Meh aku citer mende yg happy dulu.. semalam I had breakfast with the TEKBES gang. Initially we planned to meet at IKEA as usual, tapi memandangkan Zied ada hal 11.30am onwards, we decided to meet for breakfast instead at Uncle Lim's in Subang Parade.
So, there were Zied, Kak Dilla, Noresh, Rosnah and me .. Aje could not make it (reason yg ko bagi Zied mmg aku tak bleh terima :D ) and Cik Pijah also could not join for breakfast and we were planning to meet her somewhere else after breakfast tapi last2 tak jadi gak. Sorry ha Cik Pijah, we'll plan for a proper meet up soon. Borak-gelak-borak-gelak as usual and then we wanted to go to Swensen's tapi buka lambat sangat and we end up in McDonalds. After a while, Zied had to leave and followed by Noresh.
Lepas meninggalkan sampah-sarap di McDonalds, Kak Dilla, Rosnah and me went jalan-jalan and pastu had lunch at Dave's Deli.. my, my... ada lagi ruang kat perut aku ni untuk makan *sigh* but it was one of the best lasagna, so tak bleh nak resist lagik. :D Soon, Kak Dilla had to leave and tinggallah aku dan Rosnah, jalan-jalan lagi and aku pun balik.
Hari ni, kiranya nak meng vacuum le bilik lepas aku dah kemas bilik semalam. Gatai plak rasa nak vacuum sekali kat family hall atas ni and I didn't realize ada stokin bawah kerusi. Vacuum ni plak penyedutnya besar dan sedut dgn marvelousnya sekali.. maka stokin itu pun sangkut la sekali.. uwaaaa. Aku dah cuba pelbagai cara nak keluarkan stokin tu tapi tak berjaya. Dgn batang penyapu, dgn paip getah.
Masalahya, stokin tu stuck kat belalai. Kat tempat kita pegang bila kita nak vacuum. Tempat yg besi senget tu la dia nak stuck. Kalau dia stuck kat tempat lurus takpe, senang je jolok keluar dgn batang penyapu. Shit! You know what, this stupid-weird thing always happen to me. ALWAYS! I'm the only one among my siblings yg akan mengalami kebodohan sebegini. I will be the one yg akan injured kat tempat2 yg org lain takkan kena..aku jugak la yg selalu akan 'meng' accidentkan kereta bapaku. And this is my dad's favorite vacuum so far compared with other vacuums.. yes, he is very particular especially equipment mahal yg harga beribu. Arghh! I hate this. Aku nak try fix this (with hubby's help when he comes back nanti..cepatla balik!) and kalau tak berjaya, kena la aku ngadap ayah aku bagitau. Camni jugak la aku takut masa keta Honda aku dulu kena curi time aku keje. Puas aku nangis dulu baru aku bagitau Ayah. Takut siot!
Hmpphh.. besok aku cuti lagi.. gila melampau kan? Selasa baru aku kijer. Tiyah cakap dia nampak keje melambak atas meja aku. Tak kira la, nak cuti gakkkk.
Update : Stokin tu dah berjaya dikeluarkan oleh my Handy-man hubby hihihi. But he had to cut the belalai about 5cm gak le, then sambung balik. Tak nampak difference pun, hopefully Ayah tak notice.. Cayang B!
hehehehe..i couldn't remember when was the last time i had to wake up soooo early on weekend..seriously! Malas tahap's like my mind n my body refused to cooperate in getting into the shower..kekekekeke..soriiiii ek! i'm sure u guys have a great time don't make it in the morningla.. ;p
again aku terlepas kapal. tension tau. aku nak itut!
Aje - Huh! Takmo kawan! Kekeek next round ko organize plak ah.. petang2 pun petang la labu, saya seperti biasa tiada commitment sangat.
Cik Pij- Tu la, aku ingatkan nak blah dari situ and go to IKEA tapi corum pun dah tak cukup.. nanti kita buat yg proper one, Aje will organize hik hik.. tapi kena sebelah petang so that Aje can get a proper shower with her eyes wide open huhuhuhu.
cikpi memang macam tu.. bukan bleh percaya sangat tu.....
~dah lama tak carik gaduh~
Aunty to Akim - Hheheh mmg bukan salah cik pi la...salah Amy. Saja tau Diva ni hihihi.
aku nak komen pasal menda lain, iaitu:
terer ek ko buat bulat warna merah kat gambo tu! ajor aku bleh?
Zied - Are u for real ah? Ko perli ke ko betul2 tanya ni weh? Takpe, I just think positive la eh.. just open the picture in paintbrush programme, pastu just draw the line. Then save the picture, tu jek..psttt subang camner? jumpa?
vacuum incident tu ialah petanda supaya KAU CEPAT LA MASUK KEJE.
jeling jeling jeles.
kau ni ala2 jenis terminator gak la sebenarnya....suka menjahanamkan reta benda orang kan....
Zetty - Alah, aku cuti sekali sekala jgn ah jeles *jeling sambil libas sari pink gak*
Fina - oit! keh keh takpe tapi kalau Alex belikan mak mentua dia mercedes, confirm mak mentua dia tak rosak kan... gitu!
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