolah berasrama penuh. Kat PPP pun, every single weekend confirm balik Kelana Jaya. Walaupun rumah parents is merely 20 minutes away from BJ, I still feel lain macam. Am so used to balik keje je, if B is not around or working, I will lepak with Mama kat dapur, sembang, kadang2 berjam-jam lamanya. I can talk to her about everything! Lepas pindah ni pun, sure la aku still spent time lepak kat KJ, tapi tak sama. Susah nak describe apa aku rasa sekarang. Yes, I am excited about moving to my own abode but I still felt a little tinge of sadness inside. *watery eyes* Hey, I’m a Scorpio and emotional is my middle name, so bagi chance la :)

On worklife, kira madness tu dah habis hari ni, will be releasing the results soon. Dah lega and I'm taking leave next week Monday & Tuesday just to settle down I guess. Memang la tak mampu nak siap unpacking by Tuesday nanti, I just needed the break for my own sanity (and to qada' tido). Funny how sometimes (B would say 'all the time' though) I tend to put priority to my work than my life :). Tuhan je tahu betapa penatnya aku this week. Kemuncaknya last Wednesday night balik 10.30pm dari office, tu pun ada hati nak lipat baju yg berlonggok depan TV, only to head to bed just lepas lipat 2 baju :P. So, that's it la, baju tu akan ku sumbat je dlm bakul and lipat di rumah baru je, malas dah. I need the rest and energy for later.

Talking about work, my ex-colleagues kat company lama is celebrating their first bonus after 5 years, am happy for them and of course la happy for my sis, as this would be her first bonus dia pernah rasa, dapat 3 months plak tu (dia tahu aku sure akan pau dia punya :P)..tipu la kalau kata aku tak rasa terkilan. Ironic aku rasa sbb when I started there, that was the first year yg tak bagi bonus and I survived there for 5 years without vitamin B, and a year after I left, this year they decided to give vit B yg banyak. Takpe, bukan rezeki aku kan (you don't know how hard for me to say this to myself!)..Ramai tak percaya bila aku kata sepanjang aku mula bekerja dari tahun 1999, aku tak pernah merasa bonus sbb the first two companies tu aku keje contract basis and lepas tu keje lama ni for 5 years, tak kira la performance bagus ke tak, dah memang company tu tak bagi langsung..I've talked about this to mama and B and both of them agreed, I wouldn't be happier working there pun. Yer, sini pun aku busy, dan kadang2 bawa keje balik but it was much much less stressful than previous company, kepala pun tak beban macam dulu. Hati aku masih sakit dgn cara adik aku dilayan dan dikerah and had advised her to look for new job but I'm sure that's not in her mind, especially lepas dpt bonus ni kan? Takpelah as long as dia bleh tahan walaupun aku tak suka the way she was treated. And I believe one shouldn't succumb just because of monetary reward. Of course we all work for money, tapi..alah you get what I mean la kan? Takkan kutuk2 company tempat kerja tapi bila dah dapat gaji or bonus, diam kejap :). Sampai bila?

For my sis, it's double joy sbb she got the opportunity from the parent company to perform umrah this year, just like me in 2007. Alhamdulillah..parent company memang best, and I heard disebabkan desakan oleh parent company la yg they get to enjoy vitamin B this year. She’s leaving on 31st August, and will be spending Ramadhan for 10 days there . Seronoknya! Mudah2an semuanya dipermudahkan..Amin.

Friendship wise, seronok kat FB sbb makin banyak jumpa kawan2 lama, especially the primary schoolmates kat Penang dulu. The usual meet ups with TEKBES geng pun macam dah lama tak buat, memasing busy (dan harap kat aku to organize kut?).. I met Kodeng last weekend to return her storybooks, and met Intan Lily on Monday night. Amin and she were here to submit their visa. Amin is furthering his study in UK, Newcastle to be exact, insyaallah in September. They’ll be there for about 3 years la kut..sempat ke aku nak kumpul duit bawa Zul jalan2 sana? Hihihi..berangan. Met Aisha the same night to return her DVD yg aku dah pinjam setahun lebih. She came with her fiancé, so comel together. Insyallah kalau takde apa hujung tahun ni, sampailah saya kat Kuantan utk wedding awak tu :P Bleh la jalan2 sambil sambut anniversary kitaorg hehe. Macam sama je last year sambut anniversary kat Kuantan gak, pegi Cherating. Alhamdulillah, mission aku nak pulangkan barang2 kawan2 before pindah dah terlaksana.

Mak aih, panjang berjela update bila ada mood ni. Bleh la buat stok 2 minggu ek..Till later! Have a nice weekend, selamat bekerja Isnin dan Selasa ni masa saya bercuti :P)


Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

amy, selamat berpindah rumah. i know exactly how you feel... take it easy.. memula mmg sedey.. especially the first few nites.. tapi tak per.. you'll get the hang of it.. sonok ada rumah sendiri ni.. buat ler makan2 selalu.. ajak aku.. hahahah..

-dari aku yg blum buat makan2 utk nko lagik-

Amy said...

Konot - Thanks dear, it takes a Scorpio to understand a Scorpio kan? :)..sib baik the first few nights ni Zul cuti dan keje pagi, so malam2 dia ada.. aku tido umah parents aku kut if dia shift malam, takut. or maybe ajak adik aku tido rumah aku coz office dia 10 minutes je dari rumah aku. See how la. Malam ni sure aku tido tak lena :( takpelah pasal makan2 tu..aku pun entah bila, maybe tunggu open house Raya terus kut.

aisha said...

heheheh...yeay pindah umah!!! selamat mengemas ek.. jangan stress-stress.. pastikan abg zul dah paku kat dinding satu space tuk jam saya... heheheh... and kami akan pergi mengadap konsert search and tgk citer "the proposal" sandra bullock tuh... and also, si tunang saya siap tak caya camner kita leh berkenalan.. bengong sungguh dia.. hahahha

Amy said...

Arghhh jelesnya bleh bersooka ria.. hihi naper dia tak percaya plak? Sebab nampak kita sembang macam dah kenal lama agaknya ;P

Zetty said...

adik ku jugak dapat bonus...dan aku dah pau dia pun hahha.

Amy said...

Zets - Tu ah..adik aku dok plan nak ajak makan besar kat fav restaurant family aku..tak sabo aku nak pau! :P