Monday, October 25, 2010

If we ever meet again..

Tajuk post mmg tak bleh blah..:) Saja je sbb dok humming lagu ni.

Saya ok dah, biasalah masa kena bertubi2 tu rasa macam kurang kasih sayang jek. Tapi I felt love all around me. Thanks for taking the time and trouble to leave comments. I really appreciate it. I know most of my friends pun dah jarang baca, tinggal comment pun takde dah..FB wins over blog kan. Cumanya, when I want to pour my heart out, I chose blog rather than FB. Tah kenapa.

Thanks also for the call made all the way from Newcastle. Me heart u, Intan! Sorry ,aku kalau dah terlena mmg mamai je jawab phone.

I spent the whole Saturday with Mama, sis and Ayah while B worked the morning shift. Sgt best. Pagi2 pegi pasar dgn Mama, then breakfast with Ayah and sis..tengahari melepak je, had lunch. Tak masak, beli je. Then pegi Nilai, then tunggu B balik for dinner together with the whole family. Kari kepala ikan yg yummy (beli jugak)..

Lupa nak cerita the last 2 weekend, Zetty and I went to Fina's birthday party for her son, Alex. Birthday party cum karaoke session. Shell was there too. It was nice to meet Teemah and Hasina again..I last met them masa kenduri Pijah rasanya. I had fun, makan sampai kenyang, tapi malu nak nyanyi, dah 2.00am baru nak nyanyi..yeap, you read that right, party was until 2.30am :P. Sunday tu mmg melepek je tido. Hehe.

Ok, till the next post eh...nak tengok TV la, macam ada movie best jek :)


Norliana Abdul Rahman said...

aku baca okeh blog ko.. EVERYTIME YOU UPDATE! cuma kekdg tak komen... tapi aku baca!! so selalu la update yek? hehe

Amy said...

Haha Konot..thanks :)

Nomee said...

Aku tengok tajuk, ingat kan entry pasal apa tadi..... *tipah tertipu*

Amy said...

Nomee - Kalau dah sampai 400 lebih post, mati kutu dah nak pikir tajuk apa hehe...sowwyy